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Table of Contents
Building an Interpretive Framework: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?
The Dry Bones Speak
To 10,000 B.C.E.
Human Origins in Myth and History
Early Myths
The Evolutionary Explanation
The New Challenges
Fossils and Fossil Hunters
The Puzzling Neanderthals
Homo erectus: A Worldwide Wanderer
The Search Shifts to Africa
Homo habilis
Australopithecus afarensis
The Debate over African Origins
Reading the Genetic Record
The Theory of Scientific Revolution
Humans Create Culture
How Did We Survive?
Global Migration
Increased Population and New Settlements
Changes in the Toolkit
Language and Communication
Cave Art and Portable Art
Agriculture: From Hunter-gatherer to Farmer
The Story of Prehistory:What Difference Does It Make?
TURNING POINT: The Agricultural Village
SETTLING DOWN 10,000 B.C.E.–1000 C.E.
The First Cities and Why They Matter: Digs, Texts, and Interpretations
From Village Community to City-state
Food First: The Agricultural Village
10,000 B.C.E.–750 B.C.E.
The Agricultural Village
The First Cities
Sumer: The Birth of the City
The Growth of the City-state
Religion: The Priesthood and the City
Occupational Specialization and Class Structure
Arts and Invention
Trade and Markets: Wheeled Cart and Sailboat
Monumental Architecture and Adornment
Achievements in Literature and Law
The First Cities:What Difference Do They Make?
River Valley Civilizations: The Nile and the Indus
7000 B.C.E.–750 B.C.E.
Egypt: The Gift of the Nile
Earliest Egypt: Before the Kings
The Written Record
Unification and the Rule of the Kings
The Gods, the Unification of Egypt, and the Afterlife
Cities of the Dead
The Growth of Cities
Monumental Architecture of the Old Kingdom: Pyramids and Fortresses
The Disintegration of the Old Kingdom
The Rise and Fall of the Middle Kingdom
Akhetaten, Capital City of King Akhenaten
The Indus Valley Civilization and its Mysteries
The Roots of the Indus Valley Civilization
The Design and Construction of Well-planned Cities
Crafts and the Arts
Carefully Planned Cities
Questions of Interpretation
Legacies of the Harappan Civilization
The Cities of the Nile and Indus: What Difference Do They Make?
A Polycentric World
Cities and States in East Asia, the Americas, and West Africa
1700 B.C.E.–1000 C.E.
China: The Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties
The Earliest Villages
The Beginnings of State Formation
Early Evidence of Writing
Historical Evidence of the Xia Dynasty
Similarities Among the Three Dynasties
City and State under the Shang and Zhou
Early Royal Capitals
Anyang: The Last Shang Capital
The Zhou Dynasty
The Western Hemisphere: Mesoamerica and South America
Origins: Migration and Agriculture
Mesoamerican Urbanization: The First Stages
Olmec Civilization along the Gulf Coast
Zapotec Civilization in the Oaxaca Valley
The Urban Explosion: Teotihuacán
Successor States in the Valley of Mexico
The Rise and Fall of the Maya
The Great City of Tikal
Maya Civilization in Decline
Urbanization in South America
Coastal Settlements and Networks
The Moche
The Chimu
Urbanization in the Andes Mountains
The Chavin
The Tiwanaku, Huari, and Nazca
The Inca
Agricultural Towns in North America
West Africa: The Niger River Valley
West Africa Before Urbanization
Jenne-jeno: A New Urban Pattern?
State Formation?
The First Cities:What Difference Do They Make?
TURNING POINT: From City-state to Empire
What are Empires and Why are they Important?
Dawn of the Empires
Empire-building in North Africa,West Asia, and the Mediterranean
2000 B.C.E.–300 B.C.E.
The Meaning of Empire
The Earliest Empires
Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent
Sargon of Akkad
Waves of Invaders: The Babylonians and the Hittites
The Assyrians
Egypt and International Conquest
The Art of Palace and Temple
The End of Empire
The Persian Empire
Persian Expansion
Imperial Policies
Cyrus II
Cambyses II
Darius I
Symbols of Power
The Greek City-states
Early City-states of the Aegean
The Minoans
The Mycenaeans
The Greek Polis: Image and Reality
War with Persia
The Golden Age of Athenian Culture
The Limits of City-state Democracy
From City-state to Small Empire
The Peloponnesian War
The Empire of Alexander the Great
The Conquests of Philip
The Reign of Alexander the Great
The Legacies of Alexander
Empire-building: What Difference Does It Make?
