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Table of Content:
Word 2013:
1: Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with a Picture.
2: Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources.
3: Creating a Business Letter with a Letterhead and Table.
PowerPoint 2013:
1: Creating and Editing a Presentation with Pictures.
2: Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt.
3: Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media and Animation.
Excel 2013:
1: Creating a Worksheet and a Chart.
2: Formulas, Functions, and Formatting.
3: Working with Large Worksheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis.
Access 2013:
1: Databases and Database Objects: An Introduction.
2: Querying a Database.
3: Maintaining a Database.
Outlook 2013:
1: Managing Email Messages with Outlook.
2: Managing Calendars with Outlook.
Product Details:
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1305408985
ISBN-13: 978-1305408982
ISBN-13: 9781305408982
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