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Table of Contents
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1. Brief Table of Contents
2. Full Table of Contents
Chapter 1 New World Encounters
Chapter 2 New World Experiments: England’s Seventeenth-Century Colonies
Chapter 3 Putting Down Roots: Opportunity and Oppression in Colonial Society
Chapter 4 Experience of Empire: Eighteenth-Century America
Chapter 5 The American Revolution: From Elite Protest to Popular Revolt, 1763—1783
Chapter 6 The Republican Experiment
Chapter 7 Democracy and Dissent: The Violence of Party Politics, 1788—1800
Chapter 8 Republican Ascendancy: The Jeffersonian Vision
Chapter 9 Nation Building and Nationalism
Chapter 10 The Triumph of White Men’s Democracy
Chapter 11 Slaves and Masters
Chapter 12 The Pursuit of Perfection
Chapter 13 An Age of Expansionism
Chapter 14 The Sectional Crisis
Chapter 15 Secession and the Civil War
Chapter 16 The Agony of Reconstruction
Chapter 1: New World Encounters
Clash of Cultures: Interpreting Murder in Early Maryland
Native American Histories before Conquest
The Environmental Challenge: Food, Climate, and Culture
Mysterious Disappearances
Aztec Dominance
Eastern Woodland Cultures
A World Transformed
Cultural Negotiations
Threats to Survival: Trade and Disease
West Africa: Ancient and Complex Societies
Europe on the Eve of Conquest
Building New Nation States
Imagining a New World
Myths and Reality
The Conquistadores: Faith and Greed
From Plunder to Settlement
The French Claim Canada
The English Enter the Competition
Birth of English Protestantism
Militant Protestantism
Woman in Power
Religion, War, and Nationalism
An Unpromising Beginning: Mystery at Roanoke
Conclusion: Campaign to Sell America
The Columbian Exchange and the Global Environment: Ecological Revolution
Chapter 2: New World Experiments: England’s Seventeenth-Century Colonies
Profit and Piety: Competing Visions for English Settlement
Breaking Away
The Chesapeake: Dreams of Wealth
Entrepreneurs in Virginia
Spinning Out of Control
“Stinking Weed”
Time of Reckoning
Corruption and Reform
Maryland: A Troubled Refuge for Catholics
Reforming England in America
“The Great Migration”
“A City on a Hill”
Limits of Religious Dissent
Mobility and Division
Diversity in the Middle Colonies
Anglo-Dutch Rivalry on the Hudson
Confusion in New Jersey
Quakers in America
Quaker Beliefs and Practice
Penn’s “Holy Experiment”
Settling Pennsylvania
Planting the Carolinas
Proprietors of the Carolinas
The Barbadian Connection
The Founding of Georgia
Conclusion: Living with Diversity
The Children Who Refused to Come Home: Captivity and Conversion
Chapter 3: Putting Down Roots: Opportunity and Oppression in Colonial Society
Families in an Atlantic Empire
Sources of Stability: New England Colonies of the
Seventeenth Century
Immigrant Families and New Social Order
Commonwealth of Families
Women’s Lives in Puritan New England
Social Hierarchy in New England
The Challenge of the Chesapeake Environment
Family Life at Risk
The Structure of Planter Society
Race and Freedom in British America
Roots of Slavery
Constructing African American Identities
Rise of a Commercial Empire
Response to Economic Competition
Regulating Colonial Trade
Colonial Factions Spark Political Revolt, 1676–1691
Civil War in Virginia: Bacon’s Rebellion
The Glorious Revolution in the Bay Colony
Contagion of Witchcraft
The Glorious Revolution in New York and Maryland
Conclusion: Local Aspirations Within an Atlantic Empire
Anthony Johnson: A Free Black Planter on Pungoteague
Witches and the Law: A Problem of Evidence in 1692
Chapter 4: Experience of Empire: Eighteenth-Century America
Constructing an Anglo-American Identity: The Journal of William Byrd
Growth and Diversity
Scots-Irish Flee English Oppression
Germans Search for a Better Life
Convict Settlers
Native Americans Stake Out a Middle Ground
Spanish Borderlands of the Eighteenth Century
Conquering the Northern Frontier
Peoples of the Spanish Borderlands
The Impact of European Ideas on American Culture
Provincial Cities
Ben Franklin and American Enlightenment
Economic Transformation
Birth of a Consumer Society
Religious Revivals in Provincial Societies
The Great Awakening
The Voice of Evangelical Religion
Clash of Political Cultures
The English Constitution
The Reality of British Politics
Governing the Colonies: The American Experience
Colonial Assemblies
Century of Imperial War
King William’s and Queen Anne’s Wars
King George’s War and Its Aftermath
Albany Congress and Braddock’s Defeat
Seven Years’War
Perceptions of War
Conclusion: Rule Britannia?