Rome and the Barbarians: The Rise and Dismemberment of Empire
753 B.C.E.–1453 C.E. 162
From Hill Town to Republic, 753–133 B.C.E.
Patricians and Plebeians in the
Early Republic
The Struggle of the Orders
The Senate of Rome
Roman Military Power
The Expansion of the Republic
The Punic Wars
The “New Wisdom”
Further Expansion
The Eastern Mediterranean
The Politics of Imperial Rule
Citizens of Rome
The Politics of Private Life
The Roman Family
Class Conflict: Urban Splendor and Squalor
Attempts at Reform
“Bread and Circuses”
Slavery in Roman Life
The End of the Republic
Generals in Politics
The Dictatorship of Julius Caesar
The Roman Principate, 30 B.C.E.–330 C.E.
Family Life in the Age of Augustus
The Military under Augustus
The Roman Empire Expands
Economic and Trade Policies
Supplying Rome
Building Cities
Engineering Triumphs
Luxury Trades
The Golden Age of Greco-Roman Culture
Religion in Imperial Rome
Mystery Religions
Rome and the Jews
Rome and the Early Christians
The Dismemberment of the Roman Empire
Invaders at the Gates
Decline and Dismemberment
The Crisis of the Third Century
The Fragmentation of Authority
Causes of the Decline and Fall
The Eastern Empire, 330–1453 C.E.
Resurgence under Justinian
Religious Struggles
A Millennium of Byzantine Strength
The Legacy of the Roman Empire: What Difference Does It Make?CHAPTER 7
Fracture and Unification: The Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang Dynasties
200 B.C.E.—900 C.E.
The Qin Dynasty
Military Power and Mobilization
Economic Power
Administrative Power
Competing Ideologies of Empire
Daoism The Struggle Between Legalism and Confucianism
The Mandate of Heaven
The Fall of the Qin Dynasty
The Han Dynasty
A Confucian Bureaucracy
Military Power and Diplomacy
Population and Migration
Economic Power
Fluctuations in Administrative Power
An Interregnum
A Weakened Han Dynasty
Peasant Revolt and the Fall of the Han
Disintegration and Reunification
Ecology and Culture
Buddhism Reaches China
Reunification under the Sui and Tang Dynasties
The Short-lived Sui Dynasty
Arts and Technology under the Tang Dynasty
Imperial China
The West and Northwest
The South and Southwest
Immigration and Cultural Influences
Legacies for the Future: What Difference Do They Make?
Longevity and Persistence
Policy and Powers of Assimilation
Language Policy
Ideology and Cultural Cohesion
Influence on Neighbors
Relations with Barbarians
Religious Policies
The Role of the Emperor
Gender Relationships and the Family
The Significance of Imperial Armies
Public Works Projects
The Concentration of Wealth
Policies for and against Individual Mobility
Peasant Flight
Indian Empires: Cultural Cohesion in a Divided Subcontinent
1500 B.C.E.–1100 C.E.
New Arrivals in South Asia
Chronicles of the Aryan Immigrants
The Vedas
The Mahabharataand the Ramayana
The Establishment of States
The Empires of India
The Maurya Empire
Government under the Maurya Dynasty
Asoka, India’s Buddhist Emperor
Successor States Divide the Empire
The Gupta Empire
A Golden Age of Learning
The Resurgence of Hinduism
Invasions End the Age of Empires
The Hunas and their Legacy
Regional Diversity and Power
Sea Trade and Cultural Influence: From Rome to Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia: “Greater India”
India, China, and Rome: Empires and Intermediate Institutions
International Relations
Invasion of the Hunas
Local Institutions and the State
Indian Empires:What Difference Do They Make?
