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Table of Contents
In this section:
1) Brief Table of Content
2) Full Table of Contents
PART 1 - Introduction: The Consumer, the Laborer, the Capitalist, and the Nation-State in the Society of Perpetual Growth
Chapter 1: Constructing the Consumer
Chapter 2: The Laborer in the Culture of Capitalism
Chapter 3: The Rise and Fall of the Merchant, Industrialist, and Financier
Chapter 4: The Nation-State in the Culture of Capitalism
PART 2 - The Global Impact of the Culture of Capitalism: Introduction
Chapter 5: Population Growth, Migration, and Urbanization
Chapter 6: Hunger, Poverty, and Economic Development
Chapter 7: Environment and Consumption
Chapter 8: Health and Disease
Chapter 9: Indigenous Groups and Ethnic Conflict
PART 3 - Resistance and Rebellion: Introduction
Chapter 10: Peasant Protest, Rebellion, and Resistance
Chapter 11: Anti-Systemic Protest
Chapter 12: Religion and Anti-Systemic Protest
Chapter 13: Solving Global Problems: Some Solutions and Courses of Action
PART 1 - Introduction: The Consumer, the Laborer, the Capitalist, and the Nation-State in the Society of Perpetual Growth
A Primer on Money: The Philosopher’s Stone
Chapter 1: Constructing the Consumer
Remaking Consumption
Kinderculture in America: The Child as Consumer
Exporting the Consumer
Chapter 2: The Laborer in the Culture of Capitalism
A Primer on the Elements of Capitalism
The Construction and Anatomy of the Working Class
Chapter 3: The Rise and Fall of the Merchant, Industrialist, and Financier
The Era of the Global Trader
The Era of the Industrialist
The Era of the Corporation, the Multilateral Institution, and the Capital Speculator
The “Second Great Contraction”
Chapter 4: The Nation-State in the Culture of Capitalism
The Origin and History of the State
Constructing the Nation-State
Spin, Free Trade, and the Role of Energy in the Global Economy
PART 2 - The Global Impact of the Culture of Capitalism: Introduction
A Primer on Market Externalities: Polanyi’s Paradox
Chapter 5: Population Growth, Migration, and Urbanization
The Malthusians Versus the Revisionists
Demographic Transition Theory
Population Growth in the Periphery
Issues of Immigration
Chapter 6: Hunger, Poverty, and Economic Development
The Evolution of Food Production: From the Neolithic to the Neocaloric
The Politics of Hunger
Solutions and Adaptations to Poverty and Hunger
Chapter 7: Environment and Consumption
The Case of Sugar
The Story of Beef
Creating a Taste for Beef
The Impact of Production On The Environment: The Effects of Climate Change
Chapter 8: Health and Disease
A Primer on How to Die from an Infectious Disease
The Relationship between Culture and Disease
AIDS and the Culture of Capitalism
Chapter 9: Indigenous Groups and Ethnic Conflict
The Fate of Indigenous Peoples
The Guaraní: The Economics of Ethnocide
Disadvantaged Majorities and Their Revenge
PART 3 - Resistance and Rebellion: Introduction
A Primer on Terrorism
Chapter 10: Peasant Protest, Rebellion, and Resistance
Malaysia and the Weapons of the Weak
Kikuyu and the Mau Mau Rebellion
The Rebellion in Chiapas
Chapter 11: Anti-Systemic Protest
Protest as Anti-Systemic: The Two World Revolutions
The Protests of Labor: Coal Miners in Nineteenth-Century Pennsylvania
Global Feminist Resistance
Direct Action and Occupy Wall Street
Chapter 12: Religion and Anti-Systemic Protest
Indigenous Religious Movements as Anti-Systemic Protest
The Global Challenge of Anti-Systemic Religious Protest
“Terror in the Mind of God”
Chapter 13: Solving Global Problems: Some Solutions and Courses of Action
The Central Dilemma of Growth
Things We Could Do
Get Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism (Subscription), 6th Edition by Richard H. Robbins, State University of New York at Plattsburgh
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