mardi 15 janvier 2019

Purchase Essentials of Probabilty & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Subscription) E-book Online

Essentials of Probabilty & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Subscription)

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Statistics and Probability

1.1 Overview: Statistical Inference, Samples, Populations, and the Role of Probability

1.2 Sampling Procedures; Collection of Data

1.3 Discrete and Continuous Data.

1.4 Probability: Sample Space and Events


1.5 Counting Sample Points


1.6 Probability of an Event

1.7 Additive Rules


1.8 Conditional Probability, Independence, and the Product Rule


1.9 Bayes' Rule


            Review Exercises


2. Random Variables, Distributions, and Expectations

2.1 Concept of a Random Variable

2.2 Discrete Probability Distributions

2.3 Continuous Probability Distributions


2.4 Joint Probability Distributions


2.5 Mean of a Random Variable


2.6 Variance and Covariance of Random Variables.


2.7 Means and Variances of Linear Combinations of Random Variables


            Review Exercises

2.8 Potential Misconceptions and Hazards; Relationship to Material in Other Chapters


3. Some Probability Distributions

3.1 Introduction and Motivation

3.2 Binomial and Multinomial Distributions


3.3 Hypergeometric Distribution


3.4 Negative Binomial and Geometric Distributions

3.5 Poisson Distribution and the Poisson Process


3.6 Continuous Uniform Distribution

3.7 Normal Distribution

3.8 Areas under the Normal Curve

3.9 Applications of the Normal Distribution


3.10 Normal Approximation to the Binomial


3.11 Gamma and Exponential Distributions

3.12 Chi-Squared Distribution.


            Review Exercises

3.13 Potential Misconceptions and Hazards; Relationship to Material in Other Chapters


4. Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions

4.1 Random Sampling

4.2 Some Important Statistics


4.3 Sampling Distributions

4.4 Sampling Distribution of Means and the Central Limit Theorem


4.5 Sampling Distribution of S2

4.6 t-Distribution

4.7 F-Distribution

4.8 Graphical Presentation


            Review Exercises

4.9 Potential Misconceptions and Hazards; Relationship to Material in Other Chapters


5. One- and Two-Sample Estimation Problems

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Statistical Inference

5.3 Classical Methods of Estimation.

5.4 Single Sample: Estimating the Mean

5.5 Standard Error of a Point Estimate

5.6 Prediction Intervals

5.7 Tolerance Limits


5.8 Two Samples: Estimating the Difference between Two Means

5.9 Paired Observations


5.10 Single Sample: Estimating a Proportion

5.11 Two Samples: Estimating the Difference between Two Proportions


5.12 Single Sample: Estimating the Variance


            Review Exercises

5.13 Potential Misconceptions and Hazards; Relationship to Material in Other Chapters


6. One- and Two-Sample Tests of Hypotheses.

6.1 Statistical Hypotheses: General Concepts

6.2 Testing a Statistical Hypothesis

6.3 The Use of P-Values for Decision Making in Testing Hypotheses


6.4 Single Sample: Tests Concerning a Single Mean

6.5 Two Samples: Tests on Two Means

6.6 Choice of Sample Size for Testing Means

6.7 Graphical Methods for Comparing Means


6.8 One Sample: Test on a Single Proportion.

6.9 Two Samples: Tests on Two Proportions


6.10 Goodness-of-Fit Test

6.11 Test for Independence (Categorical Data)

6.12 Test for Homogeneity

6.13 Two-Sample Case Study


            Review Exercises

6.14 Potential Misconceptions and Hazards;

Relationship to Material in Other Chapters


7. Linear Regression

7.1 Introduction to Linear Regression

7.2 The Simple Linear Regression (SLR) Model and the Least Squares Method.


7.3 Inferences Concerning the Regression Coefficients.

7.4 Prediction


7.5 Analysis-of-Variance Approach

7.6 Test for Linearity of Regression: Data with Repeated Observations


7.7 Diagnostic Plots of Residuals: Graphical Detection of Violation of Assumptions

7.8 Correlation

7.9 Simple Linear Regression Case Study.


7.10 Multiple Linear Regression and Estimation of the Coefficients


7.11 Inferences in Multiple Linear Regression


            Review Exercises


8. One-Factor Experiments: General

8.1 Analysis-of-Variance Technique and the Strategy of Experimental Design

8.2 One-Way Analysis of Variance (One-Way ANOVA): Completely Randomized Design

8.3 Tests for the Equality of Several Variances


8.4 Multiple Comparisons


8.5 Concept of Blocks and the Randomized Complete Block Design


8.6 Random Effects Models

8.7 Case Study for One-Way Experiment


            Review Exercises

8.8 Potential Misconceptions and Hazards; Relationship to Material in Other Chapters


9. Factorial Experiments (Two or More Factors)

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Interaction in the Two-Factor Experiment

9.3 Two-Factor Analysis of Variance


9.4 Three-Factor Experiments.


            Review Exercises

9.5 Potential Misconceptions and Hazards; Relationship to Material in Other Chapters


Get Essentials of Probabilty & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Subscription) by Ronald E. Walpole Raymond Myers Sharon L. Myers, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Keying E. Ye, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Essentials of Probabilty & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Subscription) Test Bank, Download Essentials of Probabilty & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Subscription) , Essentials of Probabilty & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Subscription) Test Book, PDF Essentials of Probabilty & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Subscription) ,Ronald E. Walpole Raymond Myers Sharon L. Myers, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Keying E. Ye, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University , Ronald E. Walpole Raymond Myers Sharon L. Myers, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Keying E. Ye, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

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