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*** denotes selection is new to this edition. THE MIDDLE AGES Before the Norman Conquest BEOWULF*** Response John Gardner: from Grendel THE TÁIN*** EARLY IRISH VERSE To Crinog Pangur the Cat Writing in the Wood The Viking Terror The Old Woman of Beare Findabair Remembers Fróech A Grave Marked with Ogam from The Voyage of Máel Dúin JUDITH THE DREAM OF THE ROOD PERSPECTIVES: ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS ENCOUNTERS Bede from An Ecclesiastical History of the English People Bishop asser from The Life of King Alfred King alfred Preface to Saint Gregory’s Pastoral Care Ohthere’s journeys The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Stamford Bridge and Hastings TALIESIN Urien Yrechwydd The Battle of Argoed Llwyfain The War-Band’s Return Lament for Owain Son of Urien THE WANDERER WULF AND EADWACER AND THE WIFE’S LAMENT RIDDLES Three Anglo-Latin Riddles by Aldhelm Five Old English Riddles After the Norman Conquest PERSPECTIVES: ARTHURIAN MYTH IN THE HISTORY OF BRITAIN Geoffrey of Monmouth from History of the Kings of Britain Gerald of Wales from The Instruction of Princes Edward I Letter sent to the Papal Court of Rome Response A Report to Edward I Arthurian Romance MARIE DE FRANCE Lais Prologue Lanval Chevrefoil (The Honeysuckle) SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT*** SIR THOMAS MALORY Morte Darthur from Caxton’s Prologue The Miracle of Galahad The Poisoned Apple The Day of Destiny Responses Marion Zimmer Bradley: from The Mists of Avalon Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin: scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail GEOFFREY CHAUCER The Canterbury Tales The General Prologue (Middle English and modern translation) The Miller’s Tale The Introduction The Tale The Wife of Bath’s Prologue The Wife of Bath’s Tale The Prologue The Tale The Pardoner’s Prologue The Pardoner’s Tale The Nun’s Priest’s Tale The Parson’s Tale The Introduction [The Remedy for the Sin of Lechery] Chaucer’s Retraction To His Scribe Adam Complaint to His Purse WILLIAM LANGLAND Piers Plowman Prologue Passus 2 from Passus 6 Passus 8 Passus 20 “Piers Plowman” and Its Time The Rising of 1381 from The Anonimalle Chronicle [Wat Tyler’s Demands to Richard II, and His Death] Three Poems on the Rising of 1381: John Ball’s First Letter • John Ball’s Second Letter • The Course of Revolt John Gower: from The Voice of One Crying Mystical Writings JULIAN OF NORWICH A Book of Showings [Three Graces. Illness. The First Revelation] [Laughing at the Devil] [Christ Draws Julian in through His Wound] [The Necessity of Sin, and of Hating Sin] [God as Father, Mother, Husband] [The Soul as Christ’s Citadel] [The Meaning of the Visions Is Love] Companion Readings Richard Rolle: from The Fire of Love from The Cloud of Unknowing Response Rebecca Jackson: The Dream of Washing Quilts Medieval Biblical Drama THE SECOND PLAY OF THE SHEPHERDS THE YORK PLAY OF THE CRUCIFIXION MARGERY KEMPE The Book of Margery Kempe The Preface [Early Life and Temptations, Revelation, Desire for Foreign Pilgrimage] [Meeting with Bishop of Lincoln and Archbishop of Canterbury] [Visit with Julian of Norwich] [Pilgrimage to Jerusalem] [Arrest by Duke of Bedford’s Men; Meeting with Archbishop of York] MIDDLE ENGLISH LYRICS The Cuckoo Song (“Sumer is icumen in”) Spring (“Lenten is come with love to toune”) Alisoun (“Bitwene Mersh and Averil”) I Have a Noble Cock My Lefe Is Faren in a Lond Fowls in the Frith Abuse of Women (“In every place ye may well see”) The Irish Dancer (“Gode sire, pray ich thee”) A Forsaken Maiden’s Lament (“I lovede a child of this cuntree”) The Wily Clerk (“This enther day I mete a clerke”) Jolly Jankin (“As I went on YoI Day in our procession”) Adam Lay Ibounden I Sing of a Maiden In Praise of Mary (“Edi be thu, Hevene Quene”) Mary Is with Child (“Under a tree”) Sweet Jesus, King of Bliss Now Goeth Sun under Wood Jesus, My Sweet Lover (“Jesu Christ, my lemmon swete”) Contempt of the World (“Where beth they biforen us weren?”) DAFYDD AP GWILYM Aubade One Saving Place Tale of a Wayside Inn The Winter The Ruin Middle Scots Poets WILLIAM DUNBAR Lament for the Makars Done Is a Battell In Secreit Place This Hyndir Nycht ROBERT HENRYSON Robene and Makyne Late Medieval Allegory CHARLES D’ORLEANS Ballade 26 Ballade 61 Roundel 94 MANKIND (acting edition by Peter Meredith) CHRISTINE DE PIZAN from Book of the City of Ladies (trans. by Earl Jeffrey Richards) Table of Contents
Get Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 1A, The: The Middle Ages, 4th Edition by David Damrosch, Harvard University Kevin J. H. Dettmar, Pomona College Christopher Baswell, Barnard College Anne Howland Schotter, Wagner College
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