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Table of Contents
1 Communicating in the Technical Workplace
Developing a Workplace Writing Process
Genres and the Technical Writing Process
Stage 1: Plan Out Your Project and Do Start-up Research
Stage 2: Organizing and Drafting
Stage 3: Improving the Style
Stage 4: Designing
Stage 5: Revising and Editing
What is Technical Communication?
Technical Communication is Interactive and Adaptable
Technical Communication is Reader Centered
Technical Communication Relies on Teamwork
Technical Communication is Visual
Technical Communication Has Ethical, Legal, and Political Dimensions
Technical Communication is International and Cross-Cultural
How Important is Technical Communication?
2 Readers and Contexts of Use
Creating a Reader Profile
Step 1: Identify Your Readers
Step 2: Identify Your Readers’ Needs, Values, and Attitudes
Step 3: Identify the Contexts in Which Readers Will Experience Your Document
Using Profiles to Your Own Advantage
Global and Transcultural Communication
Differences in Content
Differences in Organization
Differences in Style
Differences in Design
Listen and Learn: The Key to Global and Transcultural Communication
3 Working in Teams
The Stages of Teaming
Forming: Strategic Planning
Step 1: Define the Project Mission and Objectives
Step 2: Identify Project Outcomes
Step 3: Define Team Member Responsibilities
Step 4: Create a Project Calendar
Step 5: Write Out a Work Plan
Step 6: Agree on How Conflicts Will Be Resolved
Storming: Managing Conflict
Running Effective Meetings
Mediating Conflicts
Firing a Team Member
Norming: Determining Team Roles
Revising Objectives and Outcomes
Help: Virtual Teaming
Redefining Team Roles
Using Groupware to Facilitate Work
Performing: Improving Quality
The Keys to Teaming
4 Ethics in the Technical Workplace
What Are Ethics?
Where Do Ethics Come From?
Personal Ethics
Social Ethics
Conservation Ethics
Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
Step 1: Analyze the Ethical Dilemma
Step 2: Make a Decision
Step : React Appropriately When You Disagree with Your Employer
Help: Stopping Cyberbullying and Computer Harassment
Ethics in the Technical Workplace
Copyright Law
Information Sharing
Proprietary Information
Libel and Slander
Copyright Law in Technical Communication
Asking Permission
Copyrighting Your Work
5 Letters, Memos, and E-Mail
Features of Letters, Memos, and E-Mail
Quick Start: Letters, Memos, and E-Mail
Step 1: Make a Plan and Do Research
Step 2: Decide What Kind of Letter, Memo, or E-Mail is Needed
Step 3: Organize and Draft Your Message
Step 4: Choose the Style, Design, and Medium
Microgenre: Workplace Texting and Tweeting
Using E-Mail Internationally
Case Study: The Nastygram
6 Technical Descriptions and Specifications
Types of Technical Descriptions
Quick Start: Technical Descriptions and Specifications
Step 1: Make a Plan and Do Research
Step 2: Partition Your Subject
Step 3: Organize and Draft Your Technical Description
Help: Using Digital Photography in Descriptions
Step 4: Choose the Style, Design, and Medium
Microgenre: Technical Definitions
Case Study: In the Vapor
7 Instructions and Documentation
Types of Technical Documentation
Quick Start: Instructions and Documentation
Step 1: Make a Plan and Do Research
Step 2: Organize and Draft Your Documentation
Step 3: Choose the Style, Design, and Medium
Help: On-Screen Documentation
Microgenre: Emergency Instructions
Case Study: Purified Junk
8 Proposals
Types of Proposals
Quick Start: Proposals
Step 1: Make a Plan and Do Research
Step 2: Organize and Draft Your Proposal
Step 3: Choose the Style, Design, and Medium
Microgenre: The Elevator Pitch
Case Study: The Mole
9 Activity Reports
Types of Activity Reports
Quick Start: Activity Reports
Step 1: Make a Plan and Do Research
Step 2: Organize and Draft Your Activity Report
Step 3: Choose the Style, Design, and Medium
Microgenre: The Status Report
Case Study: Bad Chemistry
10 Analytical Reports
Types of Analytical Reports
Quick Start: Analytical Reports
Step 1: Make a Plan and Do Research
Step 2: Organize and Draft Your Report
Help: Using Google Docs to Collaborate with International Teams
Step 3: Draft the Front Matter and Back Matter
Step 4: Choose Your Design and Style
Microgenre: The Poster Presentation
Case Study: The X-File
11 Starting Your Career
Setting Goals, Making a Plan
Quick Start: Career Materials
Setting Goals
Making Your Plan
Preparing a Résumé
Types of Résumés
Chronological Résumé
Functional Résumé
Designing the Résumé
Help: Designing a Searchable Résumé
Writing Effective Application Letters
Content and Organization
Revising and Proofreading the Résumé and Letter
Creating a Professional Portfolio
Collecting Materials
Organizing Your Portfolio
Assembling the Portfolio in a Binder
Creating an Electronic Portfolio
Interviewing Strategies
Preparing for the Interview
At the Interview
Writing Thank You Letters and/or E-Mails
Microgenre: The Bio
Case Study: The Lie
12 Strategic Planning, Being Creative
Using Strategic Planning
Step 1: Set Your Objectives
Step 2: Create a List of Tasks (or Task List)
Step 3: Set a Timeline
Help: Planning with Online Calendars
Generating New Ideas
Tips for Being More Creative
Inventing Ideas
Case Study: Getting Back to Crazy
13 Persuading Others
Persuading with Reasoning
Reasoning with Logic
Reasoning with Examples and Evidence
Persuading with Values
Help: Persuading Readers Online
Appealing to Common Goals and Ideals
Framing Issues from the Readers’ Perspective
Persuasion in High-Context Cultures
Case Study: Trying to Stay Neutral
14 Researching in Technical Workplaces
Beginning Your Research
Step 1: Define Your Research Subject
Step 2: Formulate a Research Question or Hypothesis
Step 3: Develop a Research Methodology
Step 4: Collect Evidence Through Sources
Step 5: Triangulate Your Sources
Step 6: Take Careful Notes
Help: Using a Citation Manager
Step 7: Appraise Your Evidence
Step 8: Revise, Accept, or Abandon Your Hypothesis
Case Study: The Life of a Dilemma
15 Organizing and Drafting
Basic Organization for Any Document
Using Genres for Outlining
Organizing and Drafting the Introduction
Six Opening Moves in an Introduction
Drafting with the Six Moves
Organizing and Drafting the Body
Carving the Body into Sections
Patterns of Arrangement
Organizing and Drafting the Conclusion
Five Closing Moves in a Conclusion
Organizing Transcultural Documents
Indirect Approach Introductions
Indirect Approach Conclusions
Case Study: The Bad News
16 Using Plain and Persuasive Language
What is Style?
