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Foundations of American Education, 7th Edition

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Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Brief Contents

Part I   The Teaching Profession

Chapter 1         Status of the Profession

Chapter 2         Development of the Profession

Part II Philosophy and Its Impact on the Schools

Chapter 3         The Major Philosophies

Chapter 4         The Impact of Educational Theories on Educational Practice

Part III            Historical Foundations of Education

Chapter 5         American Education: European Heritage and Colonial Experience

Chapter 6         American Education: From Revolution to the Twentieth Century

Chapter 7         Modern American Education: From the Progressive Movement to the Present

Part IV            Schooling In A Diverse and Multicultural Society

Chapter 8         The Social and Cultural Contexts of Schooling: Their Influence and Consequence

Chapter 9         Responding to Diversity

Chapter 10       Students at Risk and At-Risk Behaviors

Part V Legal and Political Control and Financial Support

Chapter 11       Legal Framework for the Public Schools

Chapter 12       Teachers, Students, and the Law

Chapter 13       Governance and Financing of Elementary and Secondary Schools

Part VI            Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Effective Schools

Chapter 14       Curriculum and Instruction

Chapter 15       Standards and Assessment



The Teaching Profession

Chapter 1 • Status of the Profession

The Teacher and Teaching: Definitions

Profile of the Teaching Profession

Why Become a Teacher?

ASK YOURSELF: Do I Want to Be a Teacher?

Satisfactions and Dissatisfactions with Teaching

Teacher Preparation

Baccalaureate Teacher Education Programs

HISTORICAL NOTE: The Columbian School: The First Formal Teacher Training Institution

Alternative Teacher Preparation Programs

VIDEO INSIGHT: Teacher Shortage: Alternative Certification

Minority Representation in the Teaching Force

Teacher Certification

Assessment for Initial Certification and Licensure

Emergency Certification


Reciprocity and Interstate Certification

National Certification: The NBPTS

Teacher Supply and Demand

Salary and Other Compensation

Salary Schedules

Performance-Based Pay Plans and Knowledge and Skills


Compensation for Supplemental Activities

Salaries for Administrative and Support Personnel

Indirect Compensation: Employee Benefits and Services


Professional Development Workshop

Chapter 2 • Development of the Profession

Teaching as a Profession

Requirements of a Profession

Specialized Knowledge and Preparation

Provision of Essential Services to Society

The Exercise of Discretion

Autonomy and Freedom from Direct Supervision

Code of Professional Standards

Professional Codes of Ethics

ASK YOURSELF: Does Teaching Qualify as a Profession?

The Increased Professionalization of Teaching

Development of Professional Standards

Professional Development

Career Advancement


HISTORICAL NOTE: Apprentice Contract for a Schoolmaster, 1722

Evaluating Teacher Performance

Teachers’ Organizations

National Organizations for Teachers

Local Organizations for Teachers and Collective Negotiations

Specialized Organizations for Teachers Teachers Organizations and Public Policy Issues


Professional Development Workshop


Philosophy and Its Impact on the Schools

Chapter 3 • The Major Philosophies

What Is Philosophy?

Branches of Philosophy0

Metaphysics: What Is the Nature of Reality?

Epistemology: What Is the Nature of Knowledge?

Axiology: What Is the Nature of Values?

Traditional Philosophies and Their Educational Implications


CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES: Should Moral Education, Character Education or Values Education Be a Responsibility of the School?

ASK YOURSELF: What Is My Philosophy of Life?

HISTORICAL NOTE: Plato’s Academy



Contemporary Philosophies and Their Educational Implications



Analytic Philosophy

Major Eastern Philosophies






Professional Development Workshop

Chapter 4 • The Impact of Educational Theories on Educational Practice

Theories of Education


Purpose of Schooling

Nature of the Learner


Instructional Methods

Classroom Management


The Perennialist Teacher

Leading Educational Proponents


Purpose of Schooling

Nature of the Learner

Curriculum Instructional Methods

Classroom Management


The Progressivist Teacher

Leading Educational Proponents



Purpose of Schooling

Nature of the Learner


Instructional Methods

Classroom Management


The Behaviorist Teacher

Leading Educational Proponents


Purpose of Schooling

Nature of the Learner


Instructional Methods

Classroom Management


The Essentialist Teacher

Leading Educational Proponents

Social Reconstructionism

Purpose of Schooling

Nature of the Learner


Instructional Methods

Classroom Management


The Social Reconstructionist Teacher

Leading Educational Proponents


Purpose of Schooling

Nature of the Learner


Instructional Methods

Classroom Management


The Postmodernist Teacher

Leading Educational Proponents

Identifying Your Philosophy of Education

ASK YOURSELF: What Is My Philosophy of Education?


