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The Western Heritage, Combined Volume (Subscription), 11th Edition

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Found in this Section:

1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents







About the Authors

What Is the Western Heritage?


PART 1: The Foundations of Western Civilization in the Ancient World to 400 C.E.

Chapter 1: The Birth of Civilization 

Chapter 2: The Rise of Greek Civilization   

Chapter 3: Classical and Hellenistic Greece

Chapter 4: Rome: From Republic to Empire          

Chapter 5: The Roman Empire        


PART 2: The Middle Ages, 476 C.E.—1300 C.E.

Chapter 6: Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Creating a New European Society and Culture (476—1000)         

Chapter 7: The High Middle Ages: The Rise of European Empires and States (1000—1300)      

Chapter 8: Medieval Society: Hierarchies, Towns, Universities, and Families (1000—1300)      


PART 3: Europe in Transition, 1300—1750

Chapter 9: The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown (1300—1453)

Chapter 10: Renaissance and Discovery    

Chapter 11: The Age of Reformation         

Chapter 12: The Age of Religious Wars     

Chapter 13: European State -Consolidation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries      

Chapter 14: New Directions in Thought and Culture in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Chapter 15: Society and Economy Under the Old Regime in the Eighteenth Century    

Chapter 16: The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion    


PART 4: Enlightenment and Revolution, 1700—1850

Chapter 17: The Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth-Century Thought    

Chapter 18: The French Revolution 

Chapter 19: The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism       

Chapter 20: The Conservative Order and the Challenges of Reform (1815—1832)

Chapter 21: Economic Advance and Social Unrest (1830—1850)            


PART 5: Toward the Modern World, 1850—1939

Chapter 22: The Age of Nation-States      

Chapter 23: The Building of European Supremacy: Society and Politics to World War I 

Chapter 24: The Birth of Modern European Thought        

Chapter 25: The Age of Western Imperialism       

Chapter 26: Alliances, War, and a Troubled Peace

Chapter 27: The Interwar Years: The Challenge of Dictators and Depression    


PART 6: Global Conflict, Cold War, and New Directions, 1939—2012

Chapter 28: World War II

Chapter 29: The Cold War Era, Decolonization, and the Emergence of a New Europe

Chapter 30: Social, Cultural, and Economic Challenges in the West through the Present        









About the Authors

What Is the Western Heritage?


PART 1: The Foundations of Western Civilization in the Ancient World to 400 C.E.

Chapter 1: The Birth of Civilization         

Early Humans and Their Culture      

The Paleolithic Age   

The Neolithic Age     

The Bronze Age and the Birth of Civilization         

Early Civilizations to about 1000 B.C.E.     

Mesopotamian Civilization    

Egyptian Civilization  

Ancient Near Eastern Empires        

The Hittites   

The Assyrians

The Second Assyrian Empire

The Neo-Babylonians

The Persian Empire   

Cyrus the Great       

Darius the Great      

Government and Administration      


Art and Culture        


The Canaanites and the Phoenicians        

The Israelites

The Jewish Religion  

General Outlook of Mideastern Cultures     

Humans and Nature  

Humans and the Gods, Law, and Justice    

Toward the Greeks and Western Thought  

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


Divination in Ancient Mesopotamia  

The Great Flood       


Chapter 2: The Rise of Greek Civilization           

The Bronze Age on Crete and on the Mainland to about 1150 B.C.E.     

The Minoans  

The Mycenaeans     

The Greek “Middle Ages” to about 750 B.C.E.       

Greek Migrations      

The Age of Homer    

The Polis      

Development of the Polis     

The Hoplite Phalanx  

The Importance of the Polis 

Expansion of the Greek World        

Magna Graecia        

The Greek Colony     

The Tyrants (about 700—500 B.C.E.)        

The Major States     



Life in Archaic Greece         




The Persian Wars     

The Ionian Rebellion 

The War in Greece   

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   

Greek Athletics        


Greek Strategy in the Persian War  


Chapter 3: Classical and Hellenistic Greece      

Aftermath of Victory 

The Delian League    

The Rise of Cimon    

The First Peloponnesian War: Athens Against Sparta      

The Breach with Sparta      

The Division of Greece        

Classical Greece      

The Athenian Empire 

Athenian Democracy 

The Women of Athens: Legal Status and Everyday Life   


Religion in Public Life 

The Great Peloponnesian War


Strategic Stalemate 

The Fall of Athens    

Competition for Leadership in the Fourth Century B.C.E.  

