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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Part 1 Reading and Discovering Arguments 1
Chapter 1: Making an Effective Argument 2
What Exactly Is an Argument? 3
Finding Good Reasons 4
Writing Arguments in College 5
Arguments as Turns in a Conversation 7
A Case Study: The Microcredit Debate 8
Chapter 2: Reading Arguments 12
Explore Controversies 12
Read Critically 13
Finding Good Reasons 14
Recognize Fallacies 16
It’s on the Internet 17
Map and Summarize Arguments 20
Chapter 3: Finding Arguments 22
Find Arguments in Everyday Conversations 23
Find a Topic 25
What Is Not Arguable 26
Finding Good Reasons 27
Campus 28
Community 29
Nation/World 29
Explore Your Topic 30
Read About Your Topic 32
Find Good Reasons 35
Find Evidence to Support Good Reasons 37
Chapter 4: Drafting Arguments 39
Think About Your Purpose 40
State and Evaluate Your Thesis 40
Think About Your Readers 42
Finding Good Reasons 43
Organize Your Argument 45
Write an Engaging Title and Introduction 47
Write a Strong Conclusion 48
Chapter 5: Revising and Editing Arguments 49
Evaluate Your Draft 49
Checklist for evaluating your draft 50
Respond to the Writing of Others 51
Finding Good Reasons 52
Revise Your Draft 54
Edit and Proofread Carefully 55
Part 2 Analyzing Arguments 57
Chapter 6: Analyzing Written Arguments 58
What Is Rhetorical Analysis? 58
Build a Rhetorical Analysis 59
Analyze the Rhetorical Features: Textual Analysis 59
Analyze the Rhetorical Context 64
Write a Rhetorical Analysis 70
Steps to Writing a Rhetorical Analysis 71
Barbara Jordan, Statement on the Articles of Impeachment 73
Sample Student Rhetorical Analysis 77
T. Jonathan Jackson, An Argument of Reason and Passion: Barbara Jordan’s “Statement on the Articles of Impeachment” 77
Chapter 7: Analyzing Visual and Multimedia Arguments 81
What Is a Visual Argument? 81
What Is a Multimedia Argument? 83
Analyze Visual Evidence 85
Ask These Questions When You Are Analyzing Charts and Graphs 87
Build a Visual Analysis 87
Write a Visual Analysis 92
Sample Student Visual Analysis 92
Chrissy Yao, “Use Only What You Need”: The Denver Water Conservation Campaign 93
Part 3 Writing Arguments 95
Chapter 8: Definition Arguments 96
Understand How Definition Arguments Work 97
Recognize Kinds of Definitions 97
Build a Definition Argument 99
King’s Extended Definition Argument 102
Finding Good Reasons 103
Steps to Writing a Definition Argument 104
Michael Pollan, Eat Food: Food Defined 106
Sample Student Definition Argument 112
Patrice Conley, Flagrant Foul: The NCAA’s Definition of Student Athletes as Amateurs 112
Chapter 9: Causal Arguments 117
Understand How Causal Arguments Work 118
Find Causes 119
Build a Causal Argument 121
Steps to Writing a Causal Argument 124
Finding Good Reasons 126
Emily Raine, Why Should I Be Nice to You? Coffee Shops and the Politics of Good Service 127
Sample Student Causal Argument 134
Armadi Tansal, Modern Warfare: Video Games’ Link to Real-World Violence 134
Chapter 10: Evaluation Arguments 138
Understand How Evaluation Arguments Work 139
Recognize Kinds of Evaluations 140
Build an Evaluation Argument 141
Finding Good Reasons 143
Steps to Writing an Evaluation Argument 144
Glenn Loury, A Nation of Jailers 146
Sample Student Evaluation Argument 155
Jenna Picchi, Organic Foods Should Come Clean 155
Chapter 11: Narrative Arguments 162
Understand How Narrative Arguments Work 163
Recognize Kinds of Narrative Arguments 163
Build a Narrative Argument 165
Steps to Writing a Narrative Argument 166
Finding Good Reasons 168
Gregory Kristof, On the Ground with a “Gap Year” 169
Chapter 12: Rebuttal Arguments 173
Understand How Rebuttal Arguments Work 174
Recognize Kinds of Rebuttal Arguments 175
Build a Rebuttal Argument 178
Finding Good Reasons 179
Steps to Writing a Rebuttal Argument 180
Ron Reagan, Speech at the Democratic National Convention, July 27, 2004 182
Richard M. Doerflinger, Don’t Clone Ron Reagan’s Agenda 185
Sample Student Rebuttal Argument 188
Marta Ramos, Oversimplifying the Locavore Ethic 188
Chapter 13: Proposal Arguments 192
Understand How Proposal Arguments Work 193
Recognize Components of Proposal Arguments 193
Build a Proposal Argument 194
Steps to Writing a Proposal Argument 196
Finding Good Reasons 198
Adam Gopnik, The Simple Truth About Gun Control 199
Sample Student Proposal Argument 203
Kim Lee, Let’s Make It a Real Melting Pot with Presidential Hopes for All 203
Part 4 Designing and Presenting Arguments 207
Chapter 14: Designing Multimedia Arguments 208
Think About Which Media Will Reach Your Audience 208
Know When to Use Visual Evidence 209
Think About the Argument an Image Makes 210
Design Arguments for Print 211
Design Multimedia Arguments 212
Chapter 15: Presenting Arguments 214
Plan a Presentation 214
Design Visuals for a Presentation 216
Deliver an Effective Presentation 218
Part 5 Researching Arguments 221
Chapter 16: Planning Research 222
Analyze the Research Task 222
Find a Subject 223
Ask a Research Question 224
Gather Information About the Subject 224
Draft a Working Thesis 227
Chapter 17: Finding Sources 228
Develop Strategies for Finding Sources 228
Find Sources in Databases 229
Common Databases 230
Find Sources on the Web 232
Know the Limitations of Wikipedia 235
Find Multimedia Sources 236
Find Print Sources 237
Chapter 18: Evaluating and Recording Sources 239
Determine the Relevance of Sources 239
Determine the Quality of Sources 240
Evaluate Database and Print Sources 242
Checklist for Evaluating Database and Print Sources 242
Evaluate Web Sources 243
Checklist for Evaluating Web Sources 244
Keep Track of Sources 245
Chapter 19: Writing the Research Project 248
Review Your Goals and Plan Your Organization 248
Avoid Plagiarism 249
Plagiarism in College Writing 251
Avoid Plagiarism When Quoting Sources 252
Avoid Plagiarism When Summarizing and Paraphrasing 254
Decide When to Quote and When to Paraphrase 256
Write a Draft 258
Chapter 20: Documenting Sources in MLA Style 260
Elements of MLA Documentation 260
MLA In-Text Citations 265
MLA Works-Cited List: Books 268
MLA Works-Cited List: Periodicals 271
MLA Works-Cited List: Library Database Sources 273
MLA Works-Cited List: Online Sources 274
MLA Works-Cited List: Other Sources 276
Sample MLA Paper 277
Brian Witkowski, Need a Cure for Tribe Fever? How about a Dip in the Lake? 277
Chapter 21: Documenting Sources in APA Style 284
Elements of APA Documentation 284
APA In-Text Citations 287
APA References List: Books 289
APA References List: Periodicals 290
APA References List: Library Database Sources 291
APA References List: Online Sources 292
APA References List: Other Sources 292
Get Good Reasons: Researching and Writing Effective Arguments (Subscription), 6th Edition by Lester Faigley, University of Texas at Austin Jack Selzer, The Pennsylvania State University
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