jeudi 28 mars 2019

Purchase Snarktastic Guide to College Success, The (Subscription) E-book Online

Snarktastic Guide to College Success, The (Subscription)

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Foreword, Forewarned


Section One: Before Class

1. Picking Your College and Picking Your Battles

Nancy Williams Parks


2. Cutting the Academic Umbilical: Preparing Your Parents for Your College Experience

Randy Hyman


3. Be Good to the Gatekeeper: Please Don't Call Us Secretaries

Leslie Bailey


4. Beyond the Chili Pepper: Scheduling Classes and Picking Your Professors

Eileen Wallis


5. Oh the Humanities: A Defense of the Well-Rounded Education

Teague von Bohlen


6. Debt and U

Antone Minard


7. Between Boredom and Terror: Six Steps to Financial Aid Solvency

Nathan Rudibaugh


8. Why Choosing a Major for Stupid Reasons Might Be a Very Smart Thing to Do

Sandra Mizumoto Posey


9. Why Professors Want to Help You: Your Professor May Have Been a Loser Too

Sandra Mizumoto Posey


10. Why Professors Want to Help You, Part 2,

Teague von Bohlen


Section Two: In Class, With Class

11. Choose Your Seat Wisely: The Strategy of Sitting Well in the Classroom

Teague von Bohlen


12. Can I Sit Next To That Chick in the Burka?: Diversity in College Life

Heather Joseph-Witham


13. Get on the SyllaBus

Sandra Mizumoto Posey


14. TXT L8R

Teshia Young Roby


15. How Pretending to be Interested is Good for Everyone

Victoria Simmons


16. ProcrastiNation, How Not to be a Citizen

John  A. Lanning and  Sandra Mizumoto Posey


17. Yes, We Can All See You Doing That

Teague von Bohlen


18. The Bad Question

Kevin Haworth


19. Bring Me Your Tired, Your Hungry, Your Mediocre, Yearning for Grade "C"

Sandra Mizumoto Posey


20 The 'Do-I-Know-You' Grade

Teshia Young Roby


21. B.S. Is a Path to Truth

Sandra Mizumoto Posey


22. Good Writers Steal, But Not Like That

Sandra Posey and Teague von Bohlen


Section Three: Beyond Class

23. Will Work For Free: Campus Publications and You

Patricia Murphy


24. No Way…Pay Me

Bryan Smith


25. To Friend or Not to Friend: Social Networking and Your Professors

Patricia Murphy


26. Choose Your Own Adventure: Taking Advantage of Student Travel

Mindy Bezdek


27. Learning to Walk: What You Need to Know About Graduation Ceremonies

Teague von Bohlen


28. What You'll Need to Know From Day One of College to Get into Grad School

Sandra Mizumoto Posey


29. Get a Job! No, Scratch That Get a Career

Bridgette Coble


Section Four: Student Perspectives

30. Picking a Major (Without Kicking Yourself Later)

Daniel Alvarez


31. Tasting the Rainbow, One Friend at a Time

Megan Fowler


32. Roommates: The World is Not Your Toilet

Adam Steininger


33. Why Taking Erotic Notes is the Best Way to Remember Everything

Thorin Klosowski


34. Snark and Consequence: Lessons a Protest Taught Me

Jef Otte


35. The Truth About Your Professor: Lessons Learned from Hard Experience

Tasha Ringo


36. Make Sure They Have Backpacks (and Other Rules for Surviving Freshman Year)

Gellilla Gebre-Michael


Afterword: Sunscreen for the 21st Century



Get Snarktastic Guide to College Success, The (Subscription) by Sandra Mizumoto Posey, Metropolitan State University Teague von Bohlen, University of Colorado Denver

Snarktastic Guide to College Success, The (Subscription) Test Bank, Download Snarktastic Guide to College Success, The (Subscription) , Snarktastic Guide to College Success, The (Subscription) Test Book, PDF Snarktastic Guide to College Success, The (Subscription) ,Sandra Mizumoto Posey, Metropolitan State University Teague von Bohlen, University of Colorado Denver , Sandra Mizumoto Posey, Metropolitan State University Teague von Bohlen, University of Colorado Denver

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