The Hegemony of Sparta    

The Hegemony of Thebes: The Second Athenian Empire  

The Culture of Classical Greece      

The Fifth Century B.C.E.     

The Fourth Century B.C.E.  

Philosophy and the Crisis of the Polis        

The Hellenistic World

The Macedonian Conquest  

Alexander the Great 

The Successors       

Hellenistic Culture    



Architecture and Sculpture  

Mathematics and Science   

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   

Going to Court in Athens     

Athenian Democracy–Pro and Con 



Chapter 4: Rome: From Republic to Empire      

Prehistoric Italy       

The Etruscans         





Royal Rome   


The Family    

Women in Early Rome


Patricians and Plebeians      

The Republic 


The Conquest of Italy        

Rome and Carthage  

The Republic’s Conquest of the Hellenistic World  

Civilization in the Early Roman Republic     




Roman Imperialism: The Late Republic       

The Aftermath of Conquest 

The Gracchi  

Marius and Sulla      

The Fall of the Republic      

Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, and Cicero       

The First Triumvirate

Julius Caesar and His Government of Rome 

The Second Triumvirate and the Triumph of Octavian     

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


Two Roman Festivals: The Saturnalia and Lupercalia       

Did Caesar Want to Be King?


Chapter 5: The Roman Empire     

The Augustan Principate     


The Army and Defense

Religion and Morality

Civilization of the Ciceronian and Augustan Ages  

The Late Republic    

The Age of Augustus

Imperial Rome, 14 to 180 C.E.        

The Emperors

The Administration of the Empire    

Women of the Upper Classes

Life in Imperial Rome: The Apartment House        

The Culture of the Early Empire      

The Rise of Christianity       

Jesus of Nazareth    

Paul of Tarsus


The Persecution of Christians        

The Emergence of Catholicism       

Rome as a Center of the Early Church       

The Crisis of the Third Century      

Barbarian Invasions  

Economic Difficulties 

The Social Order      

Civil Disorder 

The Late Empire      

The Fourth Century and Imperial Reorganization   

The Triumph of Christianity  

Arts and Letters in the Late Empire

The Preservation of Classical Culture        

Christian Writers      

The Problem of the Decline and Fall of the Empire in the West    

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


Chariot Racing         

Christianity in the Roman Empire–Why Did the Romans Persecute the Christians?        Ancient Warfare     


PART 2: The Middle Ages, 476 C.E.—1300 C.E.

Chapter 6: Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Creating a New European Society and Culture (476—1000)  

The Byzantine Empire

The Reign of Justinian        

The Spread of Byzantine Christianity

Persians and Muslims

Islam and the Islamic World 

Muhammad’s Religion

Islamic Diversity      

Islamic Empires        

Byzantium’s Contribution to Islamic Civilization     

The European Debt to Islam

On the Eve of the Frankish Ascendancy    

Germanic Migrations 

New Western Masters        

Western Society and the Developing Christian Church

Monastic Culture

The Doctrine of Papal Primacy       

The Religious Division of Christendom        

The Kingdom of the Franks: From Clovis to Charlemagne

Governing the Franks

The Reign of Charlemagne (768—814)        

Breakup of the Carolingian Kingdom 

Feudal Society


Vassalage and the Fief       

Daily Life and Religion

Fragmentation and Divided Loyalty 

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   

The Battle of the Sexes in Christianity and Islam  


Medieval Cooking     


Chapter 7: The High Middle Ages: The Rise of European Empires and States (1000—1300)        

Otto I and the Revival of the Empire         

Unifying Germany     

Embracing the Church        

The Reviving Catholic Church        

The Cluny Reform Movement

The Investiture Struggle: Gregory VII and Henry IV        

The Crusades

The Pontificate of Innocent III (r. 1198—1216)     

England and France: Hastings (1066) to Bouvines (1214)

William the Conqueror         

Henry II        

Eleanor of Aquitaine and Court Culture      

Baronial Revolt and Magna Carta    

Philip II Augustus     

France in the Thirteenth Century: The Reign of Louis IX  

Generosity Abroad    

Order and Excellence at Home       

The Hohenstaufen Empire (1152—1272)     

Frederick I Barbarossa        

Henry VI and the Sicilian Connection        

Otto IV and the Welf Interregnum  

Frederick II   

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture        

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


Christian Jihad, Muslim Jihad Pilgrimages    


Chapter 8: Medieval Society: Hierarchies, Towns, Universities, and Families (1000—1300)      