TURNING POINT: Politics and Religion
Not by Bread Alone: Religion in World History
Hinduism and Buddhism
The Sacred Subcontinent: The Spread of Religion in India and Beyond
1500 B.C.E.–1200 C.E.
Examining Religious Beliefs
The Origins of Hinduism
Sacred Geography and Pilgrimage
The Central Beliefs of Hinduism
The Rigveda
The Brahmanasand Upanishads
The Great Epics
The Puranas
Temples and Shrines
Religion and Rule
Hinduism in Southeast Asia
The Origins of Buddhism
The Life of the Buddha
The Sangha
The Emergence of Mahayana Buddhism
The Decline of Buddhism in India
Buddhism in China
Arrival in China: The Silk Route
Relations with Daoism and Confucianism
Buddhism under the Tang Dynasty
Buddhism’s Decline in China
Buddhism in Japan
Buddhism’s Arrival in Japan
Buddhism’s Role in Unifying Japan
Japanese Buddhism Develops New Forms
Lasting Buddhist Elements in Japanese Society
Comparing Buddhism and Hinduism
Hinduism and Buddhism: What Difference Do They Make?
Judaism and Christianity: Peoples of the Bible: God’s Evolution in West Asia and Europe
1700 B.C.E.—1100 C.E.
The Sacred Scriptures
Essential Beliefs of Judaism in Early Scriptures
The Later Books of Jewish Scripture
Rule by Judges and by Kings
The Teachings of the Prophets: Morality and Hope
The Evolution of the Image of God
Patriarchy and Gender Relations
Defeat, Exile, and Redefinition
Minority—Majority Relations in the Diaspora
Christianity Emerges from Judaism
Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Disciples
Adapting Rituals to New Purposes
Overturning the Old Order
Jesus and the Jewish Establishment
Miracles and Resurrection
The Growth of the Early Church
Paul Organizes the Early Church
The Christian Calendar
Gender Relations
From Persecution to Triumph
The Conversion of Constantine
How had Christianity Succeeded?
Doctrine: Definition and Dispute
Battles Over Dogma
Christianity in the Wake of Empire
The Conversion of the Barbarians
Decentralized Power and Monastic Life
The Church Divides into East and West
The Split between Rome and Constantinople
New Areas Adopt Orthodox Christianity
Christianity in Western Europe
The Pope Allies with the Franks
Charlemagne Revives the Idea of Empire
The Attempt at Empire Fails
Judaism and Early Christianity: What Difference Do They Make?
Islam: Submission to Allah: Muslim Civilization Bridges the World
570 C.E.–1500 C.E.
The Origins of Islam
The Prophet: His Life and Teaching
The Five Pillars of Islam
Responses to Muhammad
The Hijraand the Islamic Calendar
Muhammad Extends his Authority
Connections to Other Monotheistic Faiths
Successors to the Prophet
Civil War: Religious Conflict and the Sunni–Shi’a Division
The Umayyad Caliphs Build an Empire
The Third Civil War and the Abbasid Caliphs
The Weakening of the Caliphate
The Emergence of Quasi-independent States
Seljuk Turks and their Sultanate
The Mongols and the Destruction of the Caliphate
Spiritual, Religious, and Cultural Flowering
Islam Reaches New Peoples
Southeast Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Law Provides an Institutional Foundation
Sufis Provide Religious Mysticism
The Role of Mysticism
Intellectual Achievements
Mathematics, Astronomy, and Medicine
The Extension of Technology
City Design and Architecture
Relations with Non-Muslims
Dhimmi Status
The Crusades
A Golden Age in Spain
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: What Difference Do They Make?
TURNING POINT: Religion and Trade
Trade, Traders, Disease, and Migration
Establishing World Trade Routes: The Geography and Philosophies of Early Economic Systems
World Trade: A Historical Analysis
Trade in the Americas Before 1500
The Inca Empire
Central America and Mexico
Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa
West Africa
East Africa
Asia’s Complex Trade Patterns
The South Pacific
The South China Sea
The Indian Ocean
Arab Traders
Islam Spreads
China: A Magnet for Traders
International Trade
The Voyages of Zheng He
Internal Trade
Central Asia: The Mongols and the Silk Routes
Intercontinental Trade Flourishes
Chinggis Khan
The End of the Mongol Empire
From Mongol to Ming: Dynastic Transition
World Trade Routes Before Columbus: What Difference Do They Make?
