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American Social Welfare Policy, 6th Edition

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Each chapter concludes with “Conclusion,” “Discussion Questions,” and “Notes.”   






1. Social Policy and the American Welfare State

Definitions of Social Welfare Policy    

Social Problems and Social Welfare Policy            

Social Work and Social Policy   

Values, Ideology, and Social Welfare Policy   

The Political Economy of American Social Welfare   

The U.S. Economic Continuum   

Keynesian Economics   

Conservative or Free Market Economics   

Democratic Socialism   

The U.S. Political Continuum    

Liberalism and Left-of-Center Movements   

Classical Conservatives and the Far Right

The Welfare Philosophers and the Neoconservative Think Tanks    


2. Social Welfare Policy Research: a Framework for Policy Analysis

A Proposed Model for Policy Analysis

Historical Background of the Policy   

Problem(s) That Necessitate the Policy

Policy Description   

Policy Analysis   

Researching and Analyzing Social Policies

Social Policy Research and the Internet

Journals and Online Research  

Online Data Collection  

Ethical Concerns Related to Online Research Involving Human Subjects  

Finding and Accessing Online Information  

Citing and Documenting Information Obtained Online  

Evaluating Reliable and Legitimate Internet Sources   

Electronic Journals: An Increasingly Popular Venue   

Online Publishing


3. Religion and Social Welfare Policy (by Howard Jacob Karger and Peter Kindle).

Religious Antecedents of Welfare Statism

The English Poor Laws

Church, State, and Social Welfare in Colonial America

The Second Great Awakening

The Civil War Era

The Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries

The Rise Of Social Work As A Profession

Urban Needs During Industrialization

Charity Organization Societies

Settlement Houses

The Social Casework Agency

The Progressive Movement

Religion and the Post-Industrial Welfare State

The Fundamentalist Controversy and Its Aftermath

The Great Depression and New Deal

Patterns of Religious Change

Religion and the New Media


The Reawakening of a Religious Social Conscience and the Great Society

The Continuing Decline of Mainline Influence    

The New Christian Right


4. Discrimination in American Society



The Minority Middle Class

Discrimination against African Americans          

The "Diswelfare" of African Americans   

Hispanic Americans    

The Demography of Hispanic Americans   

Hispanic Poverty and Income   

Diversity in the Hispanic Population   

Native Americans   

Asian Americans   

Immigrants and Immigration   

Women and Society    

Violence and Sexism   

The Feminization of Poverty   

Women and Low-Income Work   

Women and Work   

Income and Job Disparities between Men and Women   

Day Care: A Barrier to Female Employment   

Women in Uniform   

Other Obstacles Faced by Working Women   

Fighting Back: The Equal Rights Amendment and Comparable Worth   

Abortion and Women's Rights   

Gays and Lesbians: Two Populations at Risk   

Violence against Gays and Lesbians   

Gay Rights   

Gay and Lesbians in the Military   

Gay and Lesbian Family Life   

AIDS and the Gay Community  


The Elderly Poor and Social Programs   

Health Care and the Elderly   

People with Disabilities    

Legal Attempts to Remedy Discrimination   

Affirmative Action   


5.  Poverty in America 

Some Theoretical Formulations about Poverty    

African Americans and Poverty   

The Culture of Poverty  

Eugenics and Poverty   

The Radical School and Poverty   

Who Make Up the Poor?    

U.S. Poverty Highlights   

Measuring Poverty   

Families and Poverty    

Child Support Enforcement   

Children in Poverty   

Poverty and the Elderly   

The Urban and Rural Poor   

Work and Poverty   

A Profile of the Working Poor   

Why Are There Working Poor?   

Underemployment and Unemployment   

Job Training Programs   

Dual Labor Markets   

The Minimum Wage and Poverty   

Strategies Developed to Combat Poverty    


Three Approaches to Combat Poverty

The Digital Divide

America’s Fringe Economy

The Unbanked and the Functionally Poor

Credit and the Poor

The Furniture and Appliance Rental Industry

Cash Loans


Car Title Pawns

Payday Loans

Tax Refund Loans (RALs)


Transportation in the Fringe Economy




6. The Voluntary Sector Today

Structural Interests within Social Welfare    

Traditional Providers   

Welfare Bureaucrats   

Clinical Entrepreneurs   

Human Service Executives   

Marginal Interests   

The Forgotten Sector   

Advancing Social Justice    

Contemporary Nonprofit Human Service Organizations    

The United Way   

Elite Philanthropy   

The Future of the Voluntary Sector    


Faith-Based Social Services   

Social Entrepreneurship   


7. Privatization and Human Service Corporations   


Concerns about Privatization

Privatizing Public Welfare  

Issues in the Privatization of Health and Human Services    


Preferential Selection   




The Challenge of Privatization    

Unions and the Private Sector   

Corporate Welfare   

History of the Corporate Sector   

Corporate Social Responsibility   

Corporate Influence on Social Welfare Policy    

The American Enterprise Institute (AEI)   