The Traditional Order of Life




Towns and Townspeople     

The Chartering of Towns     

The Rise of Merchants        

Challenging the Old Lords    

New Models of Government 

Towns and Kings      

Jews in Christian Society    

Schools and Universities     

University of Bologna

Cathedral Schools    

University of Paris    

The Curriculum        

Philosophy and Theology     

Women in Medieval Society 

Image and Status    

Life Choices  

Working Women       

The Lives of Children

Children as “Little Adults”    

Childhood as a Special Stage         

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


Children’s Games, Warrior Games    

Faith and Love in the High Middle Ages     

The Invention of Printing in China and Europe      


PART 3: Europe in Transition, 1300—1750

Chapter 9: The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown (1300—1453)

The Black Death      

Preconditions and Causes of the Plague    

Popular Remedies     

Social and Economic Consequences

New Conflicts and Opportunities     

The Hundred Years’ War and the Rise of National Sentiment      

The Causes of the War       

Progress of the War

Ecclesiastical Breakdown and Revival: The Late Medieval Church

The Thirteenth-Century Papacy     

Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair     

The Avignon Papacy (1309—1377)  

John Wycliffe and John Huss

The Great Schism (1378—1417) and the Conciliar Movement in the Church to 1449

Medieval Russia       

Politics and Society  

Mongol Rule (1243—1480)    

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


Dealing with Death   

Who Runs the World: Priests or Princes?   


Chapter 10: Renaissance and Discovery           

The Renaissance in Italy (1375—1527)      

The Italian City-States       


High Renaissance Art

Slavery in the Renaissance   3

Italy’s Political Decline: The French Invasions (1494—1527)        

Charles VIII’s March Through Italy  

Pope Alexander VI and the Borgia Family   

Pope Julius II 

Niccolò Machiavelli   

Revival of Monarchy in Northern Europe    




The Holy Roman Empire       

The Northern Renaissance   

The Printing Press


Humanism and Reform         

Voyages of Discovery and the New Empires in the West and East         

The Portuguese Chart the Course   

The Spanish Voyages of Columbus  

The Spanish Empire in the New World       

The Church in Spanish America      

The Economy of Exploitation


The Impact on Europe        

In Perspective

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   

The Renaissance Garden     


Is the “Renaissance Man” a Myth?  


Chapter 11: The Age of Reformation       

Society and Religion 

Social and Political Conflict  

Popular Religious Movements and Criticism of the Church 

Martin Luther and the German Reformation to 1525        

The Attack on Indulgences  

Election of Charles V

Luther’s Excommunication and the Diet of Worms 

Imperial Distractions: War with France and the Turks

How the Reformation Spread

The Peasants’ Revolt

The Reformation Elsewhere  

Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation  

Anabaptists and Radical Protestants         

John Calvin and the Genevan Reformation  

Political Consolidation of the Lutheran Reformation

The Diet of Augsburg

The Expansion of the Reformation  

Reaction Against Protestants        

The Peace of Augsburg       

The English Reformation to 1553

The Preconditions of Reform

The King’s Affair      

The “Reformation Parliament”        

Wives of Henry VIII  

The King’s Religious Conservatism   

The Protestant Reformation under Edward VI       

Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation  

Sources of Catholic Reform  

Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits  

The Council of Trent (1545—1563)  

The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe    

The Revolution in Religious Practices and Institutions      

The Reformation and Education      

The Reformation and the Changing Role of Women

Family Life in Early Modern Europe  

Later Marriages       

Arranged Marriages  

Family Size    

Birth Control  

Wet Nursing  

Loving Families?       

Literary Imagination in Transition    

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: Rejection of Idealism      

William Shakespeare: Dramatist of the Age

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


A Raw Deal for the Common Man, or Just Desserts?        

Table Manners         


Chapter 12: The Age of Religious Wars  

Renewed Religious Struggle

The French Wars of Religion (1562—1598)  

Appeal of Calvinism  

Catherine de Médicis and the Guises         

The Rise to Power of Henry of Navarre      

The Edict of Nantes 

Imperial Spain and Philip II (r. 1556—1598) 

Pillars of Spanish Power      

The Revolt in the Netherlands        

England and Spain (1553—1603)     

Mary I (r. 1553—1558)        

Elizabeth I (r. 1558—1603)   

The Thirty Years’ War (1618—1648)

Preconditions for War

Four Periods of War  

The Treaty of Westphalia    

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


The Great Debate Over Religious Tolerance

Going to the Thea    


Chapter 13: European State -Consolidation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries       