The Opening of the Atlantic and the Pacific: Economic Growth, Religion and Renaissance, Global Connections
Economic and Social Changes in Europe
Workers and the Landed Gentry
Textiles and Social Conflict
Business and the Church
Plague and Social Unrest
The Renaissance
The Roots of the Renaissance
Christian Scholars
New Artistic Styles
Developments in Technology
A New World
The Early Explorers, 800—1000
Down Africa’s Atlantic Coast
Crossing the Atlantic
Crossing the Pacific
Legacies to the Future:What Difference Do They Make?
The Unification of World Trade: New Philosophies for New Trade Patterns
The Birth of Capitalism
The Empires of Spain and Portugal
Spain’s New World Conquests
Why the Inca and Aztec Empires Fell
Making the Conquests Pay
Merchant Profits
Warfare and Bankruptcy
Portugal’s Empire
The Portuguese in Africa
The Portuguese in Brazil
The Portuguese in the Indian Ocean
The Spanish and the Portuguese Empires: An Evaluation
Trade and Religion in Western Europe
The Protestant Reformation
The Counter-Reformation
Spanish Defeats
The Dutch Republic: Seaborne Merchant Enterprise
France: A Nation Consolidated
Britain: Establishing Commercial Supremacy
The Nation-state
Diverse Cultures, Diverse Trade Systems
Russia’s Empire under Peter the Great
Ottomans and Mughals
Ming and Qing Dynasties in China
Tokugawa Japan
Southeast Asia
The Influence of World Trade: What Difference Does It Make?
Migration: Demographic Changes in a New Global World
The “New Europes”
The Columbian Exchange
The Devastation of the Amerindian Population
Benefits of the Columbian Exchanges
North America
The Antipodes: Australia and New Zealand, 1600—1900
South Africa, 1652—1820
Russian Expansion
Slavery: Enforced Migration, 1500—1750
The Plantation Economy
The Slave Trade Reinterpreted
Asian Migrations, 1300—1750
The Ottoman Empire, 1300—1700
India: The Mughal Empire, 1526—1707
Akbar, Emperor of India
Safavid Persia, 1400—1700
China: The Ming and Manchu Dynasties, 1368—1750
Global Population Growth and Movement
Cities and Demographics
Constantinople (Istanbul)
Migration and Demography:What Difference Do They Make?
TURNING POINT: Comparisons Across Time
SOCIAL CHANGE (1640—1914)
Western Revolutions and their Influence
Political Revolutions in Europe and the Americas: The Birth of Political Rights in the Age of Enlightenment
The Scientific Revolution
Advancements in Science
A Community of Scientists
Nicholas Copernicus
Johannes Kepler
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
William Harvey, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, Carolus Linnaeus
Human Rights: Philosophical Rationales
Hobbes and Limits on Power
The “State of Nature”
Locke and the Right of Revolution
Locke, Hobbes, and Property
Civil War and Revolution in England, 1642–51
Civil War, 1642–51
The Glorious Revolution, 1688
The Bill of Rights
The Enlightenment
The Philosophes
Charles de Secordat, baron de Montesquieu
Denis Diderot’s Encyclopedia
“Enlightened Despotism”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Adam Smith
Revolution in North America, 1776
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, 1789
The First Anti-imperial Revolution
The “Other”
The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789–1812
From Protests to Revolution, 1789–91
The Revolt of the Poor
International war, the “Second” Revolution, and the Terror, 1791–99
Napoleon in Power, 1799–1812
The Napoleonic Wars and the Spread of Revolution, 1799–1812
Haiti: Slave Revolution and the Overthrow of Colonialism, 1791–1804
The Slave Revolt
The Anti-imperial Revolt, 1804
Britain Abolishes the Slave Trade, 1807
Independence and Disillusionment in Latin America, 1810–30
Independence Movements
Simón Bolívar
After Independence: Religious and Economic Issues
Political Revolutions:What Difference Do They Make?