Conquest by Other Means: The Pennsylvania Walking
Chapter 5: The American Revolution: From Elite Protest to Popular Revolt, 1763–1783
Moment of Decision: Commitment and Sacrifice
Structure of Colonial Society
Breakdown of Political Trust
No Taxation Without Representation: The American
Ideas About Power and Virtue
Eroding the Bonds of Empire
Paying Off the National Debt
Popular Protest
Failed Attempts to Save the Empire
Fueling the Crisis
Fatal Show of Force
Last Days of Imperial Rule, 1770–1773
The Final Provocation: The Boston Tea Party
Steps Toward Independence
Shots Heard Around the World
Beginning “The World Over Again”
Fighting for Independence
Building a Professional Army
Testing the American Will
“Times That Try Men’s Souls”
Victory in a Year of Defeat
The French Alliance
The Final Campaign
The Loyalist Dilemma
Winning the Peace
Conclusion: Preserving Independence
Popular Resistance: Religion and Rebellion
Chapter 6: The Republican Experiment
A New Political Morality
Defining Republican Culture
Living in the Shadow of Revolution
Social and Political Reform
African Americans in the New Republic
The Challenge of Women’s Rights
The States: Experiments in Republicanism
Blueprints for State Government
Natural Rights and the State Constitutions
Power to the People
Stumbling Toward a New National Government
Articles of Confederation
Western Land: Key to the First Constitution
Northwest Ordinance: The Confederation’s Major
Strengthening Federal Authority
The Nationalist Critique
Diplomatic Humiliation
“Have We Fought for This?”
The Genius of James Madison
Constitutional Reform
The Philadelphia Convention
Inventing a Federal Republic
Compromise Saves the Convention
Compromising on Slavery
The Last Details
We, the People
Whose Constitution? Struggle for Ratification
Federalists and Antifederalists
Adding the Bill of Rights
Conclusion: Success Depends on the People
The Elusive Constitution: Search for Original Intent
Chapter 7: Democracy and Dissent: The Violence of Party Politics, 1788–1800
Force of Public Opinion
Principle and Pragmatism: Establishing a New Government
Conflicting Visions: Jefferson and Hamilton
Hamilton’s Plan for Prosperity and Security
Funding and Assumption
Interpreting the Constitution: The Bank Controversy
Setback for Hamilton
Charges of Treason: The Battle over Foreign Affairs
The Peril of Neutrality
Jay’s Treaty Sparks Domestic Unrest
Pushing the Native Americans Aside
Popular Political Culture
Informing the Public: News and Politics
Whiskey Rebellion: Charges of Republican Conspiracy
Washington’s Farewell
The Adams Presidency
The XYZ Affair and Domestic Politics
Crushing Political Dissent
Silencing Political Opposition: The Alien and Sedition Acts
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Adams’s Finest Hour
The Peaceful Revolution: The Election of 1800
Conclusion: Danger of Political Extremism
Defense of Superiority: The Impact of Nationalism on
Perceptions of the Environment
Chapter 8: Republican Ascendancy: The Jeffersonian Vision
Limits of Equality
Regional Identities in a New Republic
Westward the Course of Empire
Native American Resistance
Commercial Life in the Cities
Jefferson as President
Jeffersonian Reforms
The Louisiana Purchase
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Conflict with the Barbary States
Jefferson’s Critics
Attack on the Judges
Politics of Desperation
Murder and Conspiracy: The Curious Career of Aaron Burr
The Slave Trade
Embarrassments Overseas
Embargo Divides the Nation
A New Administration Goes to War
Fumbling Toward Conflict
The Strange War of 1812
Hartford Convention: The Demise of the Federalists
Treaty of Ghent Ends the War
Conclusion: Republican Legacy
Barbary Pirates and American Captives: The Nation’s First
Hostage Crisis
Aaron Burr: The Vice President Tried for Treason
Chapter 9: Nation Building and Nationalism
A Revolutionary War Hero Revisits America in 1824
Expansion and Migration
Extending the Boundaries
Native American Societies Under Pressure
Settlement to the Mississippi
The People and Culture of the Frontier
A Revolution in Transportation
Roads and Steamboats
The Canal Boom
Emergence of a Market Economy
The Beginning of Commercial Agriculture
Commerce and Banking
Early Industrialism
The Growth of Cities
The Politics of Nation Building After the War of 1812
The Republicans in Power
Monroe as President
The Missouri Compromise
Postwar Nationalism and the Supreme Court
Nationalism in Foreign Policy: The Monroe Doctrine
Conclusion: The End of the Era of Good Feeling
Confronting a New Environment
Chapter 10: The Triumph of White Men’s Democracy
Democratic Space: The New Hotels
Democracy in Theory and Practice
Democracy and Society
Democratic Culture
Democratic Political Institutions
Economic Issues
Labor Radicalism and Equal Rights
Jackson and the Politics of Democracy