The Netherlands: Golden Age to Decline    

Urban Prosperity      

Economic Decline     

Two Models of European Political Development

Constitutional Crisis and Settlement in Stuart England     

James I        

Charles I       

The Long Parliament and Civil War  

Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Republic   

Charles II and the Restoration of the Monarchy    

The “Glorious Revolution”    

The Age of Walpole

Rise of Absolute Monarchy in France: The World of Louis XIV     

Years of Personal Rule        


King by Divine Right  

Louis’s Early Wars    

Louis’s Repressive Religious Policies 

Louis’s Later Wars    

France After Louis XIV        

Central and Eastern Europe 

Poland: Absence of Strong Central Authority       

The Habsburg Empire and the Pragmatic Sanction 

Prussia and the Hohenzollerns

Russia Enters the European Political Arena 

The Romanov Dynasty        

Peter the Great       

Russian Expansion in the Baltic: The Great Northern War 

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   

Early Controversy Over Tobacco and Smoking      


The Debate over the Origin and Character of Political Authority  


Chapter 14: New Directions in Thought and Culture in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

The Scientific Revolution     

Nicolaus Copernicus Rejects an Earth-Centered Universe 

Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler Make New Scientific Observations     

Galileo Galilei Argues for a Universe of Mathematical Laws

Isaac Newton Discovers the Laws of Gravitation  

Philosophy Responds to Changing Science 

Nature as Mechanism

Francis Bacon: The Empirical Method        

René Descartes: The Method of Rational Deduction        

Thomas Hobbes: Apologist for Absolute Government       

John Locke: Defender of Moderate Liberty and Toleration

The New Institutions of Expanding Natural Knowledge     

Women in the World of the Scientific Revolution   

The New Science and Religious Faith        

The Case of Galileo  

Blaise Pascal: Reason and Faith     

The English Approach to Science and Religion      

Continuing Superstition       

Witch Hunts and Panic       

Village Origins

Influence of the Clergy       

Who Were the Witches?     

End of the Witch Hunts      

Baroque Art   

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


Descartes and Swift Debate the Scientific Enterprise      



Chapter 15: Society and Economy Under the Old Regime in the Eighteenth Century

Major Features of Life in the Old Regime    

Maintenance of Tradition    

Hierarchy and Privilege       

The Aristocracy       

Varieties of Aristocratic Privilege    

Aristocratic Resurgence      

The Land and Its Tillers      

Peasants and Serfs  

Aristocratic Domination of the Countryside: The English Game Laws

Family Structures and the Family Economy


The Family Economy 

Women and the Family Economy    

Children and the World of the Family Economy     

The Revolution in Agriculture

New Crops and New Methods        

Expansion of the Population 

The Industrial Revolution of the Eighteenth


A Revolution in Consumption

Industrial Leadership of Great Britain        

New Methods of Textile Production 

The Steam Engine    

Iron Production        

The Impact of the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions on Working Women   

The Growth of Cities 

Patterns of Preindustrial Urbanization        

Urban Classes

The Urban Riot        

The Jewish Population: The Age of the Ghetto     

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


Two Eighteenth-Century Writers Contemplate the Effects of Different Economic Structures   

Water, Washing, and Bathing        


Chapter 16: The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion       

Periods of European Overseas Empires      

Mercantile Empires

Mercantilist Goals     

French—British Rivalry

The Spanish Colonial System

Colonial Government

Trade Regulation      

Colonial Reform under the Spanish Bourbon Monarchs

Black African Slavery, the Plantation System, and the Atlantic Economy

The African Presence in the Americas       

Slavery and the Transatlantic Economy    

The Experience of Slavery   

Mid-Eighteenth-Century Wars        

The War of Jenkins’s Ear

The War of the Austrian Succession (1740—1748) 

The “Diplomatic Revolution” of 1756

The Seven Years’ War (1756—1763)

The American Revolution and Europe        

Resistance to the Imperial Search for Revenue     

The Crisis and Independence         

American Political Ideas      

Events in Great Britain        

Broader Impact of the American Revolution

In Perspective         

Key Terms

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   

Sugar Enters the Western Diet      


The Atlantic Passage        

The Columbian Exchange: Disease, Animals, and Agriculture       


PART 4: Enlightenment and Revolution, 1700—1850

Chapter 17: The Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth-Century Thought

