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Table of Contents
In this Section:
1) Brief Table of Contents
2) Full Table of Contents
1) Brief Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Marriage and Family
Chapter 2: How to Study Marriage and the Family
Chapter 3: Communication, Power, and Conflict
Chapter 4: The Role of Gender
Chapter 5: Friendship, Affection, Love, and Intimacy
Chapter 6: Sex and Fertility
Chapter 7: Choosing a Partner
Chapter 8: Preparing for Children and Parenting
Chapter 9: Family Variation
Chapter 10: Middle-Aged and Aging Families
Chapter 11: The Effects of Work and the Economy
Chapter 12: Family and Social Institutions: Education, Religion, Politics, and the Legal System
Chapter 13: Stress, Violence, and Abuse in Marriages and Families
Chapter 14: Separation and Divorce
Chapter 15: Single Parent Families, Remarriage, and Stepfamilies
Chapter 16: Enduring Marriage and Families: Successful Patterns of Commitment
2) Full Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Marriage and Family
Get the Topic: What Defines a Family, and What Are the Historical and Current Trends in Marriages and Families?
Defining Marriage and Family
History of the American Family
Current Trends in Families
Go Global: Major Trends Affecting Families: South America in Perspective
From Classroom to Community: Diversity in Homeless Families
Think Marriages and Families: How Do Different Theorists View the Family?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: What Is the Meaning of Family?
Perspectives of the Family
Make Connections: Marriage and Family
Chapter 2: How to Study Marriage and the Family
Get the Topic: What Models and Methods Do Social Scientists Use in Assessing the Development of Families?
Family Development Theory
Go Global: Work Stress Increases around the World
Think Marriages and Families: What Theories Guide Researchers in Studying Marriages and Families?
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: What Research Can You Do in Your Own Family?
A Family Worksheet
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Make Connections: Family Changes and Common Factors
From Classroom to Community: Coping with Alcoholism and Domestic Violence
Chapter 3: Communication, Power, and Conflict
Get the Topic: How Do Patterns of Communication, Power, and Conflict Affect Family Life?
Communication Patterns
Problems and Solutions in Family Communication
Family Power
Decision Making in Marriages and Families
Go Global: World’s Most Emotional Countries
Conflict and Managing Conflict
Think Marriages and Families: What Are the Theories behind Family Interaction?
Adjusting to Divorce: Theoretical Perspectives
Make Connections: Effective and Ineffective Communication
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: How Does Family Therapy Address Issues of Communication, Power, and Conflict?
Marriage and Family Therapy
From Classroom to Community: Helping Families Communicate
Chapter 4: The Role of Gender
Get the Topic: What Are the Differences between Sex and Gender?
Sex vs. Gender
Patriarchy and Sexism
The Process of Socialization
Gender Roles and Marriage: Is It Better for Men than for Women?
Sexuality and Sexual Orientation
The Effect of Sex on Health
Go Global: Women in Belarus
Think Marriages and Families: What Influences a Person’s Gender Role?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: What Effect Do Gender and Sexual Orientation Have on Individuals?
Violating a Norm
Make Connections
From Classroom to Community: “Boys Will Be Boys”
Chapter 5: Friendship, Affection, Love, and Intimacy
Get the Topic: How Do Friendship, Affection, Love, and Intimacy Affect Marriages and Families?
What Is Friendship?
Hooking Up
What Is Affection?
What Is Intimacy?
Go Global: Culture and PDA
General Theories of Love
Passionate Love vs. Companionate Love
How to Increase Love in Your Relationships
Make Connections: Building Blocks of Successful Relationships
Think Marriages and Families: What Are the Theories behind Love in Marriages and Families?
Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interactionism
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: How Can Couples Address Intimacy Problems?
From Classroom to Community: Counseling for Young Spouses
Chapter 6: Sex and Fertility
Get the Topic: How Do Sexual Behavior and Fertility Affect Marriages and Families?
Sexual Norms
Make Connections: Sexual Norms and Cultural Universals
Sexual Behavior and Satisfaction
Extramarital Affairs
Adolescent Premarital Sex
Teen Pregnancy
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Go Global: Religious Affiliation and Extramarital Sex among Men in Brazil
Sex Education
From Classroom to Community: Learning to Serve
Think Marriages and Families: What Are the Theories behind Sex and Sexual Reproduction?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: What Is Sex Trafficking?
Sex Slavery and Sex Trafficking
Chapter 7: Choosing a Partner
Get the Topic: What Are the Historical and Current Trends in Dating and Mate Selection?
Theories of Mate Selection
From Classroom to Community: Safe Dating
Go Global: Arranged Marriage in India
My Parents Picked My Spouse
Think Marriages and Families: How Do Theorists View Dating and Mate Selection?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: How Are Couples and Families Finding Creative Ways to Date?
Keeping Dating Fresh
Make Connections: Dating and Mate Selection
Chapter 8: Preparing for Children and Parenting
Get the Topic: What Factors Should Be Considered When Making Parenting Decisions?
