jeudi 14 février 2019

Purchase Art History, Revised, Volume II (w/CD-ROM), 2nd Edition E-book Online

Art History, Revised, Volume II (w/CD-ROM), 2nd Edition

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

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17. Early Renaissance Art in Europe.

The Renaissance and Humanism. Art of the French Ducal Courts. Art of Flanders. The Spread of the Flemish Style. The Graphic Arts. Art of Italy. The Object Speaks: The Foundling Hospital.

18. Renaissance Art in Sixteenth-Century Europe.

Europe in the Sixteenth Century. The Classical Phase of the Renaissance in Italy. The Renaissance and Reformation in Germany. Late Renaissance Art in Italy. Renaissance Art in France. Renaissance Art in Spain. Renaissance Painting in the Netherlands. Renaissance Art in England. The Object Speaks: Feast in the House of Levi.

19. Baroque Art in Europe and North America.

The Baroque Period. Italy. France. Habsburg Germany and Austria. Habsburg Spain. Spanish Colonies in the Americas. The Southern Netherlands/Flanders. The Northern Netherlands/United Dutch Republic. England. English Colonies in North America. The Object Speaks: Brueghel and Rubens's Sight.

20. Art of India after 1100.

Late Medieval Period. Mughal Period. The Modern Period.

21. Chinese Art after 1280.

The Mongol Invasions. Yuan Dynasty. Ming Dynasty. Qing Dynasty. The Modern Period.

22. Japanese Art after 1392.

Muromachi Period. Momoyama Period. Edo Period. The Meiji and Modern Periods.

23. Art of the Americas after 1300.

Indigenous American Art. Mexico and South America. North America. Other Contemporary Native American Artists. The Object Speaks: Hamatsa Mask.

24. Art of Pacific Cultures.

The Peopling of the Pacific. Australia. Melanesia. Micronesia. Polynesia. Recent Art in Oceania.

25. Art of Africa in the Modern Era.

Traditional and Contemporary Africa. Children and the Continuity of Life. The Spirit World. Leadership. Death and Ancestors. Contemporary Art.

26. Eighteenth-Century Art in Europe and North America.

The Enlightenment and Its Revolutions. The Rococo Style in Europe. Art in Italy. Revivals and Romanticism in Britain. Art in France. Art in North America. The Object Speaks: Georgian Silver.

27. Nineteenth-Century Art in Europe and the United States.

Europe and the United States in the Nineteenth Century. Neoclassicism and Romanticism in France. Romanticism in Spain. Romantic Landscape Painting in Europe. Naturalistic, Romantic, and Neoclassical American Art. Revival Styles in Architecture Before 1850. Early Photography in Europe. New Materials and Technology in Architecture at Midcentury. French Academic Art and Architecture. French Naturalism and Realism and their Spread. Late-Nineteenth-Century Art in Britain. Impressionism. Post Impressionism. Art in the United States. The Object Speaks: Raft of the “Medusa.”

28. The Rise of Modernism in Europe and North America.

Europe and the United States in the Early Twentieth Century. Early Modernist Tendencies in Europe. Cubism in Europe. Early Modernist Tendencies in the United States. Early Modern Architecture. Modernism in Europe Between the Wars. Art and Architecture in the United States Between the Wars. Early Modern Art in Canada. The Object Speaks: Portrait of a German Officer.

29. The International Avant-Garde since 1945.

The World Since 1945. Postwar European Art. Abstract Expressionism. Alternatives to Abstract Expressionism. From Modernism to Postmodernism. Postmodernism. The Object Speaks: The Dinner Party.





Get Art History, Revised, Volume II (w/CD-ROM), 2nd Edition by Marilyn Stokstad, University of Kansas

Art History, Revised, Volume II (w/CD-ROM), 2nd Edition Test Bank, Download Art History, Revised, Volume II (w/CD-ROM), 2nd Edition , Art History, Revised, Volume II (w/CD-ROM), 2nd Edition Test Book, PDF Art History, Revised, Volume II (w/CD-ROM), 2nd Edition ,Marilyn Stokstad, University of Kansas , Marilyn Stokstad, University of Kansas

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