Formative Influences on the Enlightenment

The Emergence of a Print Culture   

The Philosophes       

Philosophes and Patrons     

The Enlightenment and Religion      



Radical Enlightenment Criticism of Christianity      

The Limits of Toleration      

The Jewish Enlightenment   

The Enlightenment and Society

The Encyclopedia: Freedom and Economic Improvement  

Beccaria and Reform of Criminal Law         

The Physiocrats and Economic Freedom    

Adam Smith on Economic Growth and Social Progress     

Political Thought of the Philosophes

Montesquieu and Spirit of the Laws

Rousseau: A Radical Critique of Modern Society   

Enlightened Critics of European Empires

Women in the Thought and Practice of the Enlightenment

Rococo and Neoclassical Styles in Eighteenth-Century Art         

Enlightened Absolutism       

Frederick the Great of Prussia        

Joseph II of Austria  

Catherine the Great of Russia

The Partitions of Poland      

The End of the Eighteenth Century in Central and Eastern Europe        

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   

Coffeehouses and Enlightenment    


Maria Theresa and Joseph II of Austria Debate Toleration          


Chapter 18: The French Revolution         

The Crisis of the French Monarchy 

The Monarchy Seeks New Taxes    

Necker’s Report       

Calonne’s Reform Plan and the Assembly of Notables       

Deadlock and the Calling of the Estates General   

The Revolution of 1789       

The Estates General Becomes the National Assembly      

Fall of the Bastille    

The “Great Fear” and the Night of August 4        

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen  

The Parisian Women’s March on Versailles  

The Reconstruction of France        

Political Reorganization       

Economic Policy       

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy 

Counterrevolutionary Activity        

The End of the Monarchy: A Second Revolution   

Emergence of the Jacobins  

The Convention and the Role of the Sans-culottes         

Europe at War with the Revolution 

Edmund Burke Attacks the Revolution       

Suppression of Reform in Britain     

The Second and Third Partitions of Poland, 1793, 1795   

The Reign of Terror  

War with Europe      

The Republic Defended       

The “Republic of Virtue” and Robespierre’s Justification of Terror

Repression of the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women   


Revolutionary Tribunals       

The End of the Terror         

The Thermidorian Reaction  

Establishment of the Directory       

Removal of the Sans-culottes from Political Life   

In Perspective         

Key Terms    

Review Questions     

Suggested Readings 

MyHistoryLab Media Assignments   


The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Opens the Door for Disadvantaged Groups to Demand Equal Civic Rights   

The Metric System   


Chapter 19: The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte

Early Military Victories        

The Constitution of the Year VIII   

The Consulate in France (1799—1804)

Suppressing Foreign Enemies and Domestic Opposition    

Concordat with the Roman Catholic Church

The Napoleonic Code

Establishing a Dynasty        

The Haitian Revolution (1791—1804)

Napoleon’s Empire (1804—1814)      

Conquering an Empire

The Continental System      

European Response to the Empire   

German Nationalism and Prussian Reform   

The Wars of Liberation       

The Invasion of Russia        

European Coalition   

The Congress of Vienna and the European Settlement    

Territorial Adjustments       

The Hundred Days and the Quadruple Alliance      

The Romantic Movement     

Romantic Questioning of the Supremacy of Reason         

Rousseau and Education     

Kant and Reason      

Romantic Literature  

English Romantic Writers     

The German Romantic Writers        

Romantic Art 

The Cult of the Middle Ages and Neo-Gothicism    

Nature and the Sublime      

Religion in the Romantic Period       


New Directions in Continental Religion       

Romantic Views of Nationalism and History 

Herder and Culture   

Hegel and History

Islam, the Middle East, and Romanticism   

In Perspective         

Key Terms  

Get The Western Heritage, Combined Volume (Subscription), 11th Edition by David Langston Mr Graham Hollinshead, <DIV>Bristol Business School, University of West of England </DIV> Steven Ozment, Harvard University Alison Frank, Yale University

The Western Heritage, Combined Volume (Subscription), 11th Edition Test Bank, Download The Western Heritage, Combined Volume (Subscription), 11th Edition , The Western Heritage, Combined Volume (Subscription), 11th Edition Test Book, PDF The Western Heritage, Combined Volume (Subscription), 11th Edition ,David Langston Mr Graham Hollinshead, <DIV>Bristol Business School, University of West of England </DIV> Steven Ozment, Harvard University Alison Frank, Yale University , David Langston Mr Graham Hollinshead, <DIV>Bristol Business School, University of West of England </DIV> Steven Ozment, Harvard University Alison Frank, Yale University

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