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MyFoundationsLab (2015 Update) Modules/Topics
Learning Path: Reading Skills
MODULE R00. Reading: Beginning
1. Letter and Word Recognition
2. Vocabulary
3. Graphics and Visuals
4. Pre-Reading
5. Active Reading
MODULE R0. Reading: Basic
1. Pre-Reading
2. Active Reading
3. Context Clues and Vocabulary
4. Main Idea
5. Graphics and Visuals
MODULE R1. Reading: Fundamentals
1. Pre-Reading
2. Active Reading
3. Vocabulary
4. Dictionary Skills
5. Context Clues
6. Main Idea
7. Supporting Details
8. Graphics and Visual Aids
9. Outlining and Mapping
10. Summarizing and Paraphrasing
11. Combined Skills
MODULE R2. Reading: Introductory
1. Active Reading
2. Vocabulary
3. Stated Main Idea
4. Implied Main Idea
5. Supporting Details
6. Outlining and Mapping
7. Summarizing and Paraphrasing
8. Ten Patterns of Organization (Combined)
9. Patterns of Organization: Time Order
10. Patterns of Organization: Spatial Order
11. Patterns of Organization: Process Order
12. Patterns of Organization: Simple Listing
13. Patterns of Organization: Division and Classification
14. Patterns of Organization: Comparison
15. Patterns of Organization: Contrast
16. Patterns of Organization: Cause and Effect
17. Patterns of Organization: Generalization and Example
18. Patterns of Organization: Definition and Example
19. Purpose and Tone
20. Inference
21. Critical Thinking
22. Reading Textbooks
23. Graphics and Visuals
24. Reading Rate
25. Memorization and Concentration
26. Note Taking and Highlighting
27. Test Taking
28. Combined Skills
MODULE R3. Reading: Intermediate
1. Active Reading
2. Vocabulary
3. Stated Main Idea
4. Implied Main Idea
5. Supporting Details
6. Outlining and Mapping
7. Summarizing and Paraphrasing
8. Nine Patterns of Organization (Combined)
9. Patterns of Organization: Time Order
10. Patterns of Organization: Spatial Order
11. Patterns of Organization: Process Order
12. Patterns of Organization: Simple Listing
13. Patterns of Organization: Division and Classification
14. Patterns of Organization: Compare and Contrast
15. Patterns of Organization: Cause and Effect
16. Patterns of Organization: Generalization and Example
17. Patterns of Organization: Definition and Example
18. Purpose and Tone
19. Inference
20. Critical Thinking
21. Reading Textbooks
22. Graphics and Visuals
23. Reading Rate
24. Memorization and Concentration
25. Note Taking and Highlighting
26. Test Taking
27. Combined Skills
MODULE R4. Reading: Advanced
1. Active Reading
2. Vocabulary
3. Stated Main Idea
4. Implied Main Idea
5. Supporting Details
6. Outlining and Mapping
7. Summarizing and Paraphrasing
8. Nine Patterns of Organization (Combined)
9. Patterns of Organization: Time Order
10. Patterns of Organization: Spatial Order
11. Patterns of Organization: Process Order
12. Patterns of Organization: Simple Listing
13. Patterns of Organization: Division and Classification
14. Patterns of Organization: Compare and Contrast
15. Patterns of Organization: Cause and Effect
16. Patterns of Organization: Generalization and Example
17. Patterns of Organization: Definition and Example
18. Purpose and Tone
19. Inference
20. Critical Thinking
21. Reading Textbooks
22. Graphics and Visuals
23. Reading Rate
24. Memorization and Concentration
25. Note Taking and Highlighting
26. Test Taking
27. Combined Skills
Learning Path: Reading Level
MODULE L1. 400 Level
1. Harlem Renaissance
2. Traditional Dances
3. Energy
4. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
5. Chris Gardner
6. Copyright
7. Oprah
8. Pedro Almodovar
9. Science Fiction and Invention
