jeudi 28 mars 2019

Purchase Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction, Books a la Carte Edition E-book Online

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction, Books a la Carte Edition

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents



1. Social Work as a Profession

A Profession Defined                                                                                   

            Would you enjoy a career in Social Work?                            

            Social Work Defined 

                        Core Competency: Human Rights and Justice

            Social Work in Relation to Social Welfare                                        

Possible Careers in Social Work                                                     

            Social Work with Individuals                                                 

            Social Work with Families                                                                 

            Social Work with Groups                                                                  

            Social Work with Communities                                                         

Social Workers in Administration                                                      

            Social Workers in Policy Practice      

                        Core Competency: Policy Practice                                        

            Social Workers in Research                           

            Social Work in Relation to Other Professions                                   

Social Work: A Values-based Profession                                        


                        Core Competency: Professional Identity                   


            Competence in Relation to Diversity and Individual Dignity           

                        Core Competency: Diversity in Practice

            Social Justice and Human Rights                                                       

            Strengths and Empowerment                                                

Baccalaureate Social Work Education                                                       

The Future of Social Work                                                              

Chapter Summary                                                                           



2. Theoretical and Conceptual Models of Social Work

The Complexity of Social Work Theory and Practice                              

Human Behavior and the Social Environment                              

            Multidimensional View: The Biopsychosocial Model of HBSE       

            Biological Domain                                                                             

            Psychological Domain           

                        Core Competency: Human Behavior

            Social Domain                                                                         

                        Core Competency: Diversity in Practice

            Expanding Our Perspective: The Spiritual and Physical Domains

Core Competency: Practice Contexts

Systems Theory and Social Work Practice                                    

The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice                                  

Chapter Summary                                                               

Practice Test


3. Basic Concepts in Social Welfare

Social Welfare: A Conceptualization         

                        Core Competency: Human rights and Justice                                    

            Ideological Input                                                                                

            Economic Institutions            

                        Core Competency: Practice Contexts                                                

            Political Institutions   

                        Core Competency: Policy Practice                                                                

            Social Institutions                                                                              

            Outcome: Societal Well-Being          

                        Core Competency: Critical Thinking                                     

Chapter Summary                                                                          

Practice Test


4. Generalist Social Work Practice

Roles and Functions of Social Work          

                        Core Competency: Diversity in Practice                                            

The Nature of Helping Relationships         

                        Core Competency: Professional Identity                                           

Diversity and Cultural Competency           

                        Core Competency: Ethical Practice                                       


Data Collection and Assessment     

                        Core Competency: Research Based Practice                                     

            Family Assessments                                                                            

            Group Assessments                                                                            

            Organization and Community Assessment                            

Planning and Contracting                                                                

Intervention in Generalist Social Work                                          

            Generalist Social Work with Individuals                                           

            Generalist Social Work with Families

            Generalist Social Work with Groups                                     

            Generalist Social Work with Organizations and Communities         


Chapter Summary                                                                           

Practice Test


5. Social Work and Social Justice: Diversity, Difference, and Oppression

Chapter Outline       

Human Difference and Diversity                

                        Core Competency: Critical Thinking

Diverse Peoples of the United States                                                          

            Major Social Groups in the United States                  

                        Core Competency: Diversity in Practice

                        Core Competency: Human Rights and Justice

Organizing Principals of Diversity and Difference in Society     

            Social Groups                                                                         

            Inequality: Discrimination and Prejudice                                          

            Inequality: Domination and Subordination                            


                        Core Competency: Practice Contexts

            Oppression, Power and Privilege                                                       

The Lived Experience of Oppression: “The isms”                        