The Industrial Revolution: A Global Process
The Industrial Revolution in Britain,1700—1860
A Revolution in Agriculture
A Revolution in Textile Manufacture
The Iron Industry
Industrialization–Stage Two, 1860—1914
The Steel and Chemical Industries
Electrical Inventions
New Products and New Producers
Worldwide Effects of the Second Stage
Industrial Society
Population Growth and the Industrial Revolution
Winners and Losers in the Industrial Revolution
Redefining Gender
Economic and Political Reform
Women’s Suffrage
Labor Movements and Socialism
Karl Marx and the Workers’ Revolution
Labor Organizations
Austria and Germany
The United States
Workers in the Nonindustrialized World
Indentured Labor
New Patterns of Urban Life
The Nature of the City
Living in the City
Urban Planning
The Industrial Revolution: What Difference Does It Make?
Nationalism, Imperialism, and Resistance: Competition among Industrial Powers
Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire American Nationalism
The New Nations of Italy and Germany
The Rise of Zionism in Europe
Failed Nationalisms and Delayed Nationalisms
The Disappearance of Poland
Africa, West and East: The Rise and Fall of States
Egyptian Loss of Independence
The European Quest for Empire
The British in India
The Company in Charge
Indian Industry
British Imperial Rule
The British in Burma, Malaya, and Singapore
Europeans in China, 1800–1914
The Opium Wars
The Taiping Rebellion
The Boxer Rebellion
The French in Algeria and Southeast Asia
The Dutch in Indonesia
European Competition and Cooperation: Empire-building in Africa
The Competition for South Africa
Sierra Leone and Liberia: Havens for Former Slaves
Cooperation among Africans and Europeans
The Scramble for Africa
The Berlin Conference
Europeans and Labor Relations in Africa
Gender Relationships in Colonization
Anticolonial Revolts
Japan: From Isolation to Equality
The End of the Shogunate
The Meiji Restoration
Restructuring Government
Restructuring the Economy
Cultural and Educational Changes
Gender Relations
Equality in the Family of Nations
Nationalism and Imperialism:What Difference Do They Make?
TURNING POINT: The Olympics and International Politics
Contested Visions of a New International Order
Methods of Mass Production and Destruction: Technological Systems
Technology in the Twentieth Century
Transportation and Communication
Urban Life
Technology and Gender Relations
Scientific Research and Development
Albert Einstein
The Downside of Progress
Fritz Haber
International Role Reversals
Latin America
The Mexican Revolution, 1910–20
The Ottoman Empire
World War I
War: A Stalemate from the Start
Postwar Expectations and Results
The Paris Peace Settlements
The League of Nations
Colonies Disappointed
The Russian Revolution
The Build-up to Revolution
Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution
State Planning in Soviet Russia
Women in the Soviet Union
Postwar America
Worldwide Depression
Methods of Production and Destruction: What Difference Do They Make?
World War II: To Hell and Back
The Rise of Fascism
Fascism in Italy
Hitler Rises in Germany
Japan Between the Wars
Optimism Revives, Temporarily The Descent Toward War
The Steps to War
The Spanish Civil War
Japan Invades China
Hitler’s Early Conquests
World War II, 1939—45
The War in Europe
The War in the Pacific, 1937—42
Turning the Tide
The War in the Pacific, 1942—45
Assessing the War
War and Technology
The Mobilization of Women
The War’s Horrors
The Holocaust
The A-Bomb
The Tortured Image of Humanity
Out of the Rubble: The United Nations and Resettlement
The United Nations
Postwar Resettlement
Remembering the War
The Nuremberg Trials
Memorial Museums and Exhibitions
The Terror House
Memorials to Hiroshima
Remembering the Holocaust
Two World Wars: What Difference Do They Make?
