dimanche 5 mai 2019

Purchase Fundamentals of Precalculus E-book Online

Fundamentals of Precalculus

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

1. Graphs and Functions.

Real Numbers and Their Properties.

Linear and Absolute Value Inequalities.

Equations and Graphs in Two Variables.

Linear Equations in Two Variables.


Graphs of Relations and Functions.

Families of Functions, Transformations, and Symmetry.

Operations with Functions.

Inverse Functions.

2. Polynomial and Rational Functions.

Quadratic Functions and Inequalities.

Complex Numbers.

Zeros of Polynomial Functions.

The Theory of Equations.

Miscellaneous Equations.

Graphs of Polynomial Functions.

Rational Functions and Inequalities.

3. Trigonometric Functions.

Angles and Their Measurements.

The Sine and Cosine Functions.

The Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions.

The Other Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs.

The Inverse Trigonometric Functions.

Right Triangle Trigonometry.


Conditional Trigonometric Equations.

The Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines.

4. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.

Exponential Functions and Their Applications.

Logarithmic Functions and Their Applications.

Rules of Logarithms.

More Equations and Applications.

5. Conic Sections, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations.

The Parabola.

The Ellipse and the Circle.

The Hyperbola.

Polar Equations.

Polar Equations of the Conics.

Parametric Equations.

Appendix A Basic Algebra Review.

Exponents and Radicals.


Factoring Polynomials.

Rational Expressions.

Get Fundamentals of Precalculus by Mark Dugopolski, Southeastern Louisiana University

Fundamentals of Precalculus Test Bank, Download Fundamentals of Precalculus , Fundamentals of Precalculus Test Book, PDF Fundamentals of Precalculus ,Mark Dugopolski, Southeastern Louisiana University , Mark Dugopolski, Southeastern Louisiana University

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