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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: C++ Basics
Introduction to C++
Variables, Expressions, and Assignment Statements
Console Input/Output
Program Style
Libraries and Namespaces
Chapter 2: Flow of Control
Boolean Expressions
Branching Mechanisms
Chapter 3: Function Basics
Predefined Functions
Programmer-Defined Functions
Scope Rules
Chapter 4: Parameters and Overloading
Overloading and Default Arguments
Testing and Debugging Functions
Chapter 5: Arrays
Introduction to Arrays
Arrays in Functions
Programming with Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays
Chapter 6: Structures and Classes
Chapter 7: Constructors and Other Tools
More Tools
Vectors—A Preview of the Standard Template Library
Chapter 8: Operator Overloading, Friends, and References
Basic Operator Overloading
Friend Functions and Automatic Type Conversion
References and More Overloaded Operators
Chapter 9: Strings
An Array Type for Strings
Character Manipulation Tools
The Standard Class string
Chapter 10: Pointers and Dynamic Arrays
Dynamic Arrays
Classes, Pointers, and Dynamic Arrays
Chapter 11: Separate Compilation and Namespaces
Separate Compilation
Chapter 12: Streams and File I/O
I/O Streams
Tools for Stream I/O
Stream Hierarchies: A Preview of Inheritance
Random Access to Files
Chapter 13: Recursion
Recursive void Functions
Recursive Functions that Return a Value
Thinking Recursively
Chapter 14: Inheritance
Inheritance Basics
Programming with Inheritance
Chapter 15: Polymorphism and Virtual Functions
Virtual Function Basics
Pointers and Virtual Functions
Chapter 16: Templates
Function Templates
Class Templates
Templates and Inheritance
Chapter 17: Linked Data Structures
Nodes and Linked Lists
Linked List Applications
Chapter 18: Exception Handling
Exception Handling Basics
Programming Techniques for Exception Handling
Chapter 19: Standard Template Library
Generic Algorithms
Chapter 20: Patterns and UML
Appendix 1: C++ Keywords
Appendix 2: Precedence of Operators
Appendix 3: The ASCII Character Set
Appendix 4: Some Library Functions
Appendix 5: Old and New Header Files
Further Reading
Get Absolute C++, 3rd Edition by Walter Savitch, University of California, San Diego
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