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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Knowledge, Reading, and Writing across Disciplines
Preparing a Foundation for Learning
Understanding Genres
Social Sciences
Genres Used across Fields
Linking Thinking, Reading, and Writing
Learning in Disciplines
Categorizing Academic Disciplines
Natural and Applied Sciences
Social Sciences
Business and Applied/Professional Studies
History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies
Creative Arts
Understanding Genre Expectations in the Disciplines
Researching in the Disciplines
Chapter 2 Reading across Disciplines: Reading for Learning, for Analysis, and for Argument
Reading for Learning
Strategies for Reading
Reading the Author’s Logic: Logical Fallacies
Reading Visual Aids
Reading Internet Sites and Determining Credibility
Reading for Analysis
Strategies for Analytic Reading
Analyzing Arguments
Argumentation in the Disciplines
Chapter 3 Writing and Researching: Genres, Practices, and Processes
Writing Conventions
Writing as a Cyclical Process
Planning and Invention
Analyzing your Audiences
Writing Arguments
Developing a Thesis Statement
Types of Research
Starting Your Research
Narrowing Your Topic
Taking Notes
Synthesizing and Incorporating Borrowed Material without
Organizing Ideas
Working with Visual Aids
Revising, Editing, and Proofreading
Documenting Sources
MLA Documentation
Annotated Student Paper
APA Documentation
Chapter 4 Nature, Genetics, and the Philosophy of Science
Emily Martin, et. al. “Scientific Literacy, What It Is, Why It’s Important, and Why Scientists Think We Don’t Have It”
Foundations in the Philosophy of Science
Thomas Kuhn “The Historical Structure of Scientific Discovery”
Paul Feyerabend, from Against Method
The Tools of Science: A World Too Small to See (images)
Genetics and Human Identity
Barry Commoner “Unraveling the DNA Myth”
Francis Fukuyama “Why We Should Worry” from Our Posthuman Future
Visions of the Posthuman (images)
Michael J. Sandel “The Case Against Perfection”
Olivia Judson “The Selfless Gene”
Robert Lanza “A New Theory of the Universe”
Natalie Angier “My God Problem—And Theirs”
Thinking Crosscurrently
Chapter 5 Business and Economics
Barbara Ehrenreich, “Maid to Order”
Foundations: Free Enterprise and Social Responsibility
Milton Friedman, “Economic Freedom and Political Freedom” (from Capitalism and Freedom)
John Maynard Keynes, “The End of Laissez-Faire”
Doing Business in America (images)
Barbara Kellerman, “Leadership: Warts and All”
Nature and the Economic Realm: Causes and Conflicts
Paul Krugman, “Irrational Exuberance” (from The Great Unraveling)
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, “Information Asymmetry” (from Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything)
Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan, “Laughing All the Way to the Darwinian Bank” (from Mean Genes,)
At Work in America: The Triumph and Trials of an Economic System (images)
Steve Denning, “Why Amazon Can’t Make a Kindle in the USA”
Thinking Crosscurrently
Chapter 6 Government, Political Science, and Public Policy
David Mamet, “Political Civility”
Foundations: The Individual and the State
Thomas Jefferson, “The Declaration of Independence”
Henry David Thoreau, “Civil Disobedience”
Mahatma Gandhi, “The Non-Violent Society”
Governments and their Symbols (images)
Activism, Social Change, and its Discontents
Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”
Caitlin Flanagan, “How Serfdom Saved the Women’s Movement”
Activism and Social Change (images)
Jane Mayer, “The Black Sites”
Thinking Crosscurrently
Chapter 7 Education and Society
Shelby Steele, “The New Sovereignty”
Foundations: Theorizing Education
John Dewey, “My Pedagogic Creed”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The American Scholar”
The Classroom: Then and Now (images)
Education in the Modern Age
Jay P. Greene, “The Myth of Helplessness” (from Education Myths)
Christina Hoff Sommers “The War Against Boys”
Diane Ravitch, “What I Learned About School Reform” (from The Death and the Life of the American School)
Alissa Quart, “The Baby Genius Edutainment Complex”
Emily Bernard, “Teaching the N-Word”
Jeff Sharlet, “Straight Man’s Burden”
Guns in America: Two Views (images)
Dan Baum, “Happiness is a Worn Gun”
Malcolm Gladwell, “The 10,000 Hour Rule” (from Outliers: The Story of Success)
Thinking Crosscurrently
Chapter 8 Communication and Pop Culture
Foundations: Theories of Communication and Culture
Marshall McLuhan from Understanding Media
Dick Hebdige, “Subculture and Style”
Comics and the Graphic Novel
Scott McCloud “Setting the Record Straight”
Douglas Wolk from Reading Comics
Lynda Barry, from The Greatest of Marlys
Noel Murray and Scott Tobias, “How Has the Culture of TV (and TV-Watching) Changed?