10. Silent Spring
11. Rock Bottom Remainders
12. Healing Power of Laughter
13. Psychology of Money
14. Brain Games
15. Buying a Used Car
16. Credit Scores
17. Valdez: Father of Chicano Theater
18. Financial Literacy
19. Wellness Programs
20. Radio & Pop Music
MODULE L2. 500 Level
1. A Crow’s Life
2. Track and Field Meets
3. Painting and Realism
4. Drought
5. Chiune Sugihara: Japanese Diplomat
6. Elevators
7. Kinesics
8. Philosophers
9. Echolocation
10. Proxemics
11. Walt Whitman
12. Lost Colony
13. Honey
14. Runner Geb
15. Subway
16. Home Improvement
17. Job Interview
18. Online Shopping
19. Empathy
20. Michael Phelps
21. Travel Safety
22. Special Effects
23. Henry Darger
24. DIY (Do It Yourself) Culture
25. Atypical Music
26. Naica
MODULE L3. 600 Level
1. Columbus and His Dream
2. The Pony Express
3. The Planets that Orbit the Sun
4. Oil Spill
5. Trees: Oldest, Heaviest, Tallest
6. The North Pole
7. Louis Braille and His Code
8. Types of Love
9. Paper-making
10. Alaskan Crab Fishermen
11. Birth Order Theory
12. Bobcats
13. Dream Job
14. Found Art
15. Grand Canyon
16. Guinness Records
17. History of Voting
18. Hollywood
19. Household Budget
20. Identity Thief
21. Light Pollution
22. Roberto Clemente
23. Saving Money
24. Slow Food
25. Story Quilts
26. Urban Hiking
27. The Tale of Genji
28. History of Japanese Cinema
MODULE L4. 700 Level
1. Joan of Arc
2. A Spider's Web
3. The Amazing Anatomy of Spiders
4. Working Aboard the Mir Space Station
5. A Deaf Parent
6. Ties Between Great Britain and Canada
7. Clemente
8. Copper
9. Ethics in Online Journalism
10. Franchises
11. Gasoline
12. Gossip
13. Herbal Medicine
14. Hetty Green
15. Immigration
16. Memory
17. Micro-Loans
18. Musical Theater
19. Photos
20. Puppy Training
21. Skills for the Workplace
22. Throwing a Sports Party
23. Time Management
24. Vocabulary
25. Mexican Muralism
26. The Hudson River School
MODULE L5. 800 Level
1. The Heroic Potbellied Pig
2. Cassius Clay: Boaster and Boxer
3. Mummification
4. The Secrets of Spies
5. Plants that Kill
6. The Swedish Way
7. Space Launch
8. Flights of the Zeppelin
9. First on and Last Off
10. Effects of Population Growth
11. An Unstable Democracy
12. Fannie Lou Hamer
13. Mary Celeste
14. Ancient Writing
15. Open Source
16. Autopsy
17. Interior Design
18. Small Groups
19. Art of Conversation
20. Blogging
21. History of Jazz
22. History of Music
23. Self Esteem
24. Workplace Etiquette
25. The Beatles
26. Virtual Reality
27. Storm Chasers
MODULE L6. 900 Level
1. Reasons for Crime
2. Sharks
3. I am the Greatest
4. Presidential Powers
5. Poisonous Plants
6. Your Personal Brand
7. The Political Party System
8. Nature's Destructive Forces
9. Famous Abolitionists
10. The Truth About Our Vision
11. Life on the Wagon Trail
12. Surfing the "Net"
13. The Cliff Dwellers
14. Wildlife in Distress
15. The Power Behind the Product
16. The U.S. and Canada
17. The Beginnings of a Revolution
18. The Moon
19. Stop Stress with a Hot Bath
20. Running a Small Business
21. Biogeography
22. Biodiversity
23. Children of U.S. Immigrants
24. Social Anxiety Disorder
25. First Generation College Students
26. Kamkwamba Bio
27. Bollywood
MODULE L7. 1000 Level
1. The Stanford Prison Experiment
2. Prison and Mental Illness
3. Finding Atlantis
4. The Arabian Peninsula
5. Using the Sun's Energy
6. The Scientific Method
7. Ireland: A Divided Country
8. Habitat Destruction
9. An Eye For Design
10. Sleep
11. The Internet
12. A Fight For Latin America
13. Australia: Arid Climate, Rich Coast
14. The Legend of Atlantis
15. Violence in the Workplace
16. A Billion People Strong
