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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Exploring Race and Ethnicity
Chapter 2: Prejudice
Chapter 3: Discrimination
Chapter 4: Immigration
Chapter 5: Ethnicity and Religion
Chapter 6: Native Americans: The First Americans
Chapter 7: The Making of African Americans in a White America
Chapter 8: African Americans Today
Chapter 9: Latinos: The Largest Minority
Chapter 10: Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans
Chapter 11: Muslim and Arab Americans: Diverse Minorities
Chapter 12: Asian Americans: Growth and Diversity
Chapter 13: Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans
Chapter 14: Jewish Americans: Quest to Maintain Identity
Chapter 15: Women: The Oppressed Majority
Chapter 16: Beyond the United States: The Comparative Perspective
Chapter 17: Overcoming Exclusion
Part I: Perspectives on Racial and Ethnic Groups
Chapter 1: Exploring Race and Ethnicity
Ranking Groups
Types of Subordinate Groups
Does Race Matter?
Biracial and Multiracial Identity – Who Am I?
Sociology and the Study of Race and Ethnicity
The Creation of Subordinate-Group Status
The Consequences of Subordinate-Group Status
Resistance and Change
Chapter 2: Prejudice
Prejudice and Discrimination
White Privilege
Theories of Prejudice
Color-Blind Racism
The Mood of the Oppressed
Intergroup Hostility
Reducing Prejudice
Ways to Fight Hate
Chapter 3: Discrimination
Understanding Discrimination
Hate Crimes
Institutional Discrimination
Discrimination Today
Wealth Inequality: Discrimination’s Legacy
Environmental Justice
Affirmative Action
Reverse Discrimination
The Glass Ceiling
Part II: Ethnic and Religious Sources of Conflict
Chapter 4: Immigration
Immigration: A Global Phenomenon
Patterns of Immigration to the United States
Today’s Foreign-Born Population
Early Immigration
Restrictionist Sentiment Increases
Contemporary Social Concerns
Illegal Immigration
Path to Citizenship: Naturalization
The Economic Impact of Immigration
Women and Immigration
The Global Economy and Immigration
The Environment and Immigration
Chapter 5: Ethnicity and Religion
Ethnic Diversity
Why Don’t We Study Whiteness?
The German Americans
The Irish Americans
The Italian Americans
The Polish Americans
Religious Pluralism
Part III: Major Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups in the United States
Chapter 6: Native Americans
Early European Contacts
Treaties and Warfare
Reservation Life and Federal Policies
Collective Action
American Indian Identity
Native Americans Today
Chapter 7: The Making of African Americans in a White America
The Challenge of Black Leadership
Reemergence of Black Protest
The Civil Rights Movement
Urban Violence and Oppression
Black Power
The Religious Force
The New Immigration
Chapter 8: African Americans Today
The Economic Picture
Family Life
Criminal Justice
Health Care
Chapter 9: Hispanic Americans
Latino Identity
The Borderlands
The Economic Picture
The Growing Political Presence
Cuban Americans
Central and South Americans
Chapter 10: Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans
Mexican Americans
Puerto Ricans
The Contemporary Picture of Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans
Chapter 11: Muslim and Arab Americans: Diverse Minorities
Arab Americans
Muslim Americans
Immigration to the United States
Contemporary Life in the United States
Chapter 12: Asian Americans: Growth and Diversity
The “Model-Minority” Image Explored
Political Activity and Pan-Asian Identity
Diversity among Asian Americans
Asian Indians
Filipino Americans
Southeast Asian Americans
Korean Americans
Hawaii and Its People
Chapter 13: Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans
Chinese Americans
Japanese Americans
Remnants of Prejudice and Discrimination
Chapter 14: Jewish Americans: Quest to Maintain Identity
The Jewish People: Race, Religion, or Ethnic Group?
Immigration of Jews to the United States
Anti-Semitism: Past and Present
Position of Jewish Americans
Religious Life
Jewish Identity
Part IV: Other Patterns of Dominance
Chapter 15: Women: The Oppressed Majority
Gender Roles
Sociological Perspectives
The Feminist Movement
The Economic Picture
Family Life
Political Activity
Matrix of Domination: Minority Women
Chapter 16: Beyond the United States: The Comparative Perspective
Mexico: Diversity South of the Border
Canada: Multiculturalism Up North
Brazil: Not a Racial Paradise
Israel and the Palestinians
Republic of South Africa
Chapter 17: Overcoming Exclusion
The Aged: A Social Minority
People with Disabilities: Moving On
Gays and Lesbians: Coming Out for Equality
Internet Resource Directory
Photo Credits
Get Racial and Ethnic Groups, 13th Edition by Richard T. Schaefer, DePaul University
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