            Homophobia and Heterosexism                                                         


Social Work and Social Justice                                                                  

            Empowering Practices: Social Justice in Action                                

            Practice Focus: Strengths-Based Practice                                           

Chapter Summary                                                                           

Practice Test


6:  History of Social Work and Social Welfare

The Beginnings of a U.S. Social Welfare System                           

          Caring for the Poor: Poverty and the Workhouse                             

          The Central Role of Organized Religion and The First Amendment

          The Influence of American philanthropy                                                        

Industrialization of America                                                                     

            The Poor Laborer                                                                               

            The Antipauper Movement                                                                

            The Growth of Private Nonprofit Agencies for the Poor                  

            The Development of Charity Organization Societies             

                        Core Competency: Professional Identity

            The Progressive Era               

                        Core Competency: Human Behavior                                                 

            The Social Advocacy of Women and the Settlement Houses           

Business Charitable Contributions: The Growth of Community Chests and Service Clubs

The Great Depression and Creation of a National Social Welfare System                     

            The Great Depression                                                             

            The New Deal                                                                                    

            The Role of Social Work in the New Deal                                         

            Successes and Failures of the New Deal       

                        Core Competency: Ethical Practice                           

Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society                        

            The Great Society                                                                               

Nixon and the Federal Social Welfare Partnership                                  

The Women’s Movement                                                                

            Impact of the Civil Rights and Women’s Movements on Professional Social Work

Core Competency: Insert Margin Note 6.4

Reagan and New Federalism                                                                      

The First President Bush: George H.W. Bush                                    

            Bill Clinton and Welfare Reform                                                       

            Developments in Social Work                                                           

            Social Welfare Developments: 2000-Present                         

Chapter Summary                                                                           

Practice Test


7: Poverty and Social Welfare

Introduction to Poverty                                                             

Definition and Causes of Poverty                                                         

      Defining and Measuring Poverty                                            

            Federal Poverty Thresholds and Guidelines              

            Current Federal Poverty Thresholds: Problems and Alternatives

                        Core Competency: Social Policy

            Who are the Poor?                                                                  

            Demographic Trends in Poverty                                            

Causes of Poverty                                                                                  

            Economic System Factors: Work, Income, and the Labor Market                

            Education and “Human Capital”                                           

            Oppression and Discrimination          

                        Core Competency: Human Rights

            The Impact of Changing Family Structures               

                        Core Competency: Critical Thinking

            The “Culture of Poverty”                                                       

Publicly Funded Services to the Poor                                       

            Social Insurance Programs                                                    

            Unemployment Insurance                                                                  

            Workers’ Compensation                                                        

Public Assistance Programs                                                                  

            Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)

Core Competency: Practice Contexts

            Supplemental Security Income                                   

            General Assistance                                                                 

            Current Issues in Public Assistance: A Critical Analysis of Welfare Reform                                                                      

Food and Shelter Programs                                                                  

            Food Stamps                                                                           

            The Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)           

            Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Assistance Contributions of Business and the Private Nonprofit Sector to Housing                                                                       

            Current Shelter Issues: The Homeless                                   

            Other Publicly Funded Programs in American Social Welfare                                                                                   

Chapter Summary                                                                                 

Practice Test


8:  Health, Healthcare and Medical Social Work

Social Workers in the Healthcare Profession                                            

Major Health Problems                                                                               

            Heart Disease                                                                                     





Get Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction, Books a la Carte Edition by Jerry D. Marx, University of New Hampshire C. Anne A Broussard, University of New Hampshire Fleur A. Hopper, Bowdoin College David Worster, University of New Hampshire

Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction, Books a la Carte Edition Test Bank, Download Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction, Books a la Carte Edition , Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction, Books a la Carte Edition Test Book, PDF Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction, Books a la Carte Edition ,Jerry D. Marx, University of New Hampshire C. Anne A Broussard, University of New Hampshire Fleur A. Hopper, Bowdoin College David Worster, University of New Hampshire , Jerry D. Marx, University of New Hampshire C. Anne A Broussard, University of New Hampshire Fleur A. Hopper, Bowdoin College David Worster, University of New Hampshire

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