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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Preface for Instructors
A Note to the Student
PART I How to Write Summaries, Critiques, Syntheses, and Analyses
Chapter 1: Summary
What Is a Summary?
Can a Summary Be Objective?
Using the Summary
BOX: Where Do We Find Written Summaries?
The Reading Process
BOX: Critical Reading for Summary
How to Write Summaries
BOX: Guidelines for Writing Summaries
Demonstration: Summary
Will Your Job Be Exported?–Alan S. Blinder
Read, Reread, Highlight
Divide into Stages of Thought
Write a Brief Summary of Each Stage of Thought
Write a Thesis: A Brief Summary of the Entire Passage
Write the First Draft of the Summary
Summary 1: Combine Thesis Sentence with Brief Section Summaries
The Strategy of the Shorter Summary
Summary 2: Combine Thesis Sentence, Section Summaries, and Carefully Chosen Details
The Strategy of the Longer Summary
How Long Should a Summary Be?
Exercise 1.1: Individual and Collaborative Summary Practice
Avoiding Plagiarism
BOX: Rules for Avoiding Plagiarism
Chapter 2: Critical Reading and Critique
Critical Reading
Question 1: To What Extent Does the Author Succeed in His or Her Purpose?
BOX: Where Do We Find Written Critiques?
Writing to Inform
Evaluating Informative Writing
Writing to Persuade
Exercise 2.1: Informative and Persuasive Thesis Statements
Evaluating Persuasive Writing
The Moon We Left Behind–Charles Krauthammer
Exercise 2.2: Critical Reading Practice
Persuasive Strategies
Logical Argumentation: Avoiding Logical Fallacies
BOX: Tone
Exercise 2.3: Understanding Logical Fallacies
Writing to Entertain
Question 2: To What Extent Do You Agree with the Author?
Identify Points of Agreement and Disagreement
Exercise 2.4: Exploring Your Viewpoints–in Three Paragraphs
Explore the Reasons for Agreement and Disagreement: Evaluate Assumptions
Inferring and Implying Assumptions
An Example of Hidden Assumptions from the World of Finance
How to Write Critiques
BOX: Guidelines for Writing Critiques
Demonstration: Critique
To What Extent Does the Author Succeed in His or Her Purpose?
To What Extent Do You Agree with the Author? Evaluate Assumptions
Model Critique: A Critique of Charles Krauthammer’s “The Moon We Left Behind”–Andrew Harlan
Exercise 2.5: Informal Critique of the Model Critique
BOX: Critical Reading for Critique
The Strategy of the CritiqueChapter 3: Synthesis
What Is a Synthesis?
Summary and Critique as a Basis for Synthesis
Inference: Moving Beyond Summary and Critique
Example: Same Sources, Different Uses
BOX: Where Do We Find Written Syntheses?
Using Your Sources
Types of Syntheses: Explanatory and Argument
Explanation: News Article from the New York Times
While Warning About Fat, U.S. Pushes Cheese Sales—Michael Moss
Argument: Editorial from the Boston Globe
Got Too Much Cheese?—Derrick Z. Jackson
What Are Genetically Modified (GM) Foods?
Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms—The United States Department of Energy
Why a GM Freeze?—The GM Freeze Campaign
How to Write Syntheses
BOX: Guidelines for Writing Syntheses
Argument Synthesis
The Elements of Argument: Claim, Support, and Assumption
Exercise 3.1: Practicing Claim, Support, and Assumption
Demonstration: Developing an Argument Synthesis—Balancing Privacy and Safety in the Wake of Virginia Tech
Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech, April 16, 2007: Report of the Review Panel
Colleges Are Watching Troubled Students—Jeffrey McMurray
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Exercise 3.2: Critical Reading for Synthesis
Consider Your Purpose
Making a Claim: Formulate a Thesis
Decide How You Will Use Your Source Material
Develop an Organizational Plan
Formulate an Argument Strategy
Draft and Revise Your Synthesis
Model Argument Synthesis: Balancing Privacy and Safety in the Wake of Virginia Tech—David Harrison
The Strategy of the Argument Synthesis
Developing and Organizing the Support for Your Arguments
Summarize, Paraphrase, and Quote Supporting Evidence
Provide Various Types of Evidence and Motivational Appeals
Use Climactic Order
Use Logical or Conventional Order
Present and Respond to Counterarguments
Use Concession
BOX: Developing and Organizing Support for Your Arguments
The Comparison-and-Contrast Synthesis
Organizing Comparison-and-Contrast Syntheses
Organizing by Source or Subject
Organizing by Criteria
Exercise 3.3: Comparing and Contrasting
A Case for Comparison-and-Contrast: World War I and World War II
Comparison-and-Contrast Organized by Criteria
Model Exam Response
The Strategy of the Exam Response
Avoid Common Fallacies in Developing and Using Support
The Explanatory Synthesis
Model Explanatory Synthesis: Privacy vs. Safety in the Wake of Virginia Tech
The Strategy of the Explanatory Synthesis
Chapter 4: Analysis
What Is an Analysis?
