samedi 20 avril 2019

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Communication in Society

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents


1. Introduction to Human Communication

The Importance of Studying Human Communication

What Is Human Communication?

    Components of Human Communication

Visual Summary 1.1: Key Components of Human Communication

A Model of Human Communication: Human Communication in Society

Communication Ethics

Defining Communication Ethics

Developing Communication Ethics

Communication Ethics in Practice


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Too Much Talk Can Lead to Problems

Careers in Communication

Communication in Society

Communication in Society: Sexual Harassment Usually Starts With Inappropriate Comments

Building Your Communication Skills

Building a Framework for Thinking Ethically and Making Ethical Decisions


2. Perception and Its Role in Identity Development

What is Perception?




           What is Identity?

Identity Exists at Both the Individual and Societal Levels

Identities are Both Fixed and Dynamic

Identities are Created through Interaction

Identities Must Be Seen in Context

The Importance of Perception and Identity

             The Individual, Perception and Identity

                        Reflected Appraisals

                        Social Comparison


Visual Summary 2.1: Identity Development through Communication

The Individual, Perception, Identity and Society

            Social Identities and Perception

            Power, Perception and Identity

            Culture, Perception and Identity           

The Ethics of Perceiving and Communicating About Identities

Skills for Improving Perception and Communication About Identities


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

The Ringtone Adults Cannot Hear

Communication in Society

Women Nose Ahead in Smell Test

Building Your Communication Skills

Communicating About Identities

Refining Your Perceptual Processes


3. Verbal Communication

What is Verbal Communication?

The Importance of Verbal Communication

Verbal Communication and the Individual

Functions of Language

Components of Language

Visual Summary 3.1: Components of Language

Influences on Verbal Communication

The Individual, Verbal Communication, and Society

Language and Perception

Language and Power

Power and Words

Ethics and Verbal Communication

Become Aware of the Power of Language

Become Conscious of Your Language Use

Improving Your Verbal Communication Skills

Confirming and Disconfirming Communication

 “I” Statements


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Words of the Year

A Little Poem Regarding Computer Spell Checkers

 Contemporary Slang

Language Discrimination

Communication in Society

Mind Your (Terror) Language

Building Your Communication Skills

Avoiding Bias in Language


4. Nonverbal Communication

What is Nonverbal Communication?

The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication and the Individual

Influences on Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Codes

Visual Summary 4.1: Proxemics

The Functions of Nonverbal Messages

Communicating Information

Regulating Interaction

Expressing and Managing Intimacy

Establishing Social Control

Signaling Service-Task Functions

The Individual, Nonverbal Communication, and Society

Nonverbal Communication and Power

Nonverbal Communication, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Ethics and Nonverbal Communication

Improving Your Nonverbal Communication Skills


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

How Much Does Nonverbal Communication Contribute to Meaning?

Territoriality: Maintaining Private and Public Spaces

Communication in Society

Etiquette for the World Traveler

Building Your Communication Skills

            Developing Sensitivity to Cross-Cultural Nonverbal Communication

Five Tips for Enhancing Nonverbal Communication Skills


5. Listening

What is Listening?

Visual Summary 5.1: Stages of Listening

The Importance of Listening

Listening and the Individual

Listening Styles

Influences on Listening

Barriers to Listening

The Individual, Listening and Society

Social Hierarchies

Listening in Context

Listening and Community

Ethics and Listening

Improving Your Listening Skills

Become Aware

Identify Poor Habits

Strive for Mindful Listening


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Statistically Speaking, How Many People Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing?

Communication in Society

Effective Listening Skills of Managers

Building Your Communication Skills

Three Strategies for Improving Listening Between Men and Women

Combating the Top Ten Poor Listening Habits


6. Communication Across Cultures

What is Intercultural Communication?

The Importance of Intercultural Communication

Increased Opportunities for Intercultural Contact

Enhanced Business Effectiveness

Improved Intergroup Relations

Enhanced Self-Awareness

Intercultural Communication and the Individual

Intercultural Communication on the Borders

Visual Summary 6.1: Border Dwellers through Travel

The Influence of Cultural Values on Communication

A Dialectic Approach

The Individual, Intercultural Communication, and Society

Political, Historical, and Social Forces

Intercultural Communication and Power

Ethics and Intercultural Communication

Improving Your Intercultural Communication Skills

Increase Motivation

Increase Your Knowledge of Self and Others

Avoid Stereotypes


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Meeting Other Travelers Adds Depth to Argentina Visit

Zuni Eagle Aviary is a Beautiful Sign

Communication in Society

TV Reality Not Often Spoken of: Race

Building Your Communication Skills

Sobering Advice for Anyone Contemplating a Cross-Cultural Marriage


7. Communication and New Technologies

What is Computer Mediated Communication?