The Heritage Foundation   

The Future of Corporate Involvement in Social Welfare   

Human Service Corporations    

The Scope of Human Service Corporations   

Consolidation and Growth in Human Service Markets    

Nursing Homes   

Hospital Management   

Health Maintenance Organizations   

Child Care   

Home Health Care   


Life Care and Continuing Care   




8. The Making of Governmental Policy

Technical Aspects of the Policy Process   

A Critical Analysis of the Policy Process  

The Policy Process   

Social Stratification   





Non-Decision Making    

Social Workers and Social Reform   

Social Work and Advocacy Organizations

Advocacy Organizations and the New Policy Institutes  

Political Practice


9. Tax Policy and Income Distribution

History of U.S. Tax Policy  

Tax Policy and Special Interests   

Federal Tax Policy   

State Tax Policy and the Poor   

The Efficiency of Tax Policy in Reducing Poverty   

Tax Expenditures as Poverty Policy   

The Antitax Movement    


10. Social Insurance Programs 

Definition of Social Insurance   

The Background of Social Insurance    

The Financial Organization of Social Insurance   

Key Social Insurance Programs    


Unemployment Insurance   

Workers' Compensation   

The Social Security Dilemma    

Arguments against the Current Social Security System   

Arguments for the Current Social Security System   

Social Security in Trouble   

The Long-Term Prospects for Social Security   

Proposed Solutions for Social Security   

Should We Privatize Social Security?   


11. Public Assistance Programs   

Some Assumptions That Underlie Public Assistance    

Myths about Public Assistance   

Aid to Families with Dependent Children    

The Evolution of the AFDC Program   

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996   

State Welfare Reform Waivers   

Has the PRWORA Worked?

Proposed Changes in the TANF Program  

Supplemental Security Income   

General Assistance   

Trends and Issues in Public Assistance  

Transforming Public Assistance Policy into Labor Policy

Teenage Pregnancy   

The Underclass   

Welfare Behaviorism   

Welfare to Work   

The Inadequacy of Public Assistance Benefits   

Appendix: Highlights of Selected State Welfare Demonstration Projects, 2000


12. The American Health Care System

The Uninsured

The Organization of Medical Services   

Major Public Health Care Programs: Medicare, Medicaid, and S-CHIP   



The State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP)   

The Tobacco Settlement   

The Health Care Crisis    

Overview of U.S. Health Care Expenditures   

U.S. Health Care in International Perspective 

Explaining the High Cost of U.S. Health Care    

Hospital Costs

Physicians' Salaries

The Pharmaceutical Industry

Cutting Health Care Costs    

Managed Care   

The Underinsured   

AIDS and Health Care    

Reforming U.S. Health Care    

Socialized Medicine   

National Health Insurance   

Incremental Reform   

Comparative Analysis: Health Care in Canada and Britain   

The Canadian Health Care System   

Britain's National Health Service   


13. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Policy    

Mental Health Reform   

The Community Mental Health Centers Acts   


The Revolving Door   

CMHCs under Siege   

Preventive Commitment   

Mental Health Service Delivery   

Parity for Mental Health Care   

Substance Abuse    

History of Substance Abuse   

Alcohol Abuse   

Drug Abuse   

Private Practice and Mental Health Services  

Private Practice in Social Work   

The Business of Private Practice   

The Future of the Private Sector   


14. Criminal Justice 

History of U.S. Criminal Justice   

The Criminal Justice System   

Juvenile Justice   

The War on Drugs   

The Underclass and "Moral Poverty"   

Legalization of Drugs   

The "New Penology"   

The Future of Criminal Justice   


15. Child Welfare Policy

History of U.S. Child Welfare Policy   

Protective Services for Children   

Foster Care for Children   


Head Start   

Emerging Issues in Child Welfare  

Day Care    

Maternal and Child Health   

Teen Pregnancy   


16. Housing Policies   

Overview of Housing Legislation   

The Federal Government and Low-Income Housing Programs   

Issues in Housing Policy    

Trends in U.S. Housing   

Problems in Home Ownership   

Problems in Finding Affordable Rental Housing   

Other Factors Affecting Housing   


Characteristics of the Homeless Population  

Trends in Homelessness   

Attempts to Address Homelessness   

Housing Reform    


17. The Politics of Food Policy and Rural Life 

Hunger in the United States    

The Face of American Hunger

Governmental Food Programs    

A Short History of Food Stamps and a Description of the Program   

Food Stamps: Who Is in the Program and What Does It Cost?   

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)   

Other Food Programs

Have the Food Programs Worked?   

Farming in the United States    

Governmental Farm Policies

The Face of U.S. Farming   


Who Are America's Farmworkers?   

Issues in American Farming

The Corporatization of American Farming

Sustainable Agriculture   




18. The American Welfare State in International Perspective    

Typologies of Welfare States   

American Exceptionalism   

The Welfare State in Transition   

Ranking National Development    

The Weighted Index of Social Progress   

The Human Development Index   

Capability Poverty  

International Aid   

Global Capital   

The Future   





Get American Social Welfare Policy, 6th Edition by Howard Jacob Karger, University of Queensland, Australia David Stoesz, policyAmerica

American Social Welfare Policy, 6th Edition Test Bank, Download American Social Welfare Policy, 6th Edition , American Social Welfare Policy, 6th Edition Test Book, PDF American Social Welfare Policy, 6th Edition ,Howard Jacob Karger, University of Queensland, Australia David Stoesz, policyAmerica , Howard Jacob Karger, University of Queensland, Australia David Stoesz, policyAmerica

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