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Essentials of Human Communication, 6th Edition

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents




1 The Essentials of Human Communication

Human Communication

Communication Models and Concepts

Principles of Communication

Culture and Human Communication


Skill Development Experiences

    Distinguishing Content from Relationship Messages

    Making Cultural Beliefs Mindful


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to Communicate

    Communicating Ethically: Approaching Ethics

    Media Literacy: What Is Media Literacy?


2 The Self and Perception

The Self in Human Communication




Skill Development Experiences

    Revealing Yourself

    Taking Another’s Perspective


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to Others’ Perceptions

    Communicating Ethically: Information Ethics

    Media Literacy: Who Are the Media?


3 Listening in Human Communication

The Importance of Listening: Task and Relationship Benefits

Stages of Listening

Styles of Effective Listening

Listening Differences: Culture and Gender


Skill Development Experiences

    Paraphrasing for Understanding

    Regulating Your Listening Perspective


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to the Emotions of Others

    Communicating Ethically: Listening Ethically

    Media Literacy: Essential Principles of Media Literacy Listening


4 Verbal Messages

Principles of Verbal Messages

Disconfirmation and Confirmation

Using Verbal Messages Effectively


Skill Development Experiences

    Confirming, Rejecting, and Disconfirming

    Talking in E-Prime


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening without Prejudice

    Communicating Ethically: Communicating in Cyberspace

    Media Literacy: Hate Speech


5 Nonverbal Messages

The Functions of Nonverbal Communication

The Channels of Nonverbal Communication

Culture, Gender, and Nonverbal Communication


Skill Development Experiences

    Selecting Seats at the Company Meeting

    Expressing Praise and Criticism


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening with Nonverbals

    Communicating Ethically: Communication Silence

    Media Literacy: The Spiral of Silence




6 Interpersonal Communication, Conversation, and Relationships


Principles of Conversation

The Stages of Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal Relationship Types

Theories of Interpersonal Communication and Relationships

Culture, Technology, Work, and Relationships


Skill Development Experiences

    Opening and Closing Conversations

    Formulating Apologies


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to Stage Talk

    Communicating Ethically: Censoring Messages and Relationships

    Media Literacy: Parasocial Relationships


7 Managing Interpersonal Conflict

What Is Interpersonal Conflict?

Principles of Conflict

Conflict Management Strategies


Skill Development Experiences

    Generating Win—Win Solutions

    Early Conflict Resolution


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to Messages in Conflict

    Communicating Ethically: Ethical Fighting

    Media Literacy: Cultivation Theory


8 Small Group Communication

The Small Group

Brainstorming Groups

Information-Sharing Groups

Problem-Solving Groups


Skill Development Experiences


    Solving Problems in Groups


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening in Small Groups

    Communicating Ethically: Telling Secrets

    Media Literacy: The Third-Person Effect


9 Members and Leaders in Small Group Communication

Members in Small Group Communication

Leaders in Small Group Communication

Membership, Leadership, and Culture


Skill Development Experiences

    Responding to Individual Roles

    Empowering Group Members


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to Complaints

    Communicating Ethically: Justifying the Ends

    Media Literacy: Gatekeepers


10 Public Speaking Preparation (Steps 1—6)

The Nature of Public Speaking

Step 1: Select Your Topic and Purpose

Step 2: Analyze Your Audience

Step 3: Research Your Topic

Step 4: Formulate Your Thesis and Identify Your Main Points

Step 5: Support Your Main Points

Step 6: Organize Your Information


Skill Development Experiences

    Using Cultural Beliefs as Assumptions

    Limiting Topics


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to Help Reduce Apprehension

    Communicating Ethically: Plagiarism

    Media Literacy: The Media and Disconfirmation

    The Public Speaking Sample Assistant: A Poorly Constructed Informative Speech


11 Public Speaking Preparation and Delivery (Steps 7—10)

Step 7: Word Your Speech

Step 8: Construct Your Conclusion and Introduction

Step 9: Rehearse Your Speech

Step 10: Deliver Your Speech

Critically Evaluating Speeches


Skill Development Experiences

    Constructing Conclusions and Introductions

    Checking Your Pronunciation


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to Criticism

    Communicating Ethically: Criticizing Ethically

    Media Literacy: Advertising and Public Relations

    The Public Speaking Sample Assistant: The Preparation Outline

    The Public Speaking Sample Assistant: The Template Outline

    The Public Speaking Sample Assistant: The Delivery Outline

    The Public Speaking Sample Assistant: A Poorly Constructed Persuasive Speech


12 The Informative Speech

Guidelines for Informative Speaking

Supporting Materials

Presentation Aids

Speeches of Description

Speeches of Definition

Speeches of Demonstration


Skill Development Experiences

    Critically Evaluating Testimony

    Amplifying Statements

    Preparing an Informative Speech


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to New Ideas

    Communicating Ethically: Speaking Ethically

    Media Literacy: Product Placement

    The Public Speaking Sample Assistant: An Excellent Informative Speech


13 The Persuasive Speech

Goals of Persuasion

Guidelines for Persuasive Speaking

Supporting Materials

Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact

Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value

Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy


Skill Development Experiences

    Developing Persuasive Strategies

    Preparing a Persuasive Speech

    Developing Persuasive Speeches


Featured Boxes

    Listen to This: Listening to Anecdotal Evidence

    Communicating Ethically: Emotional Appeals

    Media Literacy: Reversing Media’s Influence

    The Public Speaking Sample Assistant: An Excellent Persuasive Speech


Glossary of Human Communication Concepts

Glossary of Human Communication Skills





Get Essentials of Human Communication, 6th Edition by Joseph A. DeVito, Hunter College of the City University of New York

Essentials of Human Communication, 6th Edition Test Bank, Download Essentials of Human Communication, 6th Edition , Essentials of Human Communication, 6th Edition Test Book, PDF Essentials of Human Communication, 6th Edition ,Joseph A. DeVito, Hunter College of the City University of New York , Joseph A. DeVito, Hunter College of the City University of New York

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