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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Part II Resources Organized by Content vii
What Is New in the Field Experience Guide? ix
Design of Field Experience Guide x
NCATE Standards xi
PART I Menu of Field Experiences 1
Field Experience Cover Sheet 2
Field Experience Activity Log 3
CHAPTER 1 Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge: Classroom Environment 4
Standards Alignment 4 • Rubric 5
1.1 Observation: Physical Environment 6
1.2 Observation: NCTM Professional Teaching Standards 7
1.3 Observation: Productive Classroom Culture 8
1.4 Teacher Interview: An Environment for Learning 9
1.5 Student Interview: Attitudes and Environment 10
1.6 Teaching: Implementing Mathematical Practice 1 11
1.7 Project: Assessing School Environment 13
CHAPTER 2 Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge: Planning 14
Standards Alignment 14 • Rubric 15
1.1 Teacher Interview: Selecting Goals and Objectives 16
2.2 Observation: Evidence of HigherLevel Thinking 17
2.3 Teaching: Level of Cognitive Demand 18
2.4 Teaching: Worthwhile Task Evaluation 19
2.5 Teaching: Incorporating the Standards for Mathematical Practice 20
2.6 Teaching: Planning a ProblemBased Lesson 21
2.7 Teaching: Using Children’s Literature in Math Teaching 23
CHAPTER 3 Content Knowledge 25
Standards Alignment 25 • Rubric 26
3.1 Observation: Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge 28
3.2 Observation: Mathematical Proficiency 29
3.3 Teacher Interview: Selecting a Worthwhile Task 31
3.4 Student Interview: Assessing Mathematical Proficiency 32
3.5 Teaching: Create a Web of Ideas 34
3.6 Teaching: Design (and Teach) a Lesson 35
3.7 Reflection: Student Understanding 36
CHAPTER 4 Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Instruction 37
Standards Alignment 37 • Rubric 38
4.1 Observation: The Process Standards 39
4.2 Observation: Classroom Discourse 41
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4.3 Observation: Cooperative Groups 42
4.4 Teacher Interview: Teaching for Understanding 44
4.5 Student Interview: Learning Mathematics Developmentally 45
4.6 Teaching: Teaching a Small Group 46
4.7 Teaching: Classroom Discussions—Talk Moves 47
4.8 Teaching: Teaching a StandardsBased Lesson 48
4.9 Reflection: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning 49
4.10 Feedback on Teaching 50
CHAPTER 5 Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Technology 51
Standards Alignment 51 • Rubric 52
5.1 Project: Learning Online 53
5.2 Project: Evaluating Mathematics Software or Websites 54
5.3 Teaching: Using the Calculator to Support Learning 55
5.4 Teaching: Develop a Calculator Learning Center 56
5.5 Reflection: Reactions to Learning with Technology 58
CHAPTER 6 Dispositions 59
Standards Alignment 59 • Rubric 60
6.1 Teacher Interview: Communicating with Families 61
6.2 Parent Interview: What Is Important to You? 63
6.3 Teaching: Prepare a Family Math TakeHome Activity 64
6.4 Reflection: Professional Growth 65
CHAPTER 7 Student Learning and Assessment 66
Standards Alignment 66 • Rubric 67
7.1 Classroom Observation: Assessing to Inform Instruction 68
7.2 Diagnostic Interview: Assessing for Understanding 69
7.3 Student Observation and Interview: Learning Through Problems 73
7.4 Teaching: Assessing Student Understanding with Rubrics 74
7.5 Teaching: Creating and Using Rubrics 75
7.6 Teaching: Using Anecdotal Notes to Assess Students 76