The Importance of Computer Mediated Communication

How Does Computer Mediated Communication Impact Our Communication Choices?

Media Deficit Theory

Visual Summary 7.1: Media Richness Theory

Media Augmentation Theory

Social Network Theory

Computer Mediated Communication and the Individual

Managing Identity

            Relationship Development

The Individual, Communication Technology, and Society

Gender, Age, Ethnicity, and Technology Use

Power, Access, and the Digital Divide

Globalization and the Digital Divide

Closing the Digital Divide

Ethics and Computer Mediated Communication

Ethics and Online Identity

Building Relationships Online

Improving Your Computer Mediated Communication Skills

Email Etiquette

Cell Phone Etiquette

Evaluating Internet Information


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Employers Admit to Disqualifying Candidates Due to Facebook Content

The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics

Communication in Society

Love in the Age of Social Networking

Building Your Communication Skills

Guidelines for Using Social Networking Sites

Safety Tips for Online Dating

Guidelines for Voice and Text Messaging



8. Interpersonal Communication Processes

What is Interpersonal Communication?

            Interpersonal Communication Involves Interdependent Parties

            Interpersonal Communication Exists on a Continuum

Interpersonal Communication is Relational

The Importance of Interpersonal Communication, and Relationships

Interpersonal Communication, Relationships, and the Individual

Influences on Relationship Development 

Models of Relationship Development 

Visual Summary 8.1: The Dialectical Model of Relationship Development

Communicating in Friendship and Romantic Relationships

Society, Power, Courtship, and Marriage

Ethics and Interpersonal Communication

Improving Your Maintenance Skills in Long-Distance Friendships

Frequency of Interaction



Social Support


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

DNA Dating Site Predicts Chemical Romance

Women’s and Men’s Flirtation Behaviors Differ

Communication in Society

Race and Romantic Relationships in the United States

Building Your Communication Skills

            Strategies for Maintaining Long-Distance Romantic Relationships.

Initiating a Conversation


9. Communication in Close Relationships

What are Relationship Challenges?

The Importance of Managing Relationship Challenges

The Individual and Relationship Challenges

Developing Social Influence Skills

Managing Aversive Communication Interactions

Visual Summary 9.1: Influences on the Perceived Hurtfulness of a Message

Managing Threats to Relationships       

The Individual, Relationship Challenges, and Society

Society, Sex Roles, and Relationship Challenges

Society, Emotion, and Relationship Challenges

Cultural Influences on Relationship Challenges

Ethics and Relationship Challenges

Improving Your Ability to Manage


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

            Recognizing a Potential Batterer

Communication in Society

Abused Men: The Silent Victims of Domestic Violence

Building Your Communication Skills

Responding to a Partner’s Infidelity

Preventing Sexual Coercion


10. Communication and Conflict

What is Conflict?




Limited Resources

The Importance of Managing Conflict Effectively

The Individual and Conflict Management

What Purposes Does Conflict Serve?

What Causes Conflict?

Responding to Conflict: Strategies and Styles

Choosing a Conflict Style


Problematic Conflict Interactions

Visual Summary 10.1: Gottman’s Cascade Model and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Individual, Conflict Management, and Society        



Ethics and Conflict Management                                  

            Improving Your Conflict Management Skills

            A Strategic Approach to Conflict Management

The Competence Model of Conflict


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

He Who Cast the First Stone Probably Didn’t

Communication in Society

Actor Makes the Wrong Call

Building Your Communication Skills

How to Apologize

Six Keys to Improve Your Relationship

Principles of Interpersonal Conflict



11. Small Group Communication Processes

What Is Small Group Communication?

A Small Number of People

A Common Purpose

A Connection with Each Other

An Influence on Each Other

The Importance of Small Group Communication

Reasons to Study Small Group Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Work

Small Group Communication and the Individual

Types of Communication Roles

Visual Summary 11.1: Roles in Groups

Effective Small Group Communication

The Individual, Small Group Communication, and Society

Power and Group Communication

Cultural Diversity and Small Group Communication

Ethics and Small Group Communication

Improving Your Small Group Communication Skills


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Procedures That Help Groups Agree

Communication in Society

Is Collaboration the Future of Invention?

Building Your Communication Skills

Identifying Roles in Group Situations

How to Handle Conflicts in Meetings


12. Leadership and Group Decision-Making

What is Leadership?