Choosing to Parent
Fertility Technologies
Do Your Homework
Ending a Pregnancy before Birth
Go Global: The One-Child Policy in China
Pregnancy and Childbirth
The Transition to Parenthood
Parenting Styles
Parent–Child Relationships
From Classroom to Community: Learning to Serve
Think Marriages and Families: What Theories Describe the Relationships between Parents and Children?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interactionism
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: How Do People Handle Infertility?
Make Connections Should I Become a Parent?
Chapter 9: Family Variation
Get the Topic: What Types of Families Exist in the 21st Century?
Families in the United States 151
Make Connections: Family Variations, Gender, and Partner Choices
Go Global: A Cultural Universal
Think Marriages and Families: What Theories Are Used to Analyze Family Organization and Relationships?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: What Family Issues Are Currently being Debated in the United States?
The Gay Blogger and Miss California
From Classroom to Community: A Variety of Families
Chapter 10: Middle-Aged and Aging Families
Get the Topic: What Challenges Do Middle-Aged and Aging Families Face?
Middle-Aged Families
Aging Families
Death, Loss, and Grieving
When Death Is Unexpected
Go Global: Aging and Death around the World
Think Marriages and Families: How Does Aging Affect Individuals, Families, and Society?
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: Can Elderly People Afford Essential Prescription Drugs?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Make Connections: Intergenerational Relationships
From Classroom to Community: Serving the Elderly
Chapter 11: The Effects of Work and the Economy
Get the Topic: What Are the Effects of Work and Unemployment on Individuals and Families?
Economic Stress
A Family Economic Profile
The Effects of Work on Families
Working Women
Balancing Family and Work
Stay-at-Home Dads
Go Global: Changing Roles for Working-Class Men in Japan
Sexual Harassment
Social Class and Socioeconomic Status
From Classroom to Community: Working with Low-Income Families
Think Marriages and Families: How Does Social Class Affect Individuals and Families?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: Will Encouraging Marriage Reduce the Poverty Rate?
Make Connections: Financial Stress and Hardship
Chapter 12: Family and Social Institutions: Education, Religion, Politics, and the Legal System
Get the Topic: How Do Social Institutions such as Education, Religion, Politics, and the Legal System Impact Marriages and Families?
Go Global: Religion and Japanese Culture
The Legal System
From Classroom to Community: Encouraging the Youth Vote
Think Marriages and Families: How Do Different Theorists View Marriages and Families in the Context of Social Institutions?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: How Are Family Therapists Responding to Diversity within Marriages and Families?
Family Diversity and Family Therapy
Make Connections: Social Institutions and the Family
Chapter 13: Stress, Violence, and Abuse in Marriages and Families
Get the Topic: What Are Different Stressors that Can Lead to Violence and Abuse?
What Are Violence and Abuse?
Balancing Work and Relaxation
Types of Violence and Abuse
Managing and Preventing Violence and Abuse
From Classroom to Community: It Could Be Me
Go Global: Domestic Violence in Afghanistan
Think Marriages and Families: What Are Some Theories that Can Explain Violence and Abuse?
Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interactionism
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action:How Can Subjectivity Enhance Data Collection on Domestic
Make Connections: Reconnecting with the Family
Chapter 14: Separation and Divorce
Get the Topic: What Are the Statistical, Legal, and Historical Trends in Divorce?
Go Global: Divorce Rates around the World
Divorce Risk Factors
Think Marriages and Families: What Are the Theories behind Divorce?
Adjusting to Divorce: Theoretical Perspectives
From Classroom to Community: When Divorce Is the Only Option
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: How Do Demographers Measure Divorce?
Measures of Divorce
Make Connections: Divorce and Family Relationships
Chapter 15: Single-Parent Families, Remarriage, and Stepfamilies
Get the Topic: What Are the Characteristics of Single- Parent Families, Remarried Families, and Stepfamilies, and What Challenges Do They Face?
Modern Families
Types of Single-Parent Families
From Classroom to Community: Poverty and the Single Parent
Go Global: Divorce, Separation, and Remarriage in Austrian Families
Think Marriages and Families: How Do Different Theorists View Single-Parent Families, Remarried Families, and Stepfamilies?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: What Organizations Can Assist Stepfamilies and Blended
Make Connections: Nontraditional Families
Chapter 16: Enduring Marriages and Families: Successful Patterns of Commitment
Get the Topic: What Are the Characteristics of an Effective Marriage and a Successful Family?
What Is Commitment?
Factors that Affect Commitment
Characteristics of Effective Marriages
Characteristics of Effective Families
The Family Today and Tomorrow
Marriages and Families in the 21st Century: U.S. Families in Social Context
Make Connections: Family Commitment and Adversity
Go Global: Future Families
Think Marriages and Families: What Are the Theories that Analyze Family Relationships and the Role of the Family in Society?
Wrap Your Mind around the Theory
Discover Marriages and Families in Action: How Does Research Define a Successful Family?
Measures of Success
From Classroom to Community: Random Acts of Kindness
Get THINK Marriages and Families (Subscription), 2nd Edition by Jenifer Kunz, West Texas A&M University
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