7.7 Teaching: Using a Checklist to Assess Students 78
7.8 Teaching: Assessing the Standards for Mathematical Practice 80
CHAPTER 8 Diversity 82
Standards Alignment 82 • Rubric 83
8.1 Observation: One Child’s Experience 84
8.2 Observation: Culturally Responsive Instruction 86
8.3 Teacher Interview: Student Diversity 87
8.4 Teacher Interview: Environment and Students 88
8.5 Teaching: Lesson Adaptations 89
8.6 Teaching: Sheltering a Lesson for English Language Learners 91
8.7 Reflection: Meeting the Needs of All Learners 93
PART II Resources for Teaching 95
CHAPTER 9 Expanded Lessons 96
9.1 Exploring Subtraction Strategies 98
9.2 Close, Far, and In Between 100
9.3 Two More Than/Two Less Than 102
9.4 Learning about Division 104
9.5 Estimating Groups of Tens and Ones 106
9.6 DotPaper Fraction Equivalences 109
9.7 Multiplication of Fractions Stories 111
9.8 Friendly Fractions to Decimals 113
9.9 Division of Fractions Stories 115
9.10 How Many In Between? 117
9.11 Comparing Ratios 119
9.12 One Up and One Down 121
9.13 Geometric Growing Patterns: Predict How Many 123
9.14 Create a Journey Story 125
9.15 Crooked Paths 127
9.16 Fixed Areas 129
9.17 Shape Sorts 131
9.18 Diagonals of Quadrilaterals 133
9.19 Triangle Midsegments 135
9.20 Using Data to Answer a Question 137
9.21 Design a Fair Game 140
9.22 Bar Graphs to Circle Graphs 142
9.23 Testing Bag Designs 144
9.24 Toying with Measures of Central Tendency 146
CHAPTER 10 Mathematics Activities 148
10.1 The Find! 150
10.2 Move It, Move It 152
10.3 Odd or Even? 155
10.4 Factor Quest 157
10.5 The Other Part of 100 159
10.6 Interference 162
10.7 Target Number 164
10.8 Building Bridges 166
10.9 Compensation Decision 168
10.10 Solving the Mystery 170
10.11 Fraction Find 172
10.12 Illustrating Ratios 174
10.13 Cover All 176
10.14 Find the Zero 178
CHAPTER 11 Balanced Assessment Tasks 180
11.1 Magic Age Rings 181
11.2 Grocery Store 186
11.3 Bolts and Nuts! 190
PART III Blackline Masters 000
Suggestions for Use and Construction of Materials
MoreorLess Cards
Number Cards
Dot Cards
Double TenFrame
10 × 10 Multiplication Array
MissingPart Worksheet
BaseTen Materials
Little TenFrames
PlaceValue Mat (with TenFrames)
BaseTen Grid Paper
Addition and Subtraction Recording Charts
Multiplication and Division Recording Charts
Blank Hundreds Chart (10 × 10 Square)
Hundreds Chart
Four Small Hundreds Charts
Circular Fraction Pieces
10 × 10 Grids
Rational Number Wheel
10,000 Grid
LookAlike Rectangles
LookAlike Rectangles Recording Sheet
Degrees and Wedges
Clock Faces
2cm Square Grid
1cm Square Grid
0.5cm Square Grid
1cm Square Dot Grid
2cm Isometric Grid
1cm Isometric Dot Grid
1cm Square/Diagonal Grid
Assorted Shapes
Coordinate Grid
Geoboard Pattern
Geoboard Recording Sheets
Tangrams and Mosaic Puzzle
Motion Man
Property Lists for Quadrilaterals
Assorted Triangles
Woozle Cards
Design a Bag
What are the Chances?
Looking at Collections
2 More Than
2 Less Than
How Long?
Fraction Names
Solving Problems Involving Fractions
It’s a Matter of Rates
Predict How Many
Create a Journey Story
Crooked Paths
Rectangles Made with 36 Tiles
Fixed Area Recording Sheet
Properties of Quadrilateral Diagonals
Toy Purchases
Toying with Measures
Get Field Experience Guide for Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, 8th Edition by John A. Van de Walle, Late of Virginia Commonwealth University Jennifer M. Bay-Williams, University of Louisville
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