17. Religious Freedom in the Colonies
18. The Constitutional Convention
19. Solving Problems in the Workplace
20. Lives Changed By Computers
21. Healthy Emotions=Healthy Parents
22. A Country of Converging Landscapes
23. Peter the Great of Russia
24. Defining Civil Rights
25. Women in the Workplace
26. Reaction to Criticism: Dog vs. Man
27. Asking for Help
28. Levels of International Business
29. Back to School at 40
30. Social Networks and the Workplace
MODULE L8. 1100 Level
1. Aron Ralston's Amazing Survival
2. Collective Intelligence
3. Drugs and Their Effects
4. Alternative Schooling
5. Social Aspects of Speech
6. Understanding Relationships
7. Prison Populations and Budgets
8. Amusement vs Theme Parks
9. Nonverbal Communication
10. Constitutional Amendments
11. Hazardous Wastes
12. The Positive Greetings from Dogs
13. Using the Experimental Method
14. Advantages of Digital Photography
15. Characteristics of the Planet Earth
16. Serious Viruses
17. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Joints
18. Asian Immigration
19. Stress Management
20. Exposure to Bacteria
21. Responsibilities of Managers
22. Wealth and America's Resources
MODULE L9. 1200 Level
1. Bidding on an Ebay Business
2. An Ocean Without Sharks
3. Social Expectations and Marriage
4. Dying to Look Good
5. National Drinking Age
6. Ten Things Most Americans Believe
7. All We Need is Love
8. What We Say When We Can't Talk
9. Prisons: The New Mental Institution
10. Overcoming Shyness
11. What We Pay to Marry
12. A Religion of Inclusion and Respect
13. Fashion Trends
14. National Parks
15. Nutrition Basics
16. Women and Minorities in Politics
17. Malcom McLean
18. Holistic Health
MODULE L10. 1300 Level
1. The Problem with Social Security
2. A Punishing War
3. Earthquakes in the East
4. Here Comes the Cake
5. Problem of Decreasing Resources
6. Catering Industry
7. Virtual World
8. Green Living
9. Folktales
10. Gaming as Learning
11. Telesymphony
12. Locavores
13. Fashion as Conceptual Art
14. Mirages
15. Animation
16. PTSD
17. Graphic Novels
18. Medicare
19. Technology and Reading
20. Forensic Investigation
MODULE L11. 1400 Level
1. Conflict Resolution
2. Ethanol
3. History of Stand-up Comedy
4. Longevity and Optimism
5. Neuromarketing
6. Personality Profiling
7. Piaget
8. Singing Sand Dunes
9. Svalbard Seed Vault
10. Wikipedia
11. Jimenez Bio
12. Currency
13. Caring for Elderly Parents
14. Diabetes
15. Early Literacy
16. Csikszentmihalyi's Flow
17. Body Language
18. 2010 Gulf Oil Spill
19. Stress
20. Medical Tech
Learning Path: Writing Skills
MODULE W1. Basic Grammar
1. Parts of Speech, Phrases, and Clauses
2. Subjects and Verbs
3. Nouns
4. Pronouns
5. Articles
6. Verbs
7. Tense
8. Regular and Irregular Verbs
9. Modifiers
10. Adjectives and Adverbs
11. Prepositions
MODULE W2. Sentence Skills
1. Sentence Structure
2. Fragments
3. Run-Ons
4. Subject–Verb Agreement
5. Consistent Verb Tense and Active Voice
6. Pronoun Case
7. Pronoun Reference and Point of View
8. Pronoun–Antecedent Agreement
9. Misplaced or Dangling Modifiers
10. Parallelism
11. Combining Sentences
12. Transitions
MODULE W3. Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling
1. Commas
2. Final Punctuation
3. Quotation Marks
4. Other Punctuation
5. Apostrophes
6. Abbreviations and Numbers
7. Capitalization
8. Spelling
MODULE W4. Usage and Style
1. Standard and Nonstandard English
2. Easily Confused Words
3. Varying Sentence Structure
4. Using Exact Language
5. Vocabulary Development
6. Biased and Sexist Language
7. Redundancy and Wordiness
8. Unnecessary Shifts
MODULE W5. The Craft of Writing