Susan Willis “Disney World” (from Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World)
Susan Linn “Marketing, Media, and the First Amendment” (from Consuming Kids)
Using Advertising to Raise Awareness: Animal Rights (images)
William Deresiewicz, “Faux Friendship”
Thinking Crosscurrently
Chapter 9 Philosophy and Psychology
Foundations: Examining the Self
William James “The Will to Believe”
Plato “The Apology”
Understanding Human Emotions (images)
V. S. Ramachandran, “Neuroscience: The New Philosophy” (from A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness)
Thinking Beyond the Human: Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism
A. M. Turing “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”
Ray Kurzweil, “The Law of Accelerating Returns”
Proving the Existence of God
Three Arguments for the Existence of God
William Paley from Natural Theology
St. Thomas Aquinas from Summa Theologica
St. Anselm from Proslogium
Theology and Cartoons (images)
Kwasi Wiredu from Cultural Universals and Particulars: An African Perspective
Robert Orsi “When 2 + 2 = 5”
Thinking Crosscurrently
Chapter 10 History and Culture
Jacques Barzun, “The Coming Age” (from From Dawn to Decadence 1500 to Present: 50 Years of Western Cultural Life)
Foundations: Historical Process and Human Agency
Abraham Lincoln, “The Gettysburg Address” and “The Second Inaugural Address”
W. E. B. Dubois, “Of Our Spiritual Strivings” (from The Souls of Black Folk)
Images of the American Civil War (images)
Richard Rodriguez, “In the Brown Study” (from Brown)
Bruce Catton, “Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts”
Illegal Immigration in America: Political Cartoons (images)
Immigration: Pathways and Promises
Judith Ortiz Cofer, “Rituals: A Prayer, a Candle, and a Notebook”
Belle Yang, “The Language of Dreams”
Margaret Regan, “Prologue” (from The Death of Josseline: Immigration Stories from the Arizona-Mexico Borderlands)
Andrea Elliot, “A Muslim Leader in Brooklyn, Reconciling 2 Worlds”
Thinking Crosscurrently
Chapter 11 Literature, Language, and Art
Barbara Wallraff, “What Global Language?”
Foundations: What Makes it Literature?
Oscar Wilde, Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray
Virginia Woolf, “Shakespeare's Sister” (from A Room of One’s Own)
Architecture as Art (images)
The Interdisciplinary Imagination
Bharati Mukherjee, “The Management of Grief”
James Tiptree, Jr. “The Last Flight of Doctor Ain”
Herman Melville, “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-Street”
Art and Medicine Through the Ages (8-page, 4-color insert)
The Art of Love, the Passion of Art
Kate Chopin, “The Storm”
James Joyce, “Araby”
Terry Eagleton, “The Rise of English” (from Literary Theory: An Introduction)
Thinking Crosscurrently
Appendix Breaking Down Assignments: A Guide for Students
Get Crosscurrents: Reading in the Disciplines by Eric C. Link, University of Memphis Steven P. Frye, California State University, Bakersfield
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