Cold War, New Nations, and Revolt Against Authority
Remaking the Post-World War II World:1945–1991
The Cold War: U.S. vs. USSR
The Cold War in Europe
The Tail Wags the Dog: Client States Draw the Superpowers to War
The Korean War, 1950–53
The Cold War and U.S. Domestic Politics
McCarthyism and the Red Scare
The Military–Industrial Complex
The Soviet Union and the Cold War
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Reporting on the Gulag
The USSR under Khrushchev
The “kitchen debate”
Confrontations in Cuba, 1961–62
The Brezhnev Doctrine
The Mice that Roared: Debacles in Vietnam and Afghanistan
The United States and the Vietnam War
The USSR in Afghanistan
1968: Revolt Against Authority
The Cold War and the Emergence of New Nations
The Middle East Breaks Free
Asian Nations Declare Independence
African Struggles for Independence
Mozambique, Angola, and Guinea-Bissau
The Emergence of the Third World
Third-World Countries Organize
Client States and Proxy Wars
The End of the Cold War: The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union’s Alternative Model
Gorbachev’s Reforms, 1985–91
Yeltsin Crushes the Coup
Pursuing Peace through Negotiation
Toward a Unified Europe
Japan’s Recovery
The UN: Growth and New Missions
NGOs and Transnational Organizations
1968: Revolt against Authority
Legacies of the Cold War, Decolonization,
Economic and Social Development:What Difference Do They Make?
China and India: Into the Twenty-First Century
China and India: A Comparison
China’s Revolutions
Chiang Kai-shek and the Guomindang
Mao Zedong and Peasant Revolt
Gender Issues in the Revolution
The Long March and the Communist Triumph
The Yan’an Soviet
Cooperation with the GMD
The GMD Retreats to Taiwan
The People’s Republic of China
Revolutionary Policies
“Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom”
The Great Leap Forward
The Cultural Revolution
Women in the People’s Republic of China
China’s International Relations
The United States
China’s Neighbors
Postrevolutionary China
India’s Struggle for Independence
First Steps Toward Self Rule
Mohandas Gandhi and Civil Disobedience
Gandi Develops Satyagraha in South Africa
Gandhi and the Independence Movement
Cultural Policies
Congress Campaigns for Independence
Gandhi’s Leadership
Independence and Muslim Interests
Independence and Partition
Hindu—Muslim Separation/Partition
Unifying the Nation
Democracy and its Challenges
Indian Politics
Indira Gandhi
Gender Issues
Legal Changes
Social Changes
Economic Changes
Economic and Technological Development
Revolutions in Agriculture
Challenges of Population and Poverty
Industrialization and its Consequences
International Relations
Comparing China and India:What Difference
Does It Make?
TURNING POINT: From Past to Present to Future
Understanding the Present in the Light of the Past
Chapter 23
On Evolution
The DNA Code and its Discoveries
Cloning and Genetic Engineering
The Evolution of Diseases
Gender Relationships
Gay Rights
On Settlements
The Growth of Cities
A Single Global System
Systems of Cities
Cities as Systems
The Impact of Immigration
The Rise of the Urban Slum
Global Research and Planning
On Politics and Empire
The Former Soviet Union
The United States Stands Alone
The Unification of Europe
China: An Emerging Superpower?
The Environment
The Road to Democracy
On Religion
Theocracy in Iran
Islamic Militants in Afghanistan
Islam, Secularism, and Christianity
Religious Strife in Yugoslavia
Hinduism and Islam in India
Buddhists in Tibet
Roman Catholicism
Evangelical Christianity
Religion in the United States
The Thematic Approach: What Difference
Does It Make?
On Trade
The Institutions of Globalization
The Internet, the World Wide Web, and Containerization
Evaluating Globalization
Setting Goals for Globalization
Hazards in the Trade System
On Social Revolution
The Palestinian–Israeli Conflict
Commerce, Business, and National Borders
Gender Issues
Racial Equality
Apartheid in South Africa
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission
India’s Social Revolution: The Mandal Commission
America Elects an African-American President
United States
Rural–Urban Migration Cultural Expression
On Technology
Ecological Technology
On Identity: What Difference Does It Make?
Get World's History: Combined Volume, 4th Edition by Howard Spodek, Temple University
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