1. Getting Started
2. The Writing Process
3. Prewriting
4. Recognizing a Paragraph
5. The Topic Sentence
6. Developing and Organizing a Paragraph
7. Revising the Paragraph
8. Editing the Paragraph
MODULE W6. Paragraph Development
1. Paragraphs: Describing
2. Paragraphs: Narrating
3. Paragraphs: Illustrating
4. Paragraphs: Process
5. Paragraphs: Compare/Contrast
6. Paragraphs: Division/Classification
7. Paragraphs: Definition
8. Paragraphs: Cause/Effect
9. Paragraphs: Argument
MODULE W7. Essay Development
1. Recognizing the Essay
2. Thesis Statement
3. Essay Organization
4. Essay Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles
5. Revising the Essay
6. Editing the Essay
7. Essays: Describing
8. Essays: Narrating
9. Essays: Illustrating
10. Essays: Process
11. Essays: Compare/Contrast
12. Essays: Division/Classification
13. Essays: Definition
14. Essays: Cause and Effect
15. Essays: Argument
MODULE W8. Research
1. Research Process
2. Summary Writing
3. Paraphrasing to Avoid Plagiarism
4. Critical Thinking: Texts/Visuals
MODULE W9. Writing Assignments
Learning Path: Writing Practice
MODULE WP. Writing Practice
1. Writing Practice
Learning Path: ESL Skills
MODULE RS1. Reading Skills: Level 1
1. Capitalization and Punctuation
2. Abbreviations, Signs, and Symbols
3. Sentence Skills
4. Vocabulary and Dictionary Skills
MODULE RS2. Reading Skills: Level 2
1. Sentence Skills
2. Paragraph Skills
3. Patterns of Organization
4. Scanning and Skimming
5. Interpreting Non-prose
6. Vocabulary and Dictionary Skills
7. Combined Reading Strategies
MODULE RS3. Reading Skills: Level 3
1. Previewing a Text
2. Main Idea, Major Points, and Supporting Details
3. Sentence Skills
4. Patterns of Organization
5. Interpreting Graphs and Charts
6. Fact and Opinion
7. Inferences and Conclusions
8. Vocabulary and Dictionary Skills
MODULE RS4. Reading Skills: Level 4
1. Sentence Skills
2. Previewing, Skimming and Scanning
3. Main Idea and Supporting Details
4. Patterns of Organization
5. Critical Thinking
6. Advanced Reading and Study Skills
7. Vocabulary and Dictionary Skills
MODULE LS0. Listening Skills: Basic
1. Community and Family: Greetings and Questions
2. Community and Family: Commands and Instructions
3. Around Town: Simple Phrases
MODULE LS1. Listening Skills: Level 1
1. Meeting People: Listening for the Topic
2. Family: Listening for the Main Idea
3. School: Listening for Reasons
4. Occupations: Listening for Details
5. Places around Town: Following Directions
6. Daily Routines: Identifying Time Order
MODULE LS2. Listening Skills: Level 2
1. Home: Listening for the Main Idea, Details, and Examples
2. Food: Listening for Directions, Instructions, and Sequence
3. Transportation: Listening for Directions, Instructions, and Sequence
4. Entertainment: Listening for the Main Idea and Examples
5. Free Time: Listening for the Main Idea and Examples
6. Travel: Listening for Directions, Instructions, and Sequence
MODULE LS3. Listening Skills: Level 3
1. A Healthy Lifestyle: Listening for Opinions
2. Places and Cultures: Listening for Inferences
3. Celebrations: Listening for Opinions
4. Plans and Goals: Listening for Inferences
5. Technology: Listening for Opinions
6. Environment: Listening for Inferences
MODULE LS4. Listening Skills: Level 4
1. Connecting with Others: Listening for Inferences and Reasons
2. Personalities: Listening for Inferences and Cause and Effect
4. Animals in Danger: Listening for Inferences and Cause and Effect
5. Challenges: Listening for Inferences and Reasons
6. Customs: Listening for Inferences and Cause and Effect
MODULE LS5. Listening Skills: Level 5