Writing Plain Sentences
Basic Parts of a Sentence
Eight Guidelines for Plain Sentences
Creating Plain Sentences
Help: Translating and Translation Programs
Writing Plain Paragraphs
The Elements of a Paragraph
Using the Four Types of Sentences in a Paragraph
Aligning Sentence Subjects in a Paragraph
The Given/New Method
When Is It Appropriate to Use Passive Voice?
Persuasive Style
Elevate the Tone
Use Similes and Analogies
Use Metaphors
Change the Pace
Balancing Plain and Persuasive Style
Case Study: Going Over the Top
17 Designing Documents and Interfaces
Five Principles of Design
Design Principle 1: Balance
Weighting a Page or Screen
Using Grids to Balance a Page Layout
Design Principle 2: Alignment
Design Principle 3: Grouping
Using Headings
Using Borders and Rules
Design Principle 4: Consistency
Choosing Typefaces
Labeling Graphics
Creating Sequential and Nonsequential Lists
Inserting Headers and Footers
Design Principle 5: Contrast
Cross-Cultural Design
Case Study: Bugs on the Bus
18 Creating and Using Graphics
Guidelines for Using Graphics
Guideline 1: A Graphic Should Tell a Simple Story
Guideline 2: A Graphic Should Reinforce the Written Text, Not Replace It
Guideline 3: A Graphic Should Be Ethical
Guideline 4: A Graphic Should Be Labeled and Placed Properly
Displaying Data with Graphs, Tables, and Charts
Line Graphs
Bar Charts
Pie Charts
Using Pictures and Drawings
Inserting Photographs and Other Images
Using Transcultural Symbols
Case Study: Looking Guilty
19 Revising and Editing for Usability
Levels of Edit
Level 1 Editing: Revising
Level 2 Editing: Substantive Editing
Level 3 Editing: Copyediting
Level 4 Editing: Proofreading
Using Copyediting Symbols
Lost in Translation: Transcultural Editing
Documenting Cycling and Usability Testing
Case Study: A Machine By Any Other Name
20 Preparing and Giving Presentations
Planning and Researching Your Presentation
Defining the Rhetorical Situation
Allotting Your Time
Choosing the Right Presentation Technology
Organizing the Content of Your Presentation
Building the Presentation
The Introduction: Tell Them What You’re Going to Tell Them
Help: Giving Presentations with your Mobile Phone or Tablet
The Body: Tell Them
The Conclusion: Tell Them What You Told Them
Preparing to Answer Questions
Choosing Your Presentation Style
Creating Visuals
Designing Visual Aids
Using Graphics
Slides to Avoid
Delivering the Presentation
Body Language
Voice, Rhythm, and Tone
Using Your Notes
Evaluating Your Performance
Working Cross-Culturally with Translators
Case Study: The Coward
21 Writing for the Web
Writing for Websites
Basic Features of a Website
Step 1: Develop the Content
Step 2: Organize and Draft Your Webpage or Website
Step 3: Choose the Style and Design of Your Webpage or Website
Step 4: Add Images
Step 5: Anticipate the Needs of Transcultural Readers
Step 6: Upload Your Website
Using Social Networking in the Workplace
Step 1: Create Your Social Networking Account
Step 2: Choose Your Friends (Wisely)
Step 3: Maintain Your Site
Step 4: Collaborate with Others, but Carefully
Step 5: Communicate with Your Company’s “Fans”
Creating Blogs and Microblogs
Step 1: Choose Your Blog’s Host Site
Step 2: Write and Maintain Your Blog
Step 3: Let Others Join the Conversation
Making Internet Videos and Podcasts
Step 1: Write the Script
Step 2: Shoot the Video or Record the Podcast
Step 3: Edit Your Video or Podcast
Step 4: Upload Your Video or Podcast
Writing Articles for Wikis
Step 1: Write the Text
Step 2: Post Your Article
Step 3: Return to Edit Your Articles
Case Study: My Boss Might Not “Like” This
Appendix A Grammar and Punctuation Guide
Appendix B Guide for English Language Learners
Appendix C Documentation Guide
Get Technical Communication Today: Special Edition for Society for Technical Communication Foundation Certification, Books a la Carte Edition, 5th Edition by Richard Johnson-Sheehan
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