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Purchase Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook E-book Online

Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook

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Category : Biology

 Test Bank for Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by James Morris, Daniel Hartl, Andrew Knoll, Robert Lue, Melissa Michael, Andrew Berry, Andrew Biewener, Brian Farrell, N. Michele Holbrook

Instant download Test Bank for Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by James Morris, Daniel Hartl, Andrew Knoll, Robert Lue, Melissa Michael, Andrew Berry, Andrew Biewener, Brian Farrell, N. Michele Holbrook after payment
Table of contents: 1. Life: Chemical, Cellular, and Evolutionary Foundations
Case 1 The First Cell: Life’s Origins
2. The Molecules of Life
New coverage of functional groups
3. Nucleic Acids and Transcription
Nucleotides now shown at physiological pH
4. Translation and Protein Structure
Amino acids now shown at physiological pH
5. Organizing Principles: Lipids, Membranes, and Cell Compartments
6. Making Life Work: Capturing and Using Energy
7. Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Energy from Carbohydrates and Other Fuel Molecules
8. Photosynthesis: Using Sunlight to Build Carbohydrates
The story of the evolution of photosynthesis now brought together in a single major section at the end of the chapter (Section 8.5).
Case 2: Cancer: When Good Cells Go Bad
9. Cell Signaling
10. Cell and Tissue Architecture: Cytoskeleton, Cell Junctions, and Extracellular Matrix
Chapters 9 and 10 have been streamlined to better match our mission statement.
11. Cell Division: Variations, Regulation, and Cancer
Case 3 You, From A to T: Your Personal Genome
12. DNA Replication and Manipulation
New inclusion of the trombone model of DNA replication
Addition of CRISPR technology
13. Genomes
Expanded coverage of retrotransposons and reverse transcriptase
14. Mutation and DNA Repair
15. Genetic Variation
16. Mendelian Inheritance
A new How Do We Know? figure explaining Mendel’s experimental results
17. Inheritance of Sex Chromosomes, Linked Genes, and Organelles
18. The Genetic and Environmental Basis of Complex Traits
19. Genetic and Epigenetic Regulation
New discussion of the mechanism of X-inactivation
20. Genes and Development
Case 4 Malaria: Coevolution of Humans and a Parasite
21. Evolution: How Genotypes and Phenotypes Change Over Time
An expanded discussion of nonrandom mating and inbreeding depression
22. Species and Speciation
23. Evolutionary Patterns: Phylogeny and Fossils
Addition of the effect of mass extinctions on species diversity
24. Human Origins and Evolution
Updated discussion of the relationship between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, as well as Denisovans
25. Cycling Carbon
Significantly revised link between the carbon cycle, biodiversity, and ecology
Case 5 The Human Microbiome: Diversity Within
26. Bacteria and Archaea
27. Eukaryotic Cells: Origins and Diversity
New branching order of the eukaryote tree in this chapter and onward to reflect new research in the past three years
28. Being Multicellular
Case 6 Agriculture: Feeding a Growing Population
29. Plant Structure and Function: Moving Photosynthesis onto Land
A new discussion of plant nutrients
30. Plant Reproduction: Finding Mates and Dispersing Young
An enhanced discussion of seeds, including the development of the embryo and dispersal structures
New coverage of the genetic advantages of alternation of generations
Addition of apomixis
31. Plant Growth and Development
The section on the role of plant sensory systems in the timing of plant reproduction has been moved from Chapter 30 to Chapter 31.
32. Plant Defense: Keeping the World Green
33. Plant Diversity
Completely revised explanation of the basis for angiosperm diversity
Plant and animal diversity chapters (Chapters 33 and 44) now include a brief review of organismal form and function, allowing these chapters to be used on their own or before the physiology chapters.
34. Fungi: Structure, Function, and Diversity
Case 7 Predator-Prey: A Game of Life and Death
Brief descriptions of unfamiliar organisms and the major groups of organisms have been layered into the animal physiology chapters, to make it easier to teach physiology before diversity (Chapters 35-42).
35. Animal Nervous Systems
36. Animal Sensory Systems and Brain Function
37. Animal Movement: Muscles and Skeletons
38. Animal Endocrine Systems
39. Animal Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
A new section on the composition of blood
40. Animal Metabolism, Nutrition, and Digestion
41. Animal Renal Systems: Water and Waste
42. Animal Reproduction and Development
New diagrams of hormone feedback loops in the menstrual cycle
43. Animal Immune Systems
A new introduction to the immune system
Case 8 Biodiversity Hotspots: Rain Forests and Coral Reefs
44. Animal Diversity
A new discussion of nematodes
Introduction of a newly-discovered species, Dendrogramma enigmatica
45. Animal Behavior
46. Population Ecology
A new population growth equation
47. Species Interactions, Communities, and Ecosystems
A new discussion of facilitation
An expanded discussion of herbivory
A new example of microbial symbionts
A new discussion of biodiversity and its importance
48. Biomes and Global Ecology
Product Descriptions: Language: English
ISBN-10: 1464126097
ISBN-13: 978-1464126093
ISBN-13: 9781464126093
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Get Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook by Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook

Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook Test Bank, Download Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook , Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook Test Book, PDF Biology How Life Works 2nd Edition by Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook ,Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook , Morris Hartl Knoll Lue Michael Berry Biewener Farrell Holbrook

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