vendredi 21 décembre 2018

Purchase Cengage Advantage Books The American Pageant 15th Edition E-book Online

Cengage Advantage Books The American Pageant 15th Edition

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Category : Others

Product Description:

Developed to meet the demand for a low-cost, high-quality history book, this economically priced version of THE AMERICAN PAGEANT, Fifteenth Edition, offers readers the complete narrative while limiting the number of features, photos, and maps. All volumes feature a paperback, two-color format for those seeking a comprehensive, trade-sized history text. THE AMERICAN PAGEANT enjoys a reputation as one of the most popular, effective, and entertaining texts in American history. The colorful anecdotes, first-person quotations, and trademark wit bring American history to life. The fifteenth edition includes markedly deeper explorations of the cultural innovations, artistic movements, and intellectual doctrines that have engaged and inspired Americans and shaped the course of American history. Additional features of THE AMERICAN PAGEANT help you understand and master the content: chapter-ending chronologies provide a context for the major periods in American history, while other features present global context and key historical figures for analysis. Available in the following split options: CENGAGE ADVANTAGE BOOKS: THE AMERICAN PAGEANT, Fifteenth Edition Complete, Volume 1: To 1877, and Volume 2: Since 1865.

Table of contents:

1. New World Beginnings 33,000 B.C.E.-1769 C.E.
2. The Planting of English America 1500-1733.
3. Settling the Northern Colonies 1619-1700.
4. American Life in the Seventeenth Century 1607-1692.
5. Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution 1700-1775.
6. The Duel for North America 1608-1763.
7. The Road to Revolution 1763-1775.
8. America Secedes from the Empire 1775-1783.
9. The Confederation and the Constitution 1776-1790.
10. Launching the New Ship of State 1789-1800.
11. The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic 1800-1812.
12. The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism 1812-1824.
13. The Rise of a Mass Democracy 1824-1840.
14. Forging the National Economy 1790-1860.
15. The Ferment of Reform and Culture 1790-1860.
16. The South and the Slavery Controversy 1793-1860.
17. Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy 1841-1848.
18. Renewing the Sectional Struggle 1848-1854.
19. Drifting Toward Disunion 1854-1861.
20. Girding for War: The North and the South 1861-1865.
21. The Furnace of Civil War 1861-1865.
22. The Ordeal of Reconstruction 1865-1877.

Product Details:

Language: English
ISBN-10: 1133959725
ISBN-13: 978-1133959724
ISBN-13: 9781133959724

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