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Table of Contents
1. Foundations of Human Communication.
Communication Defined.
Communication Competence
Ethics and Communication: What Are Your Sources of Ethical Influence?
Why Study Communication?
Communication Models.
Communication Characteristics.
Communication Principles for a Lifetime.
Communicating with Others: Three Situations.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
2. Self-Awareness and Communication.
Self-Awareness: How Well Do You Know Yourself?
Self-Concept: Who Are You?
Technology and Communication: Exploring Self-Concept through Computer-Mediated Communication
Ethics and Communication: Cyber Selves
Self-Esteem: What Is Your Value?
Diversity and Communication: Self-Esteem and Ethnicity
Communication and the Enhancement of Self-Esteem.
The Perception Process.
Communication and the Enhancement of Perceptual Accuracy.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
3. Understanding Verbal Messages.
Why Focus on Language?
The Nature of Language.
Diversity and Communication: Words across the Country
The Power of Words.
Technology and Communication: Minding Your Manners, Even on the Net.
Confronting Bias in Language
Using Words to Establish Supportive Relationships.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
4. Understanding Nonverbal Messages.
Why Focus on Nonverbal Communication?
Technology and Communication: Conveying Emotions Online
The Nature of Nonverbal Communication.
Codes of Nonverbal Communication.
Ethics and Communication: Lie Detectors
Diversity and Communication: Cultural Meanings of Silence
How to Interpret Nonverbal Cues More Accurately.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
5. Listening and Responding.
How We Listen.
Listening Styles
Adapting to Your Listening Style
Diversity and Communication: East and West Listening Styles
Listening Barriers.
Improving Your Listening Skills.
Diversity and Communication: Who Are Better Listeners, Men or Women?
Responding Skills.
Responding with Empathy.
Ethics and Communication: Honest Listening
Technology and Communication: Can Computers Listen Empathically?
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
6. Adapting to Others: Bridging Culture and Gender Differences.
Ethically Adapt Your Communication to Others
Culture and Communication.
Diversity and Communication: Diversity Almanac
Technology and Communication: Adapting to Cultural Differences When Communicating Virtually
Gender and Communication.
Barriers to Bridging Differences and Adapting to Others.
Ethics and Communication: Stereotyping Others
Adapting to Others Who Are Different from You.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
7. Understanding Interpersonal Communication.
What Is Interpersonal Communication?
Initiating Relationships
Ethics and Communication: The Harmless Crush?
Diversity and Communication: What Attracts You?
Technology and Communication: Gender and Online Communication
Maintaining Relationships
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
8. Enhancing Relationships.
The Importance of Friendship
The Importance of Family
The Importance of Colleagues
Stages of Relationship Development
Ethics and Communication: Making Breaking Up Easier to Do?
Managing Interpersonal Conflict
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
9. Understanding Group and Team Performance.
Groups and Teams Defined.
Ethics and Communication: Ethically Achieving a Team Goal
Understanding Types of Groups and Teams.
Technology and Communication: Does Virtual Group Communication Improve Decision Making?
Understanding Group and Team Dynamics.
Understanding Group and Team Phases of Development.
Diversity and Communication: The Impact of Individualism and Collectivism on Groups and Teams
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
10. Enhancing Group and Team Performance.
What Effective Group Members Do.
When Not to Work in Groups
Structuring Group and Team Problem Solving.
Technology and Communication: Brainstorming
Ethics and Communication: Managing Conflict in Groups and Teams
Enhancing Team Leadership.
Diversity and Communication: Differences in Use of Time in Groups and Teams
Enhancing Group and Team Meetings.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
11. Developing Your Presentation.
An Overview of the Presentational Speaking Process.
Understanding Speaker Anxiety.
Managing Speaker Anxiety.
Selecting and Narrowing Your Topic.
Identifying Your Purpose.
Developing Your Central Idea.
Generating Main Ideas.
Gathering Supporting Material.
Technology and Communication: A New Kind of Search Engine
Ethics and Communication: The Question of Speechwriting
Diversity and Communication: Adapting to Diverse Audiences
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
12. Organizing and Outlining Your Presentation.
Organizing Your Main Ideas.
Organizing Your Supporting Material.
Diversity and Communication: Acknowledging Cultural Differences in Organizing Messages
Organizing Your Presentation for the Ears of Others.
Ethics and Communication: The Ethics of Primacy and Recency
Introducing and Concluding Your Presentation.
Outlining Your Presentation.
Technology and Communication: Using Outlining Software
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
13. Delivering Your Presentation.
Methods of Delivery.
Effective Verbal Delivery.
Effective Nonverbal Delivery.
Diversity and Communication: The Academic Quarter
Technology and Communication: Rehearsing on Videotape
Effective Presentation Aids.
Ethics and Communication: Profanity in an Audio Presentation Aid
Some Final Tips for Rehearsing and Delivering Your Presentation.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
14. Speaking to Inform.
Types of Informative Presentations.
Ethics and Communication: Confidential or Potentially Subversive Information
Strategies for Organizing Your Informative Presentation
Strategies for Making Your Informative Presentation Clear.
Diversity and Communication: Using an Interpreter
Strategies for Making Your Informative Speech Interesting.
Technology and Communication: Using an Electronic Thesaurus
Strategies for Making Your Presentation Memorable.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
15. Speaking to Persuade.
Persuasion Defined.
Motivating Your Audience: The Psychology of Persuasion.
Selecting and Narrowing Your Persuasive Topic.
Identifying Your Persuasive Purpose.
Developing Your Central Idea as a Persuasive Proposition.
Supporting Your Presentation with Credibility, Logic, and Emotion: Strategies for Persuading Your Audience.
Diversity and Communication: “Elementary Reasoning, My Dear Watson”.
Organizing Your Persuasive Message
Technology and Communication: The Motivated Sequence in Television Advertising
How to Adapt Ideas to People and People to Ideas.
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Discussion and Review
Putting Principles into Practice
Appendix A. Interviewing.
The Nature and Types of Interviews
Interview Structure
How to Be Interviewed for a Job
How to Be Interviewed for an Information-Gathering Interview
The Responsibilities of the Interviewer
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Appendix B: Communication and Technology.
Technology and Interpersonal Communication
Technology and Group Communication
Principles for a Lifetime: Enhancing Your Skills
Appendix C. Sample Speeches for Discussion and Evaluation.
Get Communication: Principles for a Lifetime, 5th Edition by Steven A. Beebe, Texas State University - San Marcos Susan J. Beebe, Texas State University - San Marcos Diana K. Ivy, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
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