vendredi 22 mars 2019

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Social Psychology, 9th Edition

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Each chapter concludes with “Summary and Review of Key Points,” “Key Terms,” and “For More Information.”

1.The Field of Social Psychology: How We Think about and Interact with Others.

Social Psychology: A Working Definition.

Social Psychology: Where It Is Now, and Where It Seems to Be Going.

Answering Questions about Social Behavior and Social Thought: Research Methods in Social Psychology.

The Quest for Knowledge and Rights of Individuals: Seeking an Appropriate Balance.

Using This Book: A Road Map for Readers.

2.Social Perception: Understanding Others.

Nonverbal Communication: The Unspoken Language.

Attribution: Understanding the Causes of Others' Behavior.

Impression Formation and Impression Management: How We Combine — and Use — Social Information.

3.Social Cognition: Thinking about the Social World.

Schemas: Mental Frameworks for Organizing — and Using — Social Information.

Heuristics: Mental Shortcuts in Social Cognition.

Potential Sources of Error in Social Cognition: Why Total Rationality is Scarcer Than You Think.

Affect and Cognition: How Feelings Shape Thought and Thought Shapes Feelings.

4.Attitudes: Evaluating the Social World.

Attitude Formation: How We Come to Hold the Views We Do.

Do Attitudes Influence Behavior? And If So, When and How?

The Fine Art of Persuasion: Using Messages to Change Attitudes.

When Attitude Change Fails: Resistance to Persuasion.

Cognitive Dissonance: Why Our Behavior Can Sometimes Influence Our Attitudes.

5.Aspects of Social Identity: Self and Gender.

The Self: Components of One's Identity.

Other Aspects of Self-Functioning: Focusing, Monitoring, and Efficacy.

Gender: Maleness or Femaleness as a Crucial Aspect of Identity.

6.Prejudice and Discrimination.

Prejudice and Discrimination: Their Nature and Effects.

The Origins of Prejudice: Contrasting Perspectives.

Why Prejudice Is Not Inevitable: Techniques for Countering Its Effects.

Prejudice Based on Gender: Its Nature and Effects.

7.Interpersonal Attraction: Initial Contact, Liking, Becoming Acquainted.

Recognizing and Evaluating Strangers: Proximity and Emotions.

Becoming Acquaintances: The Need to Affiliate and the Effect of Observable Characteristics.

Becoming Close Acquaintances and Moving toward Friendship: Similarity and Reciprocal Positive Evaluations.

8.Close Relationships: Family, Friends, Lovers, and Spouses.

Interdependent Relationships With Family and Friends — or Loneliness.

Romantic Relationships, Love, and Physical Intimacy.

Marriage: Moving beyond Romance.

9.Social Influence: Changing Others' Behavior.

Conformity: Group Influence in Action.

Compliance: To Ask — Sometimes — Is to Receive.

Obedience: Social Influence by Demand.

10.Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others.

Responding to an Emergency: Why Are Bystanders Sometimes Helpful, Sometimes Indifferent?

The Helpers and Those Who Receive Help.

Explaining Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People Help?

11.Aggression: Its Nature, Causes, and Control.

Theoretical Perspectives on Aggression: In Search of the Roots of Violence.

Determinants of Human Aggression: Social, Personal, Situational.

Child Abuse and Workplace Violence: Aggression in Long-Term Relationships.

The Prevention and Control of Aggression: Some Useful Techniques.

12.Groups and Individuals: The Consequences of Belonging.

Groups: Their Nature and Function.

How Groups Affect Individual Performance: Facilitation or Social Loafing?

Coordination in Groups: Cooperation or Conflict?

Perceived Fairness in Groups: Getting What We Deserve — Or Else!

Decision Making by Groups: How It Occurs and the Pitfalls It Faces.

13.Social Psychology in Action: Legal, Medical, and Organizational Applications.

Applying Social Psychology to the Interpersonal Aspects of the Legal System.

Applying Social Psychology to Health-Related Behavior.

Applying Social Psychology to the World of Work: Job Satisfaction, Helping, and Leadership.



Name Index.

Subject Index.

Get Social Psychology, 9th Edition by Robert A. Baron, Oklahoma State University Donn R. Byrne, The University at Albany, State University of New York

Social Psychology, 9th Edition Test Bank, Download Social Psychology, 9th Edition , Social Psychology, 9th Edition Test Book, PDF Social Psychology, 9th Edition ,Robert A. Baron, Oklahoma State University Donn R. Byrne, The University at Albany, State University of New York , Robert A. Baron, Oklahoma State University Donn R. Byrne, The University at Albany, State University of New York

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