1. New Developments: Differentiating between Fact and Opinion
2. Alternative Living: Recognizing Arguments and Counter-arguments
3. The Future: Differentiating between Fact and Opinion
4. Consumerism: Recognizing Arguments and Counter-arguments
5. Consequences: Differentiating between Fact and Opinion
6. Youth Culture: Recognizing Arguments and Counter-arguments
MODULE G1. Grammar Skills: Level 1
1. Sentence Structure
2. Nouns
3. Pronouns
4. Adjectives
5. Prepositional Phrases
6. Simple Present
7. Present Progressive
8. Simple Past
9. Simple Future
MODULE G2. Grammar Skills: Level 2
1. Simple and Compound Sentences
2. Complex Sentences
3. Wh- Questions
4. Nouns
5. Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
6. Adverbs
7. Prepositional Phrases
8. Simple Present and Present Progressive
9. Simple Past
10. Simple Future
11. Common Modals
MODULE G3. Grammar Skills: Level 3
1. Sentence Types
2. Nouns
3. Pronouns
4. Simple Tenses
5. Simple Past and Past Progressive
6. Common Modals
MODULE G4. Grammar Skills: Level 4
1. Either/Neither, So/Too
2. Adjective Clauses
3. Gerunds and Infinitives
4. Past Participle
5. Comparative and Superlative
6. Intensifiers
7. Present Perfect
MODULE G5. Grammar Skills: Level 5
1. Adjective Clauses and Phrases
2. Adverb Clauses and Phrases
3. Subordinating Conjunctions and Adverbial Conjunctions
4. Parallelism
5. Past Perfect
6. Future Perfect
7. Passive Voice
8. Simple Past Modals
MODULE G6. Grammar Skills: Level 6
1. Noun Clauses
2. Paired Connectors
3. Conditionals and Subjunctive/Causative
4. Determiners
5. Pronoun Agreement
6. Simple Past Modals
7. Past Perfect Progressive and Present Perfect Progressive
Learning Path: Math
MODULE M0. Basic Math
1. Counting and Comparing
2. Add Single-Digit Whole Numbers
3. Subtract Single-Digit Whole Numbers
4. Counting and Applications
5. Add and Subtract Two-and Three-Digit Numbers
6. Multiply Numbers Through 12
MODULE M1. Whole Numbers
1. Reading and Writing Whole Numbers
2. Comparing and Rounding Whole Numbers
3. Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers
4. Multiplying Whole Numbers
5. Dividing Whole Numbers
6. Estimate by Rounding
7. Exponents and Roots
8. The Order of Operations
9. Factors of Whole Numbers
MODULE M2. Fractions and Mixed Numbers
1. Basics of Fractions
2. Basics of Mixed Numbers
3. Writing a Fraction in Lowest Terms
4. Equivalent Fractions
5. Multiplying Fractions
6. Dividing Fractions
7. Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions
8. Least Common Multiples and Least Common Denominator
9. Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions
10. Exponents and Roots
11. The Order of Operations and Complex Fractions
MODULE M3. Decimals
1. Reading and Writing Decimals
2. Comparing and Rounding Decimals
3. Adding and Subtracting Decimals
4. Multiplying Decimals
5. Dividing Decimals
6. Writing Fractions and Decimals
MODULE M4. Introduction to Algebra and the Real Number System
1. Introduction to Integers, Opposites, and Absolute Value
2. Adding Integers
3. Subtracting Integers
4. Multiplying and Dividing Integers
5. Introduction to Expressions
6. Introduction to Inequalities
7. Introduction to Equations
8. Real Numbers and the Number Line
9. Calculating with Real Numbers
10. Properties of Real Numbers
11. Simplifying Expressions
MODULE M5. Ratio, Proportion, and Percent
1. Ratios
2. Rates
3. Proportions
4. Basics of Percent: Decimals
5. Basics of Percent: Fractions
6. Understanding and Using the Percent Proportion
7. Using the Percent Equation
8. Solving Word Problems with Percent
9. Simple Interest
