mardi 30 avril 2019

Purchase Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition E-book Online

Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

UNIT 1: Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing

1. Current Issues in Maternal-Newborn Nursing

2. Care of the Family in a Culturally Diverse Society

3. Complementary and Alternative Therapies


UNIT 2: Women’s Health

4. Health Promotion of Women Across the Lifespan

5. Women's Health: Family Planning

6. Women's Health: Commonly Occurring Infections

7. Women's Health Problems

8. Women's Care: Social Issues

9. Violence Against Women


UNIT 3: Human Reproduction

10. The Reproductive System

11. Conception and Fetal Development

12. Special Reproductive Concerns: Infertility and Genetics


UNIT 4: Pregnancy

13. Preparation for Parenthood

14. Physical and Psychologic Changes of Pregnancy

15. Antepartum Nursing Assessment

16. The Expectant Family: Needs and Care

17. Adolescent Pregnancy

18. Maternal Nutrition

19. Pregnancy at Risk: Pregestational Problems

20. Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Onset

21. Assessment of Fetal Well-Being


UNIT 5: Birth

22. Processes and Stages of Labor and Birth

23. Intrapartum Nursing Assessment

24. The Family in Childbirth: Needs and Care

25. Pain Management During Labor

26. Childbirth at Risk: Prelabor Complications

27. Childbirth at Risk: Labor-Related Complications

28. Birth-Related Procedures


UNIT 6: The Newborn

29. Physiologic Responses of the Newborn to Birth

30. Nursing Assessment of the Newborn

31. The Normal Newborn: Needs and Care

32. Newborn Nutrition

33. The Newborn at Risk: Conditions Present at Birth

34. The Newborn at Risk: Birth-Related Stressors


UNIT 7: Postpartum

35. Postpartum Family Adaptation and Nursing Assessment

36. The Postpartum Family: Needs and Care

37. Home Care of the Postpartum Family

38. Grief and Loss in the Childbearing Family

39. The Postpartum Family at Risk



A. Common Abbreviations in Maternal-Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing

B. Conversions and Equivalents

C. Spanish Translations of English Phrases

D. Guidelines for Working with Deaf Clients and Interpreters

E. Sign Language for Healthcare Professionals

F. Actions and Effects of Selected Drugs During Breastfeeding




Get Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition by Michele Davidson, George Mason University Marcia London, Beth-El College of Nursing and Sciences Patricia Ladewig, Regis University

Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition Test Bank, Download Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition , Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition Test Book, PDF Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition ,Michele Davidson, George Mason University Marcia London, Beth-El College of Nursing and Sciences Patricia Ladewig, Regis University , Michele Davidson, George Mason University Marcia London, Beth-El College of Nursing and Sciences Patricia Ladewig, Regis University

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