Professional Development Workshop


Historical Foundations of Education

Chapter 5 • American Education: European Heritage and Colonial Experience

Education in Ancient Societies

Education in Ancient Non-Western Societies

Education in Ancient Western Societies

CONTROVERSIAL issue: Homeschooling

Education in the Middle Ages

Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274)

The Medieval Universities

Influence of Arab Scholars

HISTORICAL NOTE: Life of the Medieval University Student

Education During the Renaissance

Education During the Reformation

Martin Luther (1483–1546)

John Calvin (1509–1564)

Vernacular Schools

Later European Educational Thought

Francis Bacon (1561–1626)

Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670)

John Locke (1632–1704)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778)

Johann Pestalozzi (1746–1827)

Johann Herbart (1776–1841)

Friedrich Froebel (1782–1852)

Education in the “New” Old World Before Jamestown

Native American Education

Education in Colonial America

Education in the New England Colonies

Education in the Mid-Atlantic Colonies

New York

Education in the Southern Colonies


Professional Development Workshop

Chapter 6 • American Education: From Revolution to the Twentieth Century

Education in the Early National Period

Northwest Land Ordinances Nationalism and Education

Educational Innovations

The Growth of the Academy

The Common School Movement

Moving Forces

Leading Proponents of the Common School

Growth of State and Local Support and Supervision

Organization and Curriculum

Secondary School Movement

Slow Beginnings

The Movement Grows as Industry and the Economy Grow

CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE: Single-Sex Schools and Classes

Tax Support and Compulsory Attendance Laws Further Secondary Education and Literacy

The Committee of Ten

The Seven Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education

The Junior High School

Developments in Higher Education

The Dartmouth College Case

The Morrill Acts and the Establishment of Land-Grant Institutions

Higher Education for Women

The Emergence of the Modern University

Founding of Junior Colleges

Education of Minorities

Education of Native Americans

Education of Hispanic Americans

Education of Asian Americans

Education of Black Americans

HISTORICAL NOTE: Zeal for Learning Among Freedmen, 1868

Teacher Education

Establishment of Normal Schools

Teacher Institutes

Normal School Curriculum and Standards Strengthened

Universities Enter Teacher Training



Chapter 7 • Modern American Education: From the Progressive Movement to the Present

The Twentieth Century Unfolds

The People and the Nation Grow

Economic Growth

Politics and Reform

Changes in Education

Progressivism in Education

The Beginnings of Progressive Education

John Dewey

Ella Flagg Young

Progressive Education Association

Influence of the Progressive Movement on Higher Education

The Child Study Movement

The Measurement Movement

Education During the Great Depression

George S. Counts and Social Reconstructionism

William C. Bagley and the Essentialists

The Influence of the Second World War

The Postwar Years

The Critics and the Decline of Progressive Education

The Montessori Movement

HISTORICAL NOTE: Maria Montessori

From Sputnik to the New Federalism

Curriculum Reforms

Education and the War on Poverty

The Civil Rights Movement

The 1970s: Retreat and Retrenchment

The 1980s: Renewed Conservatism and Reform

The 1990s: National Goals, National Standards, and Choice

School Choice


The End of a Presidency, the End of a Century

A New Century Begins

No Child Left Behind

VIDEO INSIGHT: No Child Left Behind

The Obama Administration: Increased Federal Involvement




Schooling in a Diverse and Multicultural Society

Chapter 8 • The Social and Cultural Contexts of Schooling: Their Influence and Consequence

The Relationship Between School and Society

Agents of Socialization

The School

The Family

The Peer Group


The Mass Media

The Purposes and Expectations of Schooling

Functionalist Perspective

Conflict Theory Perspective

Interactionist Perspective

The Diverse Student Population

Social Class

HISTORICAL NOTE: The Evolving Concept of Social Class

CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE: Standardized Testing

Hispanic Americans

African Americans


Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Native Americans (American Indians and Alaska Natives)

The Racial and Ethnic Achievement Gap

The Racial and Ethnic Attainment Gap

The Gender Gap in Reverse

Students With Exceptionalities

Language Diversity


Professional Development Workshop

Chapter 9 • Responding to Diversity

Diversity and Culture

Cultural Influences on Teaching, Learning, and Behavior

Culturally Responsive Teaching

Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students

Multicultural Education

Approaches to Multicultural Education

Supporting English Language Learners

VIDEO INSIGHT: Controversy over Bilingual Education

Services to Immigrant Children and Youth

HISTORICAL NOTE: Tape v. Hurley: The Chinese Struggle for Education

Compensatory Education for Disadvantaged Students

Creating Equal Educational Opportunities for Students with Disabilities

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

The Inclusion Debate

Promoting Gender Equity

ASK YOURSELF: Inclusion Checklist

Goals of Gender Equity

Strategies for Achieving Gender Equity


Professional Development Workshop

Chapter 10 • Students At Risk and At-Risk Behaviors

At-Risk Children and Youth

Risk, Resiliency, and Protective Factors

Tobacco, Drug, and Alcohol Use and Abuse

The Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Identifying Alcohol and Drug Use