The Election of 1824 and J. Q. Adams’s Administration
Jackson Comes to Power
Indian Removal
The Nullification Crisis
The Bank War and the Second Party System
Mr. Biddle’s Bank
The Bank Veto and the Election of 1832
Killing the Bank
The Emergence of the Whigs
The Rise and Fall of Van Buren
Heyday of the Second Party System
Conclusion: Tocqueville’s Wisdom
Racial Identity in a White Man’s Democracy
Chapter 11: Slaves and Masters
Nat Turner’s Rebellion: A Turning Point in the Slave South
The Divided Society of the Old South
The World of Southern Blacks
Slaves’ Daily Life and Labor
Slave Families, Kinship, and Community
African American Religion
Resistance and Rebellion
Free Blacks in the Old South
White Society in the Antebellum South
The Planters’ World
Planters, Racism, and Paternalism
Small Slaveholders
Yeoman Farmers
A Closed Mind and a Closed Society
Slavery and the Southern Economy
The Internal Slave Trade
The Rise of the Cotton Kingdom
Slavery and Industrialization
The “Profitability” Issue
Conclusion: Worlds in Conflict
Harriet Jacobs and Maria Norcom: Women of Southern
Chapter 12: The Pursuit of Perfection
Redeeming the Middle Class
The Rise of Evangelicalism
The Second Great Awakening: The Frontier Phase
The Second Great Awakening in the North
From Revivalism to Reform
Domesticity and Changes in the American Family
Marriage for Love
The Cult of Domesticity
The Discovery of Childhood
Institutional Reform
The Extension of Education
Discovering the Asylum
Reform Turns Radical
Divisions in the Benevolent Empire
The Abolitionist Enterprise
Black Abolitionists
From Abolitionism to Women’s Rights
Radical Ideas and Experiments
Conclusion: Counterpoint on Reform
The War Against “Demon Drink”
The Legal Rights of Married Women: Reforming the Law of
Chapter 13: An Age of Expansionism
The Spirit of Young America
Movement to the Far West
Borderlands of the 1830s
The Texas Revolution
The Republic of Texas
Trails of Trade and Settlement
The Mormon Trek
Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War
Tyler and Texas
The Triumph of Polk and Annexation
The Doctrine of Manifest Destiny
Polk and the Oregon Question
War with Mexico Settlement of the Mexican-American War
Internal Expansionism
The Triumph of the Railroad
The Industrial Revolution Takes Off
Mass Immigration Begins
The New Working Class
Conclusion: The Costs of Expansion
Hispanic America After 1848: A Case Study in
Majority Rule
Chapter 14: The Sectional Crisis
Brooks Assaults Sumner in Congress
The Compromise of 1850
The Problem of Slavery in the Mexican Cession
The Wilmot Proviso Launches the Free-Soil Movement Squatter Sovereignty and the Election of 1848
Taylor Takes Charge
Forging a Compromise
Political Upheaval, 1852–1856
The Party System in Crisis
The Kansas-Nebraska Act Raises a Storm
An Appeal to Nativism: The Know-Nothing Episode
Kansas and the Rise of the Republicans
Sectional Division in the Election of 1856
The House Divided, 1857–1860
Cultural Sectionalism
The Dred Scott Case The Lecompton Controversy
Debating the Morality of Slavery
The South’s Crisis of Fear
The Election of 1860
Conclusion: Explaining the Crisis
The Enigma of John Brown
The Case of Dred and Harriet Scott: Blurring the Borders of
Politics and Justice
Chapter 15: Secession and the Civil War
The Emergence of Lincoln
The Storm Gathers
The Deep South Secedes
The Failure of Compromise And the War Came
Adjusting to Total War
Prospects, Plans, and Expectations
Mobilizing the Home Fronts
Political Leadership: Northern Success and Southern Failure
Early Campaigns and Battles
The Diplomatic Struggle
Fight to the Finish
The Coming of Emancipation
African Americans and the War
The Tide Turns
Last Stages of the Conflict
Effects of the War
Conclusion: An Organizational Revolution
Soldiering in the Civil War
Chapter 16: The Agony of Reconstruction
Robert Smalls and Black Politicians During Reconstruction
The President vs. Congress
Wartime Reconstruction
Andrew Johnson at the Helm
Congress Takes the Initiative
Congressional Reconstruction Plan Enacted
The Impeachment Crisis
Reconstructing Southern Society
Reorganizing Land and Labor
Black Codes: A New Name for Slavery?
Republican Rule in the South
Claiming Public and Private Rights
Retreat from Reconstruction
Rise of the Money Question
Final Efforts of Reconstruction
A Reign of Terror Against Blacks
Spoilsmen vs. Reformers
Reunion and the New South
The Compromise of 1877
“Redeeming” a New South
The Rise of Jim Crow
Conclusion: Henry McNeal Turner and the “Unfinished
Changing Views of Reconstruction
Get America: Past & Present, Volume 1, Black and White Edition, 10th Edition by Robert A. Divine, University of Texas T. H. Breen, Northwestern University R. Hal Williams, Southern Methodist University Ariela J. Gross, University of Southern California H. W. Brands, University of Texas
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