The Importance of Leadership

Leadership and the Individual

 The Role of Communication in Leadership

Influences on Leadership

Theories of Leadership

Functional Theory

Style Theory

Visual Summary 12.1: Leadership Styles

Transformational Leadership Theory

Servant Leadership Theory

Toxic Leadership

The Individual, Leadership, and Society

Ethics and Leadership

Becoming a More Effective Leader


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Leadership is an Influence Relationship

Communication in Society

Mandela’s Eight Lessons of Leadership

Building Your Communication Skills

Leading Diverse People




13. Topic Selection and Speech Development

What Is Public Speaking?

The Importance of Speaking in Public

Establishing Your Reasons for Speaking in Public

Identifying Your General Purpose

Generating and Selecting Your Topic

Identifying Your Specific Purpose

Analyzing and Relating to Your Audience

What Does Your Audience Know About Your Topic?

Who Is Your Audience?

What Does Your Audience Know About You?

What Does Your Audience Expect From You?

Developing Your Speech

Narrowing Your Topic

Determining Your Main Points

Identifying Your Thesis Statement

Finding Supporting Materials

Organizing Your Speech

Developing the Body of Your Speech

Creating Your Outline

Developing Transitions, Introductions, and Conclusions

Visual Summary 13.1: Developing Your Speech

Becoming an Ethical Public Speaker


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Selected Search Engines and Databases

Communication in Society

Bill Gates, The Great Communicator?

Building Your Communication Skills

            Communication Event Checklist


14. Speech Delivery

What is Delivery?

The Importance of Speech Delivery

Key Issues in Effective Speech Delivery

Overcoming Anxiety

Setting the Tone

Considering Language and Style

Incorporating Visual Aids

Being Aware of Time Limits

Choosing a Delivery Method

Projecting a Persona

Practicing Your Speech

Visual Summary 14.1: Key Issues in Effective Speech Delivery

The Individual, Speech Delivery, and Society

Ethos, Pathos and Logos

Ethical Speech Delivery

Use Language Sensitively

Use Visual Aids Carefully

Respect Time Limits


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

PowerPoint Tips

Communication in Society

Be Cautious With Humor

Building Your Communication Skills

Try Relaxing Breathing Exercises

            The Importance of Dress

            Stylistic Devices

            Visual Aids Checklist


15. Informative Speaking

What is Informative Speaking?

The Importance of Informative Speaking

Informative Versus Persuasive Speaking

Visual Summary 15.1: Informative Versus Persuasive Speaking

Types of Informative Speeches

Speeches About “Objects”

Speeches About Processes

Speeches About Events

Speeches About Concepts

Organizing Informative Speeches

Using a Chronological Pattern

Using a Geographical/Spatial Pattern

Using a Topical Pattern

Tips for Speaking Informatively

Include Information That is Accurate and Objective

Include Facts That Are Truthful and Can Be Corroborated

Include Ideas That are Accessible to Your Audience

Include Visual Aids That Clearly and Accurately Describe Facts

Respect the Ideas of Your Audience

Ethics and Informative Speaking

Sample Informative Speech in Outline Form


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

Four Types of Informative Speeches

Communication in Society

Informing the Public About the H1N1 Outbreak

Building Your Communication Skills

            Checklist for Fact Finding


16. Persuasive Speaking

What is Persuasive Speaking?

The Importance of Persuasive Speaking

The Power to Persuade

Visual Summary 16.1: The Power to Persuade

The Power of Ethos

                        The Power of Logos

                        The Power of Pathos

Types of Persuasive Speeches

Speeches to Impact the Audience’s Attitudes

Speeches to Impact the Audience’s Beliefs

Speeches to Impact the Audience’s Values

Speeches to Impact the Audience’s Behavior

Organizing Persuasive Speeches

Using a Problem-Solution or Problem-Solution-Action Pattern

Using a Claim Pattern

                        Using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

Tips for Speaking Persuasively

Select a Topic Appropriate to Persuasion

Organize Your Thesis as a Statement of Fact, Value, or Policy

Establish Credibility through the Quality of Your Sources

Avoid Misusing Persuasive Language

Persuasive Speaking and Ethics


Key Terms

Chapter Review Questions


Web Activities

Did You Know?

            The Boomerang Effect

            Fallacies of Reasoning

Communication in Society

            The Return of Public Deliberation?

Building Your Communication Skills

            Research Checklist



Get Communication in Society by Jess K. Alberts, Arizona State University Judith N. Martin, Arizona State University Thomas K. Nakayama Thomas K. Nakayama, Texas State University - San Marcos

Communication in Society Test Bank, Download Communication in Society , Communication in Society Test Book, PDF Communication in Society ,Jess K. Alberts, Arizona State University Judith N. Martin, Arizona State University Thomas K. Nakayama Thomas K. Nakayama, Texas State University - San Marcos , Jess K. Alberts, Arizona State University Judith N. Martin, Arizona State University Thomas K. Nakayama Thomas K. Nakayama, Texas State University - San Marcos

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