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Table of Contents
PART ONE • Introduction to Evaluation-1
1 Evaluation’s Basic Purpose, Uses, and Conceptual Distinctions-3
A Brief Definition of Evaluation-4
Informal versus Formal Evaluation-8
Distinguishing between Evaluation’s Purposes and Evaluators’ Roles and Activities-9
Some Basic Types of Evaluation-16
Evaluation’s Importance–and Its Limitations-26
2 Origins and Current Trends in Modern Program Evaluation-30
The History and Influence of Evaluation in Society-30
Recent Trends Influencing Program Evaluation-44
PART TWO • Alternative Approaches to Program Evaluation-53
3 Alternative Views of Evaluation-57
Diverse Conceptions of Program Evaluation-58
Origins of Alternative Views of Evaluation-59
Themes among the Variations-67
A Classification Schema for Evaluation Approaches-68
4 Objectives-Oriented Evaluation Approaches-71
Developers of the Objectives-Oriented Evaluation Approach and Their Contributions-72
How the Objectives-Oriented Evaluation Approach Has Been Used-80
Strengths and Limitations of the Objectives-Oriented Evaluation Approach-82
5 Management-Oriented Evaluation Approaches-88
Developers of the Management-Oriented Evaluation Approach and Their Contributions-89
How the Management-Oriented Evaluation Approach Has Been Used-94
Strengths and Limitations of the Management-Oriented Evaluation Approach-95
6 Consumer-Oriented Evaluation Approaches-100
Developers of the Consumer-Oriented Evaluation Approach and Their Contributions-101
How the Consumer-Oriented Evaluation Approach Has Been Used-104
Strengths and Limitations of the Consumer-Oriented Evaluation Approach-108
7 Expertise-Oriented Evaluation Approaches-112
Developers of the Expertise-Oriented Evaluation Approach and Their Contributions-114
How the Expertise-Oriented Evaluation Approach Has Been Used-121
Strengths and Limitations of the Expertise-OrientedEvaluation Approach-123
8 Participant-Oriented Evaluation Approaches-129
Evolution of Participant-Oriented Evaluation Approaches-130
Developers of the Participant-Oriented Evaluation Approach and Their Contributions-131
How Participant-Oriented Evaluation Approaches Have Been Used-145
Strengths and Limitations of Participant-Oriented Evaluation Approaches-146
9 Alternative Evaluation Approaches: A Summary and Comparative Analysis-152
Cautions about the Alternative Evaluation Approaches-153
Contributions of the Alternative Evaluation Approaches-158
Comparative Analysis of Characteristics of Alternative Evaluation Approaches-159
Eclectic Uses of the Alternative Evaluation Approaches-163
Drawing Practical Implications from the Alternative Evaluation Approaches-165
PART THREE • Practical Guidelines for Planning Evaluations-169
Introduction of Case Study-170
10 Clarifying the Evaluation Request and Responsibilities-173
Understanding the Reasons for Initiating the Evaluation-174
Conditions under which Evaluation Studies Are Inappropriate-178
Determining When an Evaluation Is Appropriate: Evaluability Assessment-182
Using an Internal or External Evaluator-185
Hiring an Evaluator-189
How Different Evaluation Approaches Clarify the Evaluation Request and Responsibilites-192
11 Setting Boundaries and Analyzing the Evaluation Context-199
Identifying Intended Audiences for an Evaluation-200
Describing What Is to Be Evaluated: Setting the Boundaries-203
Analyzing the Resources and Capabilities That Can Be Committed to the Evaluation-212
Analyzing the Political Context for the Evaluation-216
Variations Caused by the Evaluation Approach Used-217
Determining Whether to Proceed with the Evaluation-219
12 Identifying and Selecting the Evaluation Questions and Criteria-232
Identifying Appropriate Sources of Questions and Criteria: The Divergent Phase-234
Selecting the Questions, Criteria, and Issues to Be Addressed: The Convergent Phase-246
Remaining Flexible during the Evaluation: Allowing New Questions, Criteria, and Standards to Emerge-253
13 Planning How to Conduct the Evaluation-260
Identifying Design and Data Collection Methods-262
Specifying How the Evaluation Will Be Conducted: The Management Plan-275
Establishing Evaluation Agreements and Contracts-285
PART FOUR • Practical Guidelines for Conducting and Using Evaluations-301
14 Collecting Evaluation Information: Design, Sampling, and Cost Choices-303
Using Mixed Methods-304
Designs for Collecting Causal and Descriptive Information-307
Cost Analysis-324
15 Collecting Evaluation Information: Data Sources and Methods, Analysis, and Interpretation-334
Common Sources and Methods for Collecting Information-335
Planning and Organizing the Collection of Information-356
Analysis of Data and Interpretation of Findings-358
16 Reporting and Using Evaluation Information-375
Purposes of Evaluation Reports-376
Important Factors in Planning Evaluation Reports-377
Key Components of a Written Report-382
Suggestions for Presenting Information in Written Reports-388
Alternative Methods for Reporting: The Adversary Approach-394
Human and Humane Considerations in Reporting Evaluation Findings-395
Suggestions for Effective Oral Reporting-398
A Checklist for Good Evaluation Reports-400
How Evaluation Information Is Used-400
17 Dealing with Political, Ethical, and Interpersonal Aspects of Evaluation-411
Establishing and Maintaining Good Communications among Evaluators and Stakeholders-412
Understanding Potential Bias Resulting from the Evaluator’s Personal Values and Interpersonal, Financial, and Organizational Relationships with Others-415
Maintaining Ethical Standards: Considerations, Issues, and Responsibilities for Evaluators and Clients-423
Political Pressures and Problems in Evaluation-432
18 Evaluating Evaluations-442
The Concept and Evolution of Metaevaluation-443
The Joint Committee’s Standards for Program Evaluation-444
Summary of the Program Evaluation Standards-445
AEA Guiding Principles for Evaluators-449
The Role of Metaevaluator-451
Some General Guidelines for Conducting Metaevaluations-453
A Need for More Metaevaluation-455
PART FIVE • Emerging and Future Settings for Program Evaluation-461
19 Conducting Multiple-Site Evaluation Studies-463
Purposes and Characteristics of Multiple-Site Evaluations-464
Multisite Evaluation (MSE)-466
On-Site Evaluation at Multiple Sites-471
Cluster Evaluation-475
Other Approaches to Multiple-Site Evaluation-481
20 Conducting Evaluation of Organizations’ Renewal and Training in Corporate and Nonprofit Settings-485
Evaluation in the Nonprofit Sector-486
Evaluating Corporate Training Programs-491
Personnel Evaluation-495
Other Methods of Organizational Assessment-497
21 The Future of Evaluation-507
The Future of Evaluation-508
Predictions concerning the Profession of Evaluation-508
Predictions concerning the Practice of Evaluation-510
A Vision for Evaluation-513
Suggested Readings-514
APPENDIX-Evaluation-Related Web Sites-515
Author Index-543
Subject Index-551
Get Program Evaluation: Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines, 3rd Edition by Jody L. Fitzpatrick, University of Colorado at Denver James R. Sanders, Western Michigan University Blaine R. Worthen, Utah State University
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