BOX: Where Do We Find Written Analyses?
How to Write Analyses
The Plug-In Drug—Marie Winn
Exercise 4.1: Reading Critically: Winn
Locate and Apply an Analytic Tool
Locate an Analytic Tool
Apply the Analytic Tool
Analysis Across the Curriculum
BOX: Guidelines for Writing Analyses
Formulate a Thesis
Develop an Organizational Plan
Turning Key Elements of a Principle or a Definition into Questions
Developing the Paragraph-by-Paragraph Logic of Your Paper
Draft and Revise Your Analysis
Write an Analysis, Not a Summary
Make Your Analysis Systematic
Answer the “So What?” Question
Attribute Sources Appropriately
BOX: Critical Reading for Analysis
When Your Perspective Guides the Analysis
Demonstration: Analysis
Model Analysis: The Case of the Missing Kidney: An Analysis of Rumor—Linda Shanker
Exercise 4.2: Informal Analysis of the Model Analysis
The Strategy of the AnalysisPART II Brief Takes
Chapter 5: The Roar Of The Tiger Mom
BOX: Group Assignment #1: Make a Topic List
BOX: Group Assignment #2: Create a Topic Web
Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior–Amy Chua
Mother Inferior–Hanna Rosin
Amy Chua is a Wimp–David Brooks
In the Eye of the Tiger–Meghan Daum
Tiger Mom vs. Tiger Mailroom–Patrick Goldstein
America’s Top Parent–Elizabeth Kolbert
In Defense of Being a Kid–James Bernard Murphy
PART III An Anthology of Readings
Chapter 6: The Changing Landscape of Work in the Twenty-First Century
Prospects for Graduates
A Post-College Flow Chart of Misery and Pain — Jenna Brager
Many with New College Degree Find Job Market Humbling — Catherine Rampell
Job Outlook for College Graduates Slowly Improving — Lacey Johnson
Data on the Job Market
College Majors, Unemployment and Earnings: Not All College Degrees are Created Equal — Anthony P. Carnevale, Ban Cheah, and Jeff Strohl
Employment Projections: 2010-2020 Summary — U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Work and Identity
No Long Term: New Work and the Corrosion of Character — Richard Sennett
Trends Affecting Work
Will Your Job Be Exported? [Summary] — Alan S. Blinder
Is Your Job an Endangered Species? — Andy Kessler
Degrees and Dollars — Paul Krugman
Synthesis Activities
Research Activities
Chapter 7: Have You Heard This? The Latest on Rumor
The Gossips–Norman Rockwell
Truth Is In The Ear Of The Beholder–Gregory Rodriguez
Fighting That Old Devil Rumor–Sandra Salmans
A Psychology Of Rumor–Robert H. Knapp
“Paul Is Dead!” (Said Fred)–Alan Glenn
Political Smear Rumors: Three Case Studies
In Untruths About Obama, Echoes Of A Distant Time–Samuel G. Freedman
The Anatomy Of A Smear Campaign: The Case Of John Mccain–Richard H. Davis
How Rumors Help Us Make Sense Of An Uncertain World–Nicholas Difonzo
Rumor Cascades And Group Polarization–Cass R. Sunstein
Managing Rumors–John Doorley And Helio Fred Garcia
The Rumor–John Updike
Synthesis Activities
Research Activities
Chapter 8: Green Power
Going Green: A Wedge Issue
The Dangerous Delusions of Energy Independence — Robert Bryce
A Debate on the Future of Nuclear Power, Post-Fukushima
The Future of Nukes, and of Japan — Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.
No Fail-Safe Option — Eugene Robinson
Why I Still Support Nuclear Power, Even After Fukushima — William Tucker
If the Japanese Can’t Build a Safe Reactor, Who Can? — Anne Applebaum
Solar Power
State Solar Power Plans Are As Big As All Outdoors–Marla Dickerson
Here Comes The Sun–Paul Krugman
Solar Is Getting Cheaper, But How Far Can It Go?–Brad Plumer
Wind Power
The Island In The Wind–Elizabeth Kolbert
Wind Power Puffery–H. Sterling Burnett
Synthesis Activities
Research Activities
Chapter 9: New and Improved: Six Decades of Advertising
Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals — Jib Fowles
Making the Pitch in Print Advertising — Courtland Bovée, John V. Thill, George P. Dovel, and Marian Burk Wood
Selling Happiness: Two Pitches from Mad Men
A Portfolio of Print Advertisements
A Portfolio of TV Commercials
Synthesis Activities
Research Activities
Video Links: Online Videos Linked to Chapters 1-9
Quick Index: APA Documentation Basics
Quick Index: MLA Documentation BasicsGet Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, Brief Edition Plus MyLab Writing Package, 5th Edition by Laurence Behrens, University of California, Santa Barbara Leonard J. Rosen, Bentley College
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