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Table of Contents
Book I: The Ancient World and the Classical Past: Prehistory to 200 CE
1 The Rise of Culture: From Forest to Farm
The Beginnings of Culture [as in 1e]
The Rise of Agriculture
Neolithic Megaliths [as in 1e]
Neolithic Cultures of the Americas [with expanded section on emergence tales, including discussion of the Japanese Kojiki]
Focus: Stonehenge
C & C: Representing the Power of the Animal World
2 Mesopotamia: Power and Social Order in the Early Middle East
Mesopotamia [Sumeria, Akkad, Babylon, Assyria, and Mesopotamian Literature]
The Hebrews and Neo-Babylonia
Focus: The Invention of Writing: Cuneiform Writing in Sumeria and Calligraphy in China
C & C: The Stability of Egyptian Culture
3 The Stability of Ancient Egypt: Flood and Sun
The Nile and Its Culture [Old, Middle and New Kingdoms]
Focus: Reading The Palette of Narmer
C & C: Egyptian and Greek Sculpture
4 The Aegean World and the Rise of Greece: Trade, War, and Victory
The Cyclades
Minoan Culture in the Peloponnese
Aegean Languages and the Phoenician Alphabet
The Homeric Epics
Hesiod and Rural Greek Culture
The Polis
The Athens of Peisistratus
Persepolis and the Persian Wars
Focus: The Classical Orders
C & C: Egyptian and Greek Sculpture
5 Golden Age Athens and the Hellenic World: The School of Hellas
The Politics of Athens
Rebuilding the Acropolis
Philosophy and the Polis
The Theater of the People
The Hellenistic World
Alexander and the Early Maurya India
Focus: The Parthenon
C & C: Golden Age Athens as an Ideal in Western Thought
6 Rome: Urban Life and Imperial Majesty
Origins of Roman Culture
Republican Rome
Imperial Rome
Focus : The Roman Forum
C & C: The Roman Legacy
7 Other Empires: Urban Life and Imperial Majesty in China and India
Early Chinese Culture
Imperial China
Hinduism and the Vedic Tradition in India
Buddhism: “The Path of Truth”
Focus: The Tomb of Shihuanghui
C & C: The Silk Road
Book 2: The Medieval World and the Shaping of Culture: 200 CE to 1400
8 The Flowering of Christianity: Faith and the Power of Belief in the Early First Millennium
Developments in Judaic Culture
The Rise of Christianity
The Byzantine Empire and the Church
Focus: The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
C & C: Iconoclasm and the Threat of Islam
9 The Rise and Spread of Islam: A New Religion
The Prophet Muhammad
The Spread of Islam
Islam in Africa and Spain
The Arts of the Islamic World
Focus: The Bismillah and the Art of Calligraphy
C & C: The Islamic Heritage
10 Fiefdom and Monastery, Pilgrimage and Crusade: The Early Medieval World in Europe
The Merging of Germanic and Roman Styles in Anglo-Saxon Culture
The Growing Refinement of Carolingian Culture
Pilgrimage Churches and the Romanesque
The Crusades and the Culture of Romance
Focus: The Bayeux Tapestry
C & C: Pilgrimage and Culture: The Monastery at Cluny and the Ise Shrine
11 Centers of Culture: Court and City in the Larger World
Courtly Refinement in the Heian Period in Japan
The Tang Dynasty in Chang’an [expanded from 5e]
The Song Dynasty and Hangzhou, “The City of Heaven”
Southeast Asia: Trade and the Confluence of Cultures [based on current exhibition of Vietnamese art at the Houston Museum of Fine Art]
The Cultures of Mesoamerica in the Classic Era [connect with analogy between Chang’an and Teotihuacán as urban centers]
The Cultures of Africa
Focus: Guo Xi’s Early Spring
C & C: Toward a New Urban Style: The Gothic in Europe
12 The Gothic Style: Faith and Knowledge in an Age of Inquiry
The Gothic Cathedral
The Rise of the University
The Radiant Style and the Court of Louis IX
Focus: The Stained Glass at Chartres
C & C: Representing the Human
13 Siena and Florence in the Fourteenth Century: Toward a New Humanism
Civic and Religious Life in Siena and Florence
Painting in Italy: A Growing Naturalism
Painting in China: The Two Schools
The Spread of Vernacular Literature in Europe
The Black Death and Its Aftermath
Contemporary Perspectives: Pat Steir’s Yellow and Blue One-Stroke Waterfall, 1992
Focus: Giotto’s Arena Chapel
C & C: The Influence of Zen Buddhism
Book 3: The Renaissance and the Age of Encounter: 1400 to 1600
14 Florence and the Early Renaissance: Humanism in Italy
Scientific Perspective and Naturalistic Representation
The Medici Family and Humanism
Beyond Florence: The Ducal Courts and the Arts
Women in Italian Humanist Society
Florence after the Medici: The New Republic
From Florence to Rome: The High Renaissance
The Cosmopolitan City: Venice and the Collision of Cultures
Focus: Brunelleschi’s Dome
C & C: Michelangelo in Rome
15 The High Renaissance in Rome and Venice: Papal Patronage
The Arts of the Papal Court
The Medici Popes and the Perfect Prince
The Scuole, Painting, and the Venetian Style
Literature and Music of the Venetian High Renaissance
Andrea Palladio and the New Rural Architecture
Focus: Raphael’s School of Athens
C & C: The Self-Portrait
16 The Renaissance in the North: Between Wealth and Want
Art, Commerce, and Merchant Patronage
The Literature of Ambiguity
Tapestry, Dance, and Music in Northern Europe
The German Tradition
Focus: Bosch’s Garden of Early Delights
C&C: The Modern Devotion and a New Austerity in Art
17 The Reformation: A New Church and the Arts
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
The Spread of the Reformation
The Printing Press: A Force for Ideas and Art
From Religious to Secular Art
Contemporary Perspectives: Bill Viola’s Observance, 2002 [based on Dürer’s Four Apostles]
Focus: Dürer’s Adam and Eve
C & C: The Catholic Church Strikes Back
18 Encounter and Confrontation: The Impact of Increasing Global Interaction
The Spanish, the Aztec, and the Inca Empires
West African Culture and the Portuguese
The Mughal Empire in India
The Rise of the Ming Dynasty under Zhu Di [expanded from Chap. 23]
The Muromachi, the Momoyama, and the Closing of Japan
Focus: Cover page of the Codex Féjervárt-Mayer
C & C: The “Other” and the Imperial Imagination
19 England in the Tudor Age: “This Other Eden”
The Reign of Henry VIII
Erasmus and the Humanist Impulse in England
Elizabethan England and the Elizabethan Stage
The English, French, and Dutch in North America
Focus: Holbein’s The Ambassadors
C & C: The New Universe
20 The Early Counter-Reformation and Mannerism: Restraint and Invention
The Counter-Reformation
Michelangelo and the Rise of Mannerisim
Mannerism and the Question of Decorum
Inquisition and Innovation
Focus: Bronzino’s Allegory with Venus and Cupid
C & C: The Frenzy of Inspiration
Get Humanities, The: Culture, Continuity and Change, Volume I: Prehistory to 1600, 2nd Edition by Henry M. Sayre
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