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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Total IR Problems: 423
Review 1: Introduction to Integrated Review: 79 problems
IR 1-1: How is Statistics Different (not on MyStatLab: in Integrated Review supplement only)Chapter 1: Introduction to Statistics
IR 1-2 How to Construct a Plan of Action for Success (not on MyStatLab: in Integrated Review supplement only)
IR 1-3: Identifying Variables in Context
IR 1-4: Recognizing and Converting Between Units of Measurement
IR 1-5: Classifying Data as a Type of Number
IR 1-6: Evaluating Exponents
IR 1-7: Translating between Scientific Notation and Standard Form and Vice Versa
IR 1-8: Significant Digits
IR 1-9: Interpreting Technology Output that is in Scientific Notation
1-1 Statistical and Critical ThinkingReview 2: Fractions, Percents, Decimals, and Graphing Points : 59 Problems
1-2 Types of Data
1-3 Collecting Sample Data
IR 2-1: Rounding DecimalsChapter 2: Summarizing and Graphing
IR 2-2: Writing Fractions in Lowest Terms
IR 2-3: Converting Between Decimals, Fractions, and Percents
IR 2-4: Calculating Relative Frequencies
IR 2-5: Finding the Percentage of a Number
IR 2-6: Plotting points
IR 2-7: Review of Skills for Graphing
2-1 Frequency Distributions for Organizing and Summarizing DataReview 3: Getting Ready to Evaluate Statistical Formulas: 50 Problems
2-2 Histograms for Exploring Distributions
2-3 Graphs that Enlighten and Graphs that Deceive
2-4 Scatterplots, Correlation, and Regression
IR 3-1: Order of OperationsChapter 3: Statistics for Describing, Exploring, and Comparing Data
IR 3-2: Square Roots
IR 3-3: Evaluating Expressions and Formulas
IR 3-4: Evaluating Expressions with Summation Notation
3-1 Measures of CenterReview 4: Preparing for Probability : 63 Problems
3-2 Measures of Variation
3-3 Measures of Relative Standing and Boxplots
IR 4-1: Operations with FractionsChapter 4: Probability4-1 Probability that Everyone Should Probably Know
IR 4-2: Operations with Decimals
IR 4-3: Factorials
IR 4-4: Evaluating nPr and nCr
IR 4-5: Set Operations (Union, Intersection and Complements)
4-2 Addition Rule and Multiplication RuleReview 5: Evaluating Formulas for Probability Distributions. 30 Problems .
4-3 Complements, Conditional Probability , and Bayes Theorem
4-4 Counting
4-5 Probabilities through Simulations (Only Online)
4-6 Bayes’ Theorem (Only Online)
IR 5-1: Evaluating the Formulas for Probability DistributionsChapter 5: Probability Distributions
IR 5-2: Evaluating the Binomial Probability Formula
IR 5-3: Evaluating expressions with the Number e
IR 5-4: Evaluating the Poisson Formula
5-1 Probability Distributions
5-2 Binomial Probability Distributions
5-3 Poisson Probability Distributions
Review 6: The Building Blocks for Working with Normal Distributions: 15 Problems
IR 6-1: Area of Rectangles and Proportions of Total AreaChapter 6: Normal Probability Distributions
IR 6 -2: Inequality Notation
IR 6-3: Evaluating Formulas for Normal Probability Distributions
6-1 The Standard Normal DistributionReview 7: Intervals of Numbers : 17 Problems
6-2 Real Applications of Normal Distributions
6-3 Sampling Distributions and Estimators
6-4 Central Limit Theorem
6-5 Assessing Normality
6-6 Normal as Approximation to Binomial
IR 7-1: Finding the Middle Value of an IntervalChapter 7: Estimates and Sample Sizes
IR 7-2: Finding the Distance from the Middle to the End
IR 7-3: The Three Different Forms of Intervals
IR 7-4: Evaluating confidence interval formulas
7-1 Estimating a Population ProportionReview 8: Evaluating Formulas for Hypothesis Testing 5 Problems
7-2 Estimating a Population Mean
7-3 Estimating a Population Standard Deviation or Variance
7-4 Bootstrapping: Using Technology for Estimates
IR 8-1: Evaluating Formulas for Hypothesis TestingChapter 8: Hypothesis Testing
8-1 Basics of Hypothesis TestingReview 9: Evaluating Formulas for Two-Sample Hypothesis Testing: 17 Problems
8-2 Testing a Claim about a Proportion
8-3 Testing a Claim about a Mean
8-4 Testing a Claim about a Standard Deviation or Variance
IR 9-1: Evaluating Formulas for Two-Sample Hypothesis TestingChapter 9: Inferences from Two Samples
9-1 Two ProportionsReview 10: Linear Equations 76 Problems
9-2 Two Means: Independent Samples
9-3 Two Dependent Samples (Matched Pairs)
9-4 Odds Ratios
9-5 Two Variances or Standard Deviations
IR 10-1: SlopeChapter 10: Correlation and Regression
IR 10-2: Y-Intercept
IR 10-3: Finding Points on a Line
IR 10-4: Graphing Lines
IR 10-5: Linear Models
10-1 CorrelationChapter 11: Goodness-of-Fit and Contingency Tables
10-2 Regression
10-3 Prediction Intervals and Variation
10-4 Multiple Regression
10-5 Nonlinear Regression
11-1 Goodness-of-FitChapter 12: Analysis of Variance
11-2 Contingency Tables
12-1 One-Way ANOVAChapter 13: Nonparametric Tests
12-2 Two-Way ANOVA
13-1 Sign TestChapter 14: Statistical Process Control
13-2 Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test for Matched Pairs
13-3 Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test for Two Independent Samples
13-4 Kruskal-Wallis Test
13-5 Rank Correlation
13-6 Runs Test for Randomness
14-1 Control Charts for Variation and MeanChapter 15: Ethics, Projects, Procedures, and Perspectives
14-2 Control Charts for Attributes
15-1 Ethics in Statistics
15-2 Projects
15-3 Procedures
15-4 Perspectives
Get Elementary Statistics with Integrated Review and Guided Workbook plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText Package by Mario F. Triola, Dutchess Community College
Elementary Statistics with Integrated Review and Guided Workbook plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText Package Test Bank, Download Elementary Statistics with Integrated Review and Guided Workbook plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText Package , Elementary Statistics with Integrated Review and Guided Workbook plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText Package Test Book, PDF Elementary Statistics with Integrated Review and Guided Workbook plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText Package ,Mario F. Triola, Dutchess Community College , Mario F. Triola, Dutchess Community College
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