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Adolescent Suicide

    Risk Factors for Youth Suicide

Warning Signs of Youth Suicide

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Dropping Out of School

Identifying the Potential Dropout

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Teen Pregnancy

Consequences of Adolescent Pregnancy

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE: Sex Education in the Public Schools

HISTORICAL NOTE: Three HIV-Positive Brothers Barred from School

Child Hood Obesity

   Consequences of Childhood Obesity

   Prevention and Intervention Strategies: The Role of the School

Child Maltreatment

Child Neglect

Physical Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Emotional Abuse

Identifying Child Abuse and Neglect

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

School Violence


VIDEO INSIGHT: The In Crowd and Social Cruelty

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth

Improving the School Climate


Professional Development Workshop 260


Legal and Political Control and Financial Support

Chapter 11 • Legal Framework for the Public Schools

Federal Constitutional Provisions Affecting Education

First Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Eighth Amendment

Tenth Amendment

Fourteenth Amendment

State Constitutional Provisions Affecting Education

Statutory Law

Federal Statutes

State Statutes

Case Law

Administrative Rules and Regulations

School Board Policies

Powers and Organization of the Courts

The Federal Court System

The State Court Systems

HISTORICAL NOTE:  Sandra Day O’Conner: Breaking the Glass Ceiling on the U.S. Supreme Court

Student and Teacher First Amendment Rights: Religion

Prayer and Bible Reading

Religious Expression                                                                                       

VIDEO INSIGHT: Standing Alone

Religious Access to School Buildings

Challenges to the Curriculum

Public Aid to Private Schools

ASK YOURSELF: How Tall Is the Wall?


Tax Credits and Deductions

Compulsory Attendance


Professional Development Workshop

Chapter 12 • Teachers, Students, and the Law

Teacher Rights and Responsibilities

Terms and Conditions of Employment

HISTORICAL NOTE: Duties of a Colonial Schoolmaster

Teacher Dismissal

Constitutional Rights of Teachers

Teacher Rights: Freedom from Employment Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

Legal Responsibilities of Teachers

Tort Liability of School District Employees

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Discipline


VIDEO INSIGHT: Action, Reaction, and Zero Tolerance: How Far Is Too Far?

Search and Seizure

Freedom of Expression

Sexual Harassment of Students

Student Records and Privacy


Professional Development Workshop

Chapter 13 • Governance and Financing of Elementary and Secondary Schools

The Context of the Public Schools

Organization for Education

Education at the Local Level

Education at the State Level

The Federal Government and Public Education

Financing of Education

Public Policy Goals in State School Finance

State School Finance Programs

Sources of Revenue for Schools


ASK YOURSELF: What Limits Should Be Placed on Commercialism in Schools?

The Courts and School Finance

HISTORICAL NOTE: Serrano v. Priest: The School Finance Reform Movement Begins

Federal Aid for Elementary and Secondary Schools

Private Education

Private School Enrollments




Professional Development Workshop


Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Effective Schools

Chapter 14 • Curriculum and Instruction

Forces Influencing the Curriculum

National Curriculum Standards


Mandated Assessments

State Governments


Local School Boards

Parent and Community Groups

The Federal Government

Patterns of Curriculum Design

The Subject-Area Curriculum Design

The Integrated Curriculum Design

The Core Curriculum Design

The Student-Centered Curriculum Design

The Constructivism Curriculum Design

Curriculum Contrasts

CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE: The Subject-Centered and Student-Centered Curricula

The Hidden and Null Curricula

The Curriculum Cycle

Instructional Goals and Objectives

Educational Objectives

Taxonomies of Educational Objectives

Models of Instruction

The Information Processing Family of Models

ASK YOURSELF: Are You a Critical Thinker?

The Social Family of Models

The Personal Family of Models

The Behavioral Systems Family of Models

Relationship Between Teaching and Learning

HISTORICAL NOTE: Polingaysi Qöyawayma


Professional Development Workshop

Chapter 15 • Standards and Assessment


Curriculum Standards

Performance Standards

Opportunity to Learn Standards


Purposes of Assessment


CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE: State and Federal Mandated Assessments

Standardized Assessment

Classroom Assessment

Criteria for Quality Assessment

Absence of Bias



Standards-Based Education and Assessment


Professional Development Workshop




Author Index

Subject Index

Get Foundations of American Education, 7th Edition by L. Dean Webb, Arizona State University Arlene Metha, Arizona State University K. Forbis Jordan, Arizona State University

Foundations of American Education, 7th Edition Test Bank, Download Foundations of American Education, 7th Edition , Foundations of American Education, 7th Edition Test Book, PDF Foundations of American Education, 7th Edition ,L. Dean Webb, Arizona State University Arlene Metha, Arizona State University K. Forbis Jordan, Arizona State University , L. Dean Webb, Arizona State University Arlene Metha, Arizona State University K. Forbis Jordan, Arizona State University

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