MODULE M6. Measurement and Significant Digits
1. U.S. Customary Units
2. The Metric System: Length
3. The Metric System: Capacity and Mass
4. Metric and U.S. Customary Conversion
5. Temperature
6. Significant Digits
MODULE M7. Linear Equations and Inequalities; Absolute Value
1. Review of Expressions
2. Solving Linear Equations in One Variable
3. More on Solving Linear Equations in One Variable
4. Formulas
5. Solving Linear Inequalities
6. Set Operations and Compound Inequalities
7. Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
MODULE M8. Introduction to Graphing
1. The Rectangular Coordinate System
2. Graphing Linear Equations
3. The Distance and Midpoint Formulas
4. Intercepts
5. The Slope of a Line
6. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
7. Equations of Lines
8. Graphing Linear Equations Using Slope
9. Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
MODULE M9. Geometry: Part I
1. Lines and Angles
2. Plane Figures
3. Perimeter and Area
4. Circles
5. Working with Perimeter, Circumference, and Area
6. Space Figures
7. Surface Area
8. Volume
9. Working With Surface Area and Volume
MODULE M10. Geometry: Part II
1. The Pythagorean Theorem
2. Congruent and Similar Figures
3. Congruent and Similar Triangles
4. Translations
5. Reflections
6. Rotations
7. Symmetry
8. Dilations
9. Compositions of Reflections
MODULE M11. Data and Statistics
1. Types of Data
2. Sample Data
3. Tables and Pictographs
4. Circle Graphs and Scatterplots
5. Bar Graphs and Line Graphs
6. Frequency Distributions, Histograms, and Stem-and-Leaf Displays
7. Mean and Weighted Mean
8. Median and Mode
9. Box-and-Whisker Plots and the 5-Number Summary
10. Variance and Standard Deviation
MODULE M12. Introduction to Functions
1. Introduction to Functions
2. Linear Functions
3. Absolute Value Functions
4. Graphing Absolute Value Functions or Inequalities
MODULE M13. Exponents and Polynomials
1. Introduction to Polynomials
2. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
3. The Product Rule and Power Rules for Exponents
4. Multiplying a Monomial and a Polynomial
5. Multiplying Binomials
6. Multiplying Polynomials
7. Special Products
8. Integer Exponents and the Quotient Rule
9. Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial
10. Dividing a Polynomial by a Polynomial
11. Scientific Notation
MODULE M14. Factoring Polynomials
1. Factoring the Greatest Common Factor
2. Factoring Trinomials of the Form x^2+bx+c
3. Factoring Trinomials of the Form ax^2+bx+c
4. Factoring Special Cases
5. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
MODULE M15. Rational Expressions and Functions
1. The Fundamental Property of Rational Expressions
2. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
3. Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
4. Simplify Complex Fractions
5. Solving Rational Equations
6. Rational Functions
7. Graphing Rational Functions
8. Variation
MODULE M16. Systems and Matrices
1. Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing
2. Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution
3. Systems of Linear Equations by Elimination
4. Systems of Linear Equations by Any Method
5. Systems of Linear Inequalities
6. Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables
7. Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Matrix Methods
8. Properties of Matrices
9. Matrix Inverses
10. Determinants and Cramer's Rule
MODULE M17. Roots and Radicals
1. Introduction to Roots and Radicals
2. Product and Quotient Rules for Radicals
3. Adding and Subtracting Radicals
4. Rationalizing the Denominator
5. More Simplifying and Operations with Radicals
6. Solving Equations Containing Radicals
7. Square Root and Cube Root Functions
8. Graphing Square Root and Cube Root Functions
MODULE M18. Quadratic Equations and Inequalities; Complex Numbers
1. Using the Square Root Property to Solve Quadratic Equations
2. Completing the Square to Solve Quadratic Equations
3. Using the Quadratic Formula to Solve Quadratic Equations
4. Quadratic Inequalities
5. Introduction to Complex Numbers
6. Using Complex Numbers
7. Solving Quadratic Equations with Complex Solutions
8. Using the Quadratic Formula (with Complex Solutions)
9. Quadratic Functions
10. Graphs of Quadratic Functions
11. Systems of Quadratic Equations and Inequalities
MODULE M19. Functions and Transformations
1. Piecewise Functions
2. Even and Odd Functions
3. Transformations of Functions: Vertical and Horizontal Shifts
4. Transformations of Functions: Reflections
5. Transformations of Functions: Stretching and Shrinking
6. Combinations of Functions
7. Composite Functions
8. Inverse Functions
MODULE M20. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
1. Exponential Functions
2. Graphs of Exponential Functions
3. Logarithmic Functions
4. Natural Logarithms
5. Graphs of Logarithmic Functions
6. Properties of Logarithms
7. Solving Exponential Equations
8. Solving Logarithmic Equations
9. Exponential Growth and Decay
10. Compound Interest
MODULE M21. Sequences and Series
1. Infinite Sequences
2. Factorials and Summation Notation
3. Arithmetic Sequences
4. Geometric Sequences
5. Arithmetic Series
6. Geometric Series
MODULE M22. Counting, Probability, and Distributions
1. The Binomial Theorem
2. Permutations and Combinations
3. Introduction to Probability
4. Empirical Probability
5. Probability of Independent Events and Dependent Events
6. Probability of Mutually Exclusive Events and Overlapping Events
7. Conditional Probability
8. Binomial Distributions
9. Normal Distributions
MODULE M23. Trigonometric Functions
1. Introduction to Angles
2. Angles and Radian Measure
3. Arcs
4. Right Triangle Trigonometry
5. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle
6. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers; Periodic Functions
7. Fundamental Trigonometric Identities
8. Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions
9. Graphs of the Tangent and Cotangent Functions
10. Graphs of the Cosecant and Secant Functions
11. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
MODULE M24. Additional Trigonometry Topics
1. Verifying Trigonometric Identities
2. Sum and Difference Formulas
3. Double-Angle, Power-Reducing, and Half-Angle Formulas
4. Product-to-Sum and Sum-to-Product Formulas
5. Trigonometric Equations
6. The Laws of Sines and Cosines
7. Vectors
MODULE M25. Conic Sections and Analytic Geometry
1. Circles
2. The Ellipse
3. The Hyperbola
4. The Parabola
5. Systems of Nonlinear Equations in Two Variables
6. Rotation of Axes
7. Parametric Equations
8. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates
MODULE SS1. Study Skills
1. Time Management
2. Coping with Stress and Anxiety
3. Concentrating When You Read and Study
4. Getting the Most from Your Reading
5. Rehearsal Strategies
6. Effective Note Taking
7. Studying Smarter: Studying in the Disciplines
8. Preparing for and Taking Exams
MODULE SS2. Math-Reading Connections
1. Eliminating Incorrect Choices
2. Identifying Word Elements
3. Using the Right Tools
4. Looking for Patterns
5. Understanding Graphs and Graphics
6. Using Word Clues
7. Breaking Down Problems